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Everything posted by Joey

  1. I never use a tripod B!
  2. I had to laugh, my son got me this for Christmas, it's actually a thermal cup IMG_3349 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3350 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  3. Nice, a bit out of focus but you'll get the hang of it B
  4. Wow, foggy out there this morning!!!

    1. misfish


      Yup sure is hard to see that white car in front of ya.LOL

    2. irishfield


      Yep... almost got a guy in a full size white GMC coming up Robert St.. no lights.. no markers nothing.

    3. irishfield


      They're all so use to their automatic lights.. but you'd think when they pull up behind another idiot they can't see that they'd turn their lights on!


  5. Very impressive, nice captures
  6. Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio, Smokin Joe has left and gone away, hey hey hey!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joey
    3. Joey


      How about: Are you going to Scarborough Fair, Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme :) Been jiving to the music the last few days :)


    4. John


      Remember me to the one who lives there. For once she was a true love of mine.....

  7. Remember when our parents used to drive drunk all the time and we never wore seat belts !!!!!!
  8. LOL!
  9. Joey


    Ummmmm, no thanks. As fun as it looks, I don't think I could do it! But hey, had some pretty hairy days on Bay of Quinte like that, Paul jumping the waves and we both giggled and went woohooo all the way back to the lodge
  10. Wow, those dogs look great Lately I've had a hankering for that smoked salmon/lox, so as I've progressed with my addiction to it, I now buy a nice baguette, one of those long ones, then cut it into smaller pieces of course, then toast up two pieces. Then I take an avacado and make a quacamole (just basically smush up half of the avacado and add garlic, salt and pepper.) So then after the toast is done, I put butter, cream cheese, then the quac, then I put chopped up red onions, the smoked salmon and some capers. Yummmmmmmm!!!!
  11. Wow, they look like footballs Love the color, bet they tasted great. Well done !!!
  12. Cool, well not the snow part, but the ribs look delish!
  13. Awesome, can't wait to get out there
  14. Agreed Lew, the Pike tastes pretty much the same as the pickerel up there. Those fish fries are something I look forward to every year:)
  15. It's all in your're driving skills. I took a Defensive driving course and one time I was driving home from work, in the snow, and someone cut me off. I had two choices, slam on the breaks and hit him or floor it and drive around him, which I learned in the coarse. At first I slammed on the breaks and after realizing that was only going to lead to a collision, I floored it and got around him!!
  16. Damn that looks good. Sorry to hear about the shed and BBQ, but at least nobody was hurt. Damn, now I'm hungry
  17. Storm vids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QkGHi4k1Jc&index=32&list=UUshjw2XZPRyqh0yrhtdHM8g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB7YsD_gNW0&list=UUshjw2XZPRyqh0yrhtdHM8g&index=16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK0GgN3Oafc&index=17&list=UUshjw2XZPRyqh0yrhtdHM8g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJUGbMWaL1k&index=25&list=UUshjw2XZPRyqh0yrhtdHM8g
  18. I have never in my life put winter/snow tires on my car and have never been in an accident in winter, nuf said! It's the driver.
  19. Darn, would have liked to see that! Thanks for the head up though, I'll keep an eye out.
  20. Damn, that sucks, hope it wasn't anyone from the board.
  21. This one is my fave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgP0aUKlmNw
  22. No, I'm not a morning person either. Paul calls us the crack of noon fishermen But I will get up early for ice fishing, otherwise, you can't find a parking spot !! And honestly, I've caught my biggest fish in the afternoon, so...........
  23. not sexist at all, thanks for the compliment
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