Here's a pic I took while we were driving back from Queenston on a Sunday morning. We decided to call it a day after being skunked and the weather didn't look too good, so we packed her up and started driving home at 10:00 a.m. So the pic is looking out of the windshield on the passenger side of the truck. You can see the windshield wiper at the bottom of the windshield, then red tail lights in front of us and then the line where the cloud meets the top of the horizon and on the left of the pic are headlights coming down the opposite side of the highway. Its too bad there was such a reflection in the windshield, because that was a pretty scary sight at 10 in the morning. That storm did spawn tornadoes and alot of people on the lower Niagara had a hard time getting off at the ramp I remember because of the line up when everyone realized it was going to be a bad storm.