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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. he says thank you and I forgot to mention that he was happy to be on "the fishing site",lol
  2. hey,at least you didn't get skunked
  3. great shots Brandon,really like the last one.
  4. thanks guys and am very proud of him for sure
  5. wow,what an idiot. Sorry to hear about the fisherman
  6. good for you for doing the right thing.Need more people like you
  7. Took the oldest boy down to fish tonight.After his reel failing him the other day I told him I would hook one and hand him my rod.We got down there and it was a perfect evening. Not even 5 minutes after we started I got a fish on.I handed him the rod and stood back.I offered suggestions as he went and I have to say he did a great job.He let it run when it wanted to and held it when he should.I was very impressed with how he fought this fish.Here is some pics throughout the fight ending with one very happy young man. After that it was my turn and go figure that was the only fish of the night.I don't care,I caught plenty of carp this week and this night was about him.He loved fighting a bigger fish and wants more.
  8. oh I don't know Bly,you guys seem to be doing just fine with what you are using,lol
  9. thanks guys and Rich,I actually let him go to get bigger
  10. With my son at his moms for the weekend and the older boy at a birthday party I decided to sneak back down after the rain stopped for a bit.It still rained lightly on and off but was well worth going.Here are a couple pics of when I arrived. The fishing was a little slow but did end up with this bass. I did manage one good size carp but lost him at shore.When I got him in I noticed he had wrapped himself in my line and as I went down to grab him he took off again.I grabbed my rod but not soon enough as the line snapped.Oh well, can't catch them all.Here is a pic of my rod during the fight. I had one more fish which did not fight like a carp or a bass so I was surprised when I got this one in. All 3 fish were caught on corn bottom fishing.That is what I love about the Grand, you never know what you will get.While down there I was treated to a great sunset so I took a lot of pics.Here are some,hope you enjoy.I did.
  11. try using photobucket.I find it an easy site to use and easy to get pics onto here
  12. thanks guys,I keep telling him not to worry or get upset about it.It is called fishing not catching after all.I told him the next time we go I will hand my rod over to him when I get one on.
  13. wow,what an experience. glad it had a happy ending
  14. too bad you didn't get any,good luck on the weekend
  15. good luck,hope the weather cooperates
  16. With school off for the day the oldest boy wanted to go fishing as he really wants to catch a big carp.So off we went bright and early to our spot and started fishing.Here is a pic of the attention he pays to his rod,lol. After a little while he gets one on and quickly has his line snap as his reel is kinda messed up and does not let drag out right.Here is a pic of him after losing one. Time for a new reel for him.I get a hit shortly after and fight is on.This thing took line out like crazy and was really hard to even budge.I couldn't really tell how big it was then as you always get weeds all over your line adding to the weight.When I finally got the fish close enough to shore it came up for the first time I could not believe what I saw.This was a huge fish for this spot.I started freaking a little as I did not want to lose it.I finally got it in and after a few pics it was released to catch again.This was by far my biggest one yet and a ton of fun to catch.Anyway here are the pics. After seeing that the boy wants to go out and try as much as possible which is fine with me.I know there have been bigger carp on here but I don't think I did too bad with a 6 foot rod,sinkers,hook and some corn,lol.I am officially addicted!
  17. sorry to hear but it sounds like you did the right thing for Magic
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