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Everything posted by Joey

  1. That's fantastic Maureen. Great stuff. Joey
  2. Hahahaha, does it ever look like that. Maybe he has two sweaters, but you'd think he'd have a larger fish picture on the sweater for all those takes with the camera he'd have to make. Looks like a beauty day compared to here G. And you got fish Joey
  3. Holy smokes Gerritt, your wife must have had some good calcium intake while preggers, look at the length of the fingernails. Neato. Great pics. Joey
  4. Happy Birthday. Beauty Fish and Beauty photos. Joey
  5. That's a really good pic Bookoobeast. I'm kind of partial to this one. That's me sitting there while ice fishing on Simcoe one year. I think DouG took it when I was unaware. It's seems so peaceful. Joey
  6. Ahhhh, see I did not know this. Okay, thanks Slowpoke. I'll remember that next time. Joey
  7. Hahaha, just playing the game Dan Don't hate the player, hate the game And after you can't change your pics on Fantasy Auto Racing, you can see everyone's pics, so I usually see who people picked and just generally check things out. Gotta be in the know, you know Joey
  8. WOW!!! It's great to have you around here G. I love all your posts - Mr. Wiggly. Joey
  9. OMG, what a picture Thanks for the laugh, but why did you put Tony's head on your vacation picture?
  10. Love your Nascar pics Dan. C'mon admit it, come out now, you'll feel better once you do
  11. Well I've just read all the posts and the only conclusion I have come to is that Eastern Steelheader is one very selfish person. Go find a selfish website, we're not interested in your crap here. Joey
  12. oooooooooohhhhh, a fishing icon on my team, wooohooooo Way to go Tony. Joey
  13. Another great report Scott. Beauty fish. Joey
  14. Oh, darn it, those were my favorite, now what am I gonna have for dinner Joey
  15. Well that SUCKS! At least its not just me. Joey
  16. Hmmmm, thanks Trophymuskie. But after I did that it only shows a green butterfly and nothing else. I tried the colour combo you showed before, and that doens't work either. Frustrating. Joey
  17. I can't poke a hole in the box with the screwdriver? What am I doing wrong? Joey
  18. I've never heard of the deer whistle. I have heard of these shoorue but krikey, I don't live in Australia. Joey
  19. Those are great pics. And I can see the raccoon just fine. Got a family of my own of them still hassling me. Thanks for sharing. Joey
  20. Dang, I did it again. Tybo's gonna catch up to me in post count if I'm not more careful Joey
  21. I like the Pro Z, its Sexy B!!! Joey
  22. Its just you Joey
  23. Blush Well I also miss your walrus (or was it a seal) Joey
  24. Fantasy Auto Racing Team is Nascarfish Joey
  25. What, did you buy a vowel Snag? Joey
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