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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. aaahhhh...Mike the Bass Fisher is just trying to win a bet...and has pressure of being the youngest on Team 11...get some big ones Mike.
  2. You must be some happy to have that back in your possession. Quite the story too...the fire...folks sure did work hard back then. I wonder why no-one ever smiled in those days when being photographed? Thanks for sharing Lew.
  3. Great Report...but I gotta warn ya about drinking "Red Bull". Don't. Extremely high levels of caffeine and sugar in almost all of those 'energy' drinks. Doctor here in town educated us hockey parents and kids at the yearly banquet...drink water.
  4. Dave...I still remember salmon fishing with you (my first)...had my waders on standing in the water close to the deep hole...you were sitting on a chair...you asked if I could grab the fly on your line...you were dangling the line just in front of me...so...I go to reach for the fly...and it moves more towards the "deep hole"...I move to grab it...it moves farther...again I reach to grab it...and it moves even farther...at that point (really close now to falling into the deep hole) I turn to look at you and there you are with the biggest grin...and you call me nutz!!! I have great memories of fishing with you...
  5. Excellent report...enjoyed the "tennis match"
  6. lol....Grumpy Old Men comes to mind haha....great report
  7. Sorry Photoz..didn't mean for ya to get razzed over this...but it is funny The good news is......Yes we are going Carp fishing...June 14th as a matter of fact
  8. hahaha...me thinks you may be a little skeered that a gurl could wup your
  9. I enjoyed your report Jen...you have 3 very handsome young boys...and knowing how boys are (I have 3 brothers), thankfully they ALL got fish
  10. To take me CARP fishing with ya.
  11. Too tragic for words.
  12. Thanks a bunch Lew.
  13. Great report...nice pics.
  14. Wondering if you would post a link to the Lakair site. Thanks.
  15. Ahhhhhh....so tiny...good for you.
  16. Awesome...love the pics!!! The one of you and your baby looking into the aquarium should be framed.
  17. What a headache...but I am surprised that your Bank won't help you out...unless you are a fairly new client...otherwise speak to the manager...one of the tellers must be able to recognize and vouch for who you are. Good Luck.
  18. Nice report...thanks for sharing
  19. Congratualtions on being homeowners I have both life insurance and mortgage insurance. I felt that my life insurance wasn't enough to leave anything for my boys but it would cover the condo and any other "debts" I have. So....I pay an extra $13.00 a month to have my mortgage insured...worth it to me.
  20. Wow...that's quite the story...can't say that I'd be doing that...but then again who knows what "the change" will bring. LOL Thanks Everyone...can't wait to do it again.
  21. No problem Photoz....but you are going to be there...
  22. Love reading your reports...nice fish...and speaking of waders...I was really tempted to put mine on and retrieve my snagged lure...I still may do that.
  23. On my 50th BDay .. with pink leather chaps
  24. What a nice thing for you to do...looks like we may be getting more reports from ya...hope so.
  25. Thanks Everyone...my day got even better. As a thank you for helping me with the fish...Erika convinced me to ride with her on her motorcycle....last time I was on one was when I was 19 and the guy went very slow. Well...I had an hour and a half of pure freedom. I think I'm in for an awesome summer....fishing and riding.
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