Van Halen Shark Fishing - Cool.
Thanks Mark.
Did you see the other thread by Nelly
Guns N Roses Muskie Hunting
Apparently 70's rock music makes fishing better
Just kidding. That was neat. I'd love to try it.
Thanks, those were pretty cool. It just goes to show you that fish are really not as skittish as is thought. They didn't even move until the camera came right up and banged on them. Interesting.
I saw this thread early this morning, but waited until I got to work and had my coffee and breafast in front of me so I could enjoy it, and enjoy it I did.
What an awesome report Bunk. Fantastic.
Always look forward to them.
Mmmmmmm, and have 911 ready on the speed dial for when the ole ticker kicks it
When we were young, my friend and I used to cook the bacon, then fry the toast in it. God it was good, but of course now that would be a no no!
I just tried a new one Wayne, and it was delicious. It was with rainbow trout fillets tho.
It was for 4 fillets so you can adjust if you are using less or more.
You took 6 tbsp of light mayo
1 tbsp of lemon juice
1 tbsp of white wine
1 clove of garlic minced
salt and pepper
Herbs you like: I added garlic and onion powder and dill
I also added about 20 capers
Mix together to make it spreadable and then spread on the flesh side (not skin side) of the filet.
Broil 4 inches from broiler element until done - about 5 minutes depending on thickness.
Watch it tho as it tends to get a bit dark and you don't want it to burn, so I turned it down for a bit to let it cook then back to broil for another minute at the end til it bubbled a bit on the top.