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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. that was funny
  2. Awww leave him alone...golf is okay...peaceful...meet lots of snobs haha...did the Doc not say to have more s e x...that's exercise...you need an exercise that gets your heart rate going faster...not sure that golf is it...nor is sitting in a boat...walk the shoreline and fish...do some house cleaning...walk the dog...get roller blades...do something that gets you huffing and puffing and wanting more...haha
  3. Perhaps a separation/divorce agreement gone bad... lol
  4. I am leaning more towards New Zealand. It's only for a year. I can tell you that it's not so much the feelings of regret that I have, but more the "wondering" and the thoughts that I perhaps missed out on something great for myself....the what if's drive me crazy sometimes. Your nephew will miss you...and because he is so young, he will worry about you...so...involve him and when you can, if you can, send him messages, pics, whatever. He'll have lots to share at school for 'show and tell' lol You still have time to make $$$ Good Luck and let us know what you decide.
  5. Excellent pics Brandon...love the peek-a-boo baby owls.
  6. Can't hack the snow eh...lol All the best to you and your family, hope y'all make good friends but most of all "be happy".
  7. Always nice to watch the sun rise....great pics.
  8. Sounds very nice...would be ideal if you were able to rent it out on a more permanent basis, to perfect tenants of course. My parents have rented cottages in the past and it really varies in price. Waterfront, always is more $$ and so it should be. For example, they rented a two bedroom cottage for a week at $1,000. The next year, they rented a smaller cottage (2 bedroom)again for one week for $800.00, both were waterfront. Personally...I would consider renting your basement for a week...just trying to sort out in my mind what would be a fair price. I would be comfortable with $500.00 for the week...$250.00 for the weekend. When are you booking? lol And....I guess another question I have...is...if we were 4 people and brought a blow up mattress, is there room for the mattress and would you charge more? Don't answer yet...wait for more replies. Nancy
  9. lol...I was thinking of "fiddleheads"...hehehehe...
  10. What a great story...and what a nice looking dog!! Thanks for sharing that.
  11. They are good, put on some butter, salt and pepper...and leave some dirt on...really...we need to eat more dirt...I'm serious. I ate dirt as a kid...have never had a serious illness like the measles, mumps, etc etc...a Native Medicine Woman confirmed that to me years later...Natives know the richness that comes from the land...so go eat dirt everybody.
  12. A quick look and I thought I saw a club...yikes...haha...you are going to enjoy fly fishing, it really does make fishing that much more interesting...have fun
  13. Welcome....so you like it gentle huh... FYI....Winnie The Pooh has all the honey holes... It can get pretty heated here at times...but makes for great entertainment...pretty much like watching "The Three Stooges"...but overall, a great group of people...informative, fun, funny, and addictive.
  14. LONG summer was it....hahahahahaaaaaa sorry, couldn't resist I needed that laugh
  15. Happy Belated Birthday Doug...what prizes did you get?
  16. Enjoyed reading your report...great pics. You gotta love Tim. He is going to be making himself a bit more $$$ after his experience with you at least I hope he does.
  17. LOL...I love Newfies..they are so similar to Blondes.
  18. Happy Birthday Jen...it really does just keep getting better!!! Enjoy YOUR special day.
  19. My initial feeling when reading your first post was that 50% was too high of a discount. After reading the above...he has to "EAT" some of this as well. The fact that he has asked YOU to rebuild says much about his confidence in your skills. He made an error as well. Whether it's a 50/50 split or more/less that is between the two of you. When I waitressed...I had no sympathy nor tolerance for skammers. I recall approaching a customer a few minutes after delivering him his steak, and when I asked him if all was okay...he just looked at me and continued to chew...a few minutes later, with 3/4 of the steak gone, I again asked if all was okay....he said No...he was not happy. Heeellloooo you just consumed 3/4 of the steak.... I took it upon myself and refused to go to "bat" for him...and I didn't care if he ever came back. I am not suggesting your client is this way, but there are some "clients/customers" that you really don't care to ever see again. Your integrity does comes through. I wish you the best in this...but do not take the full burden...your client owns some of this as well.
  20. Makes it real huh...congrats to your family...4 months will zoom by. And like someone said...their is nothing like the smell and feel of a baby...will you remember how to hold him/her?... I held a little one a few weeks ago...cutest little man I have had the pleasure of having in my arms for many years now...I can't wait to be a Grandma...you are so blessed.
  21. It was a fake blonde moment...gotcha.
  22. lol...good ones
  23. for sure...I see she has a lot of room for deck chairs etc...
  24. I most certainly do not...although there is some grey...just a wee bit, blends in nice...never have dyed my hair. I'm insulted.
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