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Everything posted by Joey

  1. That site just crashed my computer I couldn't get out of it or minimize it. Joey
  2. Just saw this in the Toronto Sun today. Wonder if it will work. boycott gas Joey
  3. SECOND, what picture could have topped that Your pictures are always first place as far as I'm concerned. Whenever I see a thread started by you I look at it to see if there's pictures in it. Way to go Dan. Joey
  4. Truely awesome! A BIG thanks to everyone involved! I'm proud to call each and every one of you a friend. Okay, I need a tissue now Joey
  5. Wow, that's really cool Cliff, really neat that they landed right on your hands. Thanks for sharing that. Joey
  6. Awesome pictures. Those are weird dem dere dinosaur eggs. Joey
  7. No problem Blake, my thoughts are with you and your family. How bout a nice picture of her in your post!! Joey
  8. I feel your pain. I went out today and saw a car at the top of the hill I was coming up on with his tail lights on, I thought, great, its backed up all the way to the top of the hill. But nooo, when I get to the top of the hill, there is only him and me and he's breaking all the way down the hill, at least 500 ft before the lights. Then he turns right (I had to turn right too) and it was a painfully slow turn, then same thing as you, leaves 20 car lengths between him and the car in front. I finally passed him and kept watching as cars were almost getting into accidents trying to get around him. Stay home or take the bus or back roads if your scared, Sheesh. Joey
  9. Nice report. I love seeing other species of fish. Cool, thanks. Joey
  10. In regards to the first question, I think the guy would be losing more money by shutting down and not selling gas for the night only to reopen in the morning at higher prices. Why would he have to wait until the morning to jack the price up anyhow. He could jack it up any time he wanted. Joey
  11. Do you have your Ontario Fishing Community.com paper and a tape measure Oops, guess the fish you'll be catching down there won't qualify Have fun Jamie. Take LOTS of pics. Joey
  12. What a shame! Joey
  13. Glad your okay G. Any damage near you? Joey
  14. Wow, super report. Nice looking bows there. Congrats!! Joey
  15. Oh ya, I forgot about the Jeans, ha ha ha. That was funny Joey
  16. It started in Richmond Hill about 1/2 an hour ago and its BAD!. Roads already covered and the wind is ferocious. Joey
  17. Dang! I'm going to have to check who's logged in once in awhile around here. I keep upping Tybo's post count Joey
  18. Awwwwwww, what a sweetie. The kids will be thrilled. Joey
  19. What a great report Sam. Geez, I wish my dad would have pulled me out of school for fishing when I was young But I guess since we did enough of it on weekends, its all good Joey
  20. Great pictures Wayne. Now imagine being stranded on a deserted island and a house just washes up on shore Joey
  21. Um, I don't think your measly 22.75 inches is going to cut it Rick. See Team 2 Stats Joey
  22. Great report. Nice lakers there. Joey
  23. Sam, I thought Tybo was singing a beatles song, cause everytime I mentioned your entry for our team, he just kept going, "yeah, yeah, yeah!" Awesome. Joey
  24. So that's what that heavy breathing noise and hot breath on the back of my neck was Here's my pic of that thar scenario. Joey
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