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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. I enjoyed reading your report...pics are great...nice mix of fish too. Splenda is a sweetie, he looks like such a happy little guy. Good job
  2. Very nice Photoz...it pays to b i t c h, that's why we women do it all the time.
  3. Yep...cute for sure. Bet ya can't wait until you three make the long fishing trips...it will happen faster than you think.
  4. WOW...congrats to your daughter....that's one happy little girl. Gee...if she can do it, so can I...great report and pics.
  5. Oh my...lol...I just got the giggles reading that...what a day...Beans are you ok? Honestly...please don't find this rude of me but that just has me in stitches. You wrote that so well Hometown. Despite how comical that struck me...I am happy and relieved as I am sure you both are that all worked out well.
  6. Interesting read...at least you got fish..and Red sure adds to the story.
  7. Nice report Mike...love the pics...congrats to your daughter on her Pike...nothing like hearing little Angel voices belting out a song.
  8. Excellent report...thanks for sharing. Pics are excellent...the bears are huge...congrats on your PB.... nice sunsets too...but I don't miss that white stuff.
  9. Honesty will get ya a bigger one!!
  10. 93 years young!!! wooohoooo. Thanks for sharing.
  11. thuh, thump, thuh, thump...that's my heart....I don't know how some of you guys can do stuff like that. I mean excellent fishing trip you had...but staying when you know the bear was there...and then waking up to it...c r a p...I think I am going to have bad dreams tonight. Great read...and great pics...the black and white one is excellent.
  12. ssshhhhh, be good Nancy...be good.
  13. Cute pics of your little guy.
  14. Congrats Mike...very nice.
  15. Nice read...and great turn-around for your weekend.
  16. Great day you both had. Congrats on your PB. Are you or SP not on an OFC Tourney Team?
  17. Skin So Soft from Avon...the oil...yep it works. Have heard about the Listerine from quite a few people too...haven't yet tried it though.
  18. That is a beast...congrats...hope you win some $$$$.
  19. Enjoyed reading your report...love the pics...especially the ones of you waiting haha...I wonder if Cliff could use that pic...is there not anything you could do while waiting?
  20. That just made my head itchy...unreal!!
  21. First time I've seen it....thanks for sharing Mike.
  22. Excellent report...Congratulations to you both...enjoyed the pics and the read. Invite Jessy to join OFC...we need more women
  23. Great report...nice pics too...your brother is just a "big hunk of fudge" lol
  24. Congrats on you PB...measuring tape is missing...so I'm guessing 22.5"...cute toes btw.
  25. Hi John...I received confirmation from Lakair yesterday that all the cabins are rented...but they do still have space in the tenting area. Not sure about the boats...but if you do go to their site and give them a call...I'm sure they would help you out. Good Luck
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