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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Have a great day Girl. Make sure Fishindevil does EVERYTHING for you today Joey
  2. Here's a pic I took while we were driving back from Queenston on a Sunday morning. We decided to call it a day after being skunked and the weather didn't look too good, so we packed her up and started driving home at 10:00 a.m. So the pic is looking out of the windshield on the passenger side of the truck. You can see the windshield wiper at the bottom of the windshield, then red tail lights in front of us and then the line where the cloud meets the top of the horizon and on the left of the pic are headlights coming down the opposite side of the highway. Its too bad there was such a reflection in the windshield, because that was a pretty scary sight at 10 in the morning. That storm did spawn tornadoes and alot of people on the lower Niagara had a hard time getting off at the ramp I remember because of the line up when everyone realized it was going to be a bad storm. Joey
  3. Here's a couple from Lakair last year. Joey
  4. I think these two may be related. Joey
  5. Glad you're back. Hope everything on the homefront is okay. Joey
  6. Great report Grant. Looks like they're on for sure. Way to go Your thread title reminds me of a t-shirt I saw. It said: Its all about me, me, me, get over it! Joey
  7. Well Happy Birthday to everyone having a birthday tomorrow and this weekend There, that should cover it Glad you two are back! Joey
  8. Kinda foggy and windy down by the water too! Camera 5 Joey
  9. No, I've met both, not the same person! Joey
  10. Welcome Lovefishin, you'll find lots of good tips and info here. Get to know people here and have fun. Joey
  11. Awesome Tony, I'll be sure to tune in. I'm sure you took a pic of your steelie with OFNcommunity.com for Team 2 right Joey
  12. I missed you Rizzo. I've been wondering how your Barbie sled has been holding up this season too Joey
  13. Right on Snag. That's a beauty fish. How hard was your heart pounding? Great report. Joey
  14. Welcome Steve. You'll love it here. Joey
  15. Ya, I know you're excited to go Roy. Joey
  16. Gotta work Pete, otherwise I'd love to go. Joey
  17. Great idea Gary. Give us something to look forward to Joey
  18. Canned corn kernels. Worked like a charm Joey
  19. Bring on the sun dresses, skirts, tank tops and heels I'm ready Joey
  20. Go Deep!!! Joey
  21. I say Ra pa la, and have a Rapala shirt that I wear fishing, and people always mis-pronounce it (or pronounce it the way they think is right). Then the usual discussion ensues about how its supposed to be pronounced. Ahhhh, I miss Summer and those dang arguments about my shirt Joey
  22. Holy crap, that's huge. Paul will love those pics (not). Half of those containers are probably on the way to the yard he works in Joey
  23. It won't matter, you'll need so much bug repellant you might as well wear long johns Joey
  24. Lex, I remember this post from the summer. You are so lucky your dog didn't become musky bait. What the heck would you have done then? Saved the dog or the musky
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