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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. What a great smile you are sporting there I think I know where you were...if so, I've been there and congrats to you on one nice fish
  2. I ordered one...didn't go the Pay Pal route...thanks again everyone.
  3. For the first time in a very long time, diesel is cheaper than gas...I filled up at 122.7 (thank you God) and gas (unleaded) was listed at 127.9
  4. Happy Birthday Cliff...hope you have a great day.
  5. I do like the idea of a low limit credit card. Thank you guys.
  6. The September OFC E-Magazine has an article on a great new little tool that I want to purchase...UNHOOKUM...but I will have to go through Pay Pal. I have never done this before...should I be concerned is my question.
  7. All the best to you....just don't get a girl pregnant (some Momma talk) hehe Danbo...are you an alien? Come on fess up. haha
  8. Diesel went down 4 cents today in my neck of the woods...now sitting at 122.9 I'm just going to believe that it will stay like that until I can fill up.
  9. Congrats on the New House, won't be long and it'll be a Home.
  10. STUNNING SENIOR MOMENT A very self-important college freshman attending a recent football game took it upon himself, to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation. “You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one,” the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. “The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with DSL, processing...........” and, while pausing to take another drink of beer, the senior took advantage of the break in the student's litany and said: “You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young ..... so we invented them. Now, you arrogant little turd, what are you doing for the next generation? The applause was resounding...
  11. Tuff one....I have to agree with Joey....but don't put off your education for too long. At times are our own apprentice. Whatever you do...do something. All the best,
  12. What a fun read. BBB's nails should be spick & span. Congrats to you Sugarpacket.
  13. Nice Fish Bly
  14. So sorry for your loss...My condolences to you and the rest of the family. Those are great pictures, he is just glowing. I'm sure he's fishing
  15. A few days ago I had taken a little peek knowing that I would need to have more than just a few minutes to read your report entirely. My first thought when scanning quickly the pics and seeing the brilliant red colour on the fish was 'poor guy, something happened to his camera' Fantastic report!!!
  16. Somewhere Over The Rainbow.....great report and pics
  17. That was a great read...having an audience takes away from my concentration...you on the other hand did quite well.
  18. What a great day you all had, right down to Big Cliff's cart Congrats to Bly on her PB Muskie.
  19. Nice going Cliff....congrats! Fishing for salmon has got to be my favourite...
  20. Warm welcome to Shailah (such a pretty name) Congrats Papa & Nana Special how evident your love is for her....she is one blessed little girl.
  21. It's never too late to say 'congrats'. WTG
  22. Nice report and pics. Perseverance pays. Thanks for sharing.
  23. Sad, so sad. My condolences to Gary's family and friends. Rest In Peace Gary
  24. Thanks so much everyone...I will definitely go for 4 tires...not sure about the rims though...so much to choose from...at least I have some time to shop around locally (Ottawa area). BillM....I'll probably be in touch with you. And ChrisS, I will check out that shop in Morewood. Again...thank you all....I'll let you know what I eventually end up with and how much $$$. Nancy
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