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Everything posted by Joey

  1. That'll buff right out
  2. Cool looking river. Would love to have that in my backyard. You'll figure the fish out in there the longer you fish it. Nice owwie on the arm. Looks like something I'd do
  3. That sucks Mike, the rules seem pretty silly to me. You've won on OFC anyhow Danna
  4. Cool report Chris
  5. Some beauty fish there, well done
  6. Way to go Fidel, awesome report and some beauty fish there
  7. Wow, nice
  8. Awesome report Nick
  9. Done, good luck
  10. Cool!
  11. Hahahaha, cool
  12. What a great story Drew. I'm upset about that video though, some people have no respect for wildlife. Hope karma got them back! Red sure is a cutie
  13. Those are really nice B!
  14. Cool video Simon
  15. Love it
  16. Here's another, with Iggy pop
  17. Saw this on tv this aft, was awesome. Any Chrissie Hynde fans out there?
  18. I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway, I am not your carpet ride, I am the sky

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      One of my favourite songs by one of my favourite 'super bands'. So sad I never got to see them live.

    3. Joey


      Awesome, wishI could have seen them too. I heard they did get back together?


    4. Acountdeleted


      I heard soundgarden got back together but Tom Morrello has his own band in the night watchmen. I hope they do get back together.

  19. Here is the obituary: http://yourlifemoments.ca/sitepages/obituary.asp?oid=873112
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss Les My thoughts are with you. RIP Kevin Cameron!!!
  21. Switch the salt with the sugar, makes your dad angry when he makes his morning coffee
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