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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Always take a picture of the first fish you get, no matter how small
  2. love this song right now https://vimeo.com/78239816
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrdpliMfoAM
  4. I have alot of songs on my iphone, and every time "Where is my mind" by the Pixies comes on, I catch a fish, it's weird!
  5. That's a big body of water. I don't even like fishing it in the summer and have never been to the "blue zone." Have had some bad experiences on that lake and thank God Paul has exceptional boat experience and got us back to shore safe and sound. Think I'll pass on this one. Be careful out there if you do go.
  6. LOL, turned out great, I like it, cost alot but they always charge women more than men, and I had highlights, which is expensive. A quick pic, not the most flattering but you get the idea Hope your covert operations go well!! FullSizeRender (8) by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  7. Very nice, looks like good day. Lots of snow up there for sure from the last pic - wow!!!!
  8. Any word on finding the sled yet bud?
  9. I got the refund email too, except they had it as Revenue Canada Agency, which I knew was wrong as in my business I deal with CRA all the time. So I sent them a nice (not) return email telling they they were idiots and if they're going to pull a scam, at least get the name of the government right. Have not heard from them since.
  10. Joey


    That is a great pic Lew
  11. Joey

    Close up

    Well it is illegal to feed them, but still cool that he comes up to you
  12. Joey

    Close up

    Cool, I've tried for a couple of years to get a good Sandhill Crane shot, but so far, nada. Nice shot!
  13. Oh man, I feel your pain, sorry for your loss bud, losing a pet really sucks. They are like our children and we love them so much
  14. When I was a kid when we lived in Flin Flon, mom and dad used to take us up to a lake and we'd put out some kernel corn on a hook, using the pocket fisherman, and other times it was always just the Red Devil Good memories
  15. Now that just looks so tasty!!! I may have to make some of my own
  16. Hence the reason we did not venture out yesterday or today Got my hair done instead
  17. Sorry to hear about your troubles with the health care system Cliff. I agree, how can a dog get an MRI faster than a human??? Hope Sue gets her results and all is well. Take care you two
  18. Well looks like fishing is out tomorrow :( I made sandwiches and wentto bed early only to hear the wind. Gusting to 60 kph tomorrow :(

  19. Oh Emil, that sucks, the walking part I mean, nice that you actually caught fish. pm me as Paul likes to go out more than I do and we have a snowmobile so you two could go out together
  20. Found these two in my front yard today IMG_9185 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9251 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  21. Joey


    That's way cool!
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