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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Actually he said to me I think the second year we were together, what do you want to do for your birthday and I say, I want to go fishing, so we went to his parent's cottage in Minden and took the canoe out and caught some bass, then bought the tinny, then the Tracker, then the Lund, so it's all my fault
  2. I say let's go, gotta get me a laker
  3. Hmmm, I'd say it's iffy at best, be careful please
  4. On that little table I'd say 12". I'll have to go measure
  5. Well how many inches do you think this is? IMG_3337 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  6. WHAT, how did you know where it was I got a pee bucket after that!!
  7. Still snowing here!!!!!!
  8. I used to love snow days
  9. Must have got 6 to 8 inches overnight. Between Paul and the dog snoring and farting and the snow plows, I'm up now Bet the snow plow guys are in heaven Me, not so much hahahahahaha!
  10. One year, while fishing for Salmon on a river up north, not a big river, lots of traffic, so when there was nobody around, I had to take a pee and as soon as the last boat went around the bend, I whipped down my pants and went over the side of the boat for a tinkle. Sure enough, a boat comes around the bend before I finished. As they passed by they said "Nice moon" hahahahaha.
  11. Wow, sweet. We did not make it this year, but have for at least the last 10 years, brings back great memories, thanks for sharing
  12. Yes, he is
  13. I've had good experiences on Kijiji. We sold the tracker and the old sled on Kijiji. The best one was the Tracker. The guy needed to drive it home so Paul let him keep the licence plates on the trailer and he promised to bring them back the next day. Was not sure that was going to happen, but he brought them back the next day with a case of beer for Paul for letting him borrow them to get home
  14. Well as long as they're fighting Foo, that's all that matters anyhow
  15. They're doing a marathon tonight if anyone is interested
  16. Anybody been enjoying the series "Sonic Highways" by the Foo Fighters? It's been on HBO, been really enjoying it myself. Dave Grohl is so good!! Just a heads up if nobody has heard of it!!
  17. No, it was his hand warmer LOL
  18. Wow, thanks Beavertail, I do try my best to get good pics. I'm a very patient person and also a seeker, so I try to go find them. I think I've done not too bad in the last few years. Those baby ones, with them learning to fly, I've got a ton of those, it was so cool to see. The nest was so far up though, it was hard to get get pics of them, but I'd drive by every day and if there was a good wind, they'd try to fly, it was so neat to watch
  19. Of course the front is cracked now after Terry made us jump over an unmarked shed hole
  20. simcoe010211 008 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  21. For Beavertail Got this couple "doing it" early this spring, then the male brought the female a mouse from the field after Such a nice guy hahahaha! IMG_7120 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_7248 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_7272 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Nice Kestrel pic: IMG_0154 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Nice Coopers: IMG_0117 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Osprey IMG_1335 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_1316 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Red Tailed IMG_7617 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Red tailed baby learning to fly IMG_6741 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Momma: IMG_6389 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr Another Coopers on a cold day, see his breath IMG_6035 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr I could go on forever, but won't bore you all with my birds of prey. I have too many Thanks for your interest. Joey
  22. Thanks, actually, my aunt was so thrilled with the snowy owl pics, I framed them and gave them to her for her birthday. My walls already have too many pics on them, no room for anymore, so I don't bother.
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