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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. well done,some nice ones there
  2. Thanks again guys. Roy,was doing up a roast in the slow cooker and started it too late in the day which meant I had free/fishing time while waiting. It was worth the wait
  3. wow,those are some great shots.Thanks for part2.enjoyed
  4. thanks guys,don't know why I didn't fish it earlier as it is almost a sure bet to get a carp
  5. nice fish,sounds like you had a productive day,congrats
  6. While waiting for the roast to cook in the slow cooker I decided to go down for an hour or so.I ended up catching 3 more carp in about an hour and a half.Nothing big but fun to catch any way.Here are some pics. Got home in time to finish cooking the roast.Here are 3 more pics I took while walking my son to school.
  7. nice report and pics,look forward to part 2
  8. always good just to get out.Hope your ribs get better soon
  9. four days in a row,congrats.Good ending to your birthday
  10. some nice bass,never hurts to try something different
  11. that was an amusing read,thanks for sharing
  12. you guys are funny,lol.Second attempt worked,sorry bout that
  13. Went fishing this morning for a bit.Water was up and weather was a little cold and windy. Saw a few jump but no takers.Cast out one last time and got a solid hit.Line takes off and fight is on.To make a long story short this one fought like crazy and took a while to come in. I didn't have a scale but he measured around 26 inches.Was wondering if anyone can take a rough guess as to what the weight might be? This is my 5th big fish in 4 days from this spot,not back for being a 5 minute walk from my house.Hope this one shows up as my first post did not.
  14. post did not show up for some reason
  15. sounds like a great day,look forward to the pics
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