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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. That's it. You northwestern Ontario guys burn my berries! Usually this time of year you are standing on 20plus inches of good ice and shoving copious quantities of walleye in our/my face. This year you are fishing from a boat and shoving copious quantities of walleye in our/my face, and I have to wait for a month (or more depending on the zone) to do the same???? Jerk Nice fish Simon. I hope this year is a blip that will be remembered for its uniqueness, and not as the start of a trend.
  2. There is, and can be, no expectation of privacy if you are out in public. I can take your picture. There are limits to what I can do with it however.
  3. Save your money, go downtown when the bars close. Lots of liquid courage, testosterone and very few braincells, that is entertainment.
  4. Boston scored 3 goals in under 2 minutes... Why is this Historic??? All the goals were scored during the same 2 minute power play!!! How is this possible??? Carolina was on the power play, and gave up 3 short-handed goals.
  5. And the blood is not even mine. Does it look like I puked twice in the 4 hours we were out???
  6. I use a head lamp to keep both hands free. Some people will use 2 coffee cans tied to their legs so that both hands are free as well. I remember reading any article about crawler picking in a fishing magazine that mentioned using a sheet of red cellophane over your light so that the worms would not "scare" as easy. I never tried it though. Careful with the "electro shock" the same article mentioned some sap who killed himself doing it.
  7. Me want boat! I'll look for him in the Dominican Rebuplic. The way I'm eating food down here I'm going need Jared's Subway diet.
  8. We've got to stop this. What's next? The Great Lakes? I wonder if the water from Rice can be used to top-up another water shed? I vote Nipissing. All of us here on OFC could form a hand bomb line from Rice to Nipissing. Our motto? One white bucket at a time!
  9. How many martinis did you have before this bear raid??? Maybe it was one raccoon, or two noisy red squirrels?
  10. No, we are not. I just about drop one in my shorts when I heard that though.
  11. Would that be a blow......nevermind.
  12. I hear ya. Once they figured what we would pay for water you had to know air was next.
  13. I guarantee that the boat is cheaper... and would last longer.
  14. Bugger? That is not what I call you.
  15. I wonder if that spot I grouse hunt up there will be dry this fall. First time for everything eh?
  16. You can just bring a couple sacrificial of cases of beer. Kidding, kidding.
  17. End of cheap beer??? Never! There are lots of cheap beers out there... some of them just cost more.
  18. Interesting quote: "Lake Nipissing's water level is actually about 30 centimetres above the long-term average based on a 48-year span" http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2512903 Ice soon to retreat from Lake Nipissing Posted By BRANDI CRAMER The Nugget Updated 9:30pm, March 29,2010 Place your bets, or at least your best guess. The ice will soon be gone from Lake Nipissing and if you're in a pool and relying on past results, you may want to reconsider. "This is exceptionally early," said Doug Desjardins, the person responsible with running the friendly pool at Royal Canadian Air Force Alliance 406 Squadron. Desjardins, who owns a cottage on Restoule Lake, figures the ice will be history there by the end of Easter weekend. As for Lake Nipissing, the 406 Wing pool has dates listed from April 16 to May 1. "I am not sure if we will make it to the 16th of April," he said. Last year Lake Nipissing was free of ice April 28 while Restoule Lake was ice-free April 22. Demarco's Confectionery also gives its customers a chance to prognosticate on the yearly melt. Its pool participants have mostly placed guesses from the beginning of April to about the 20th. "It's almost full," said Denise Ward, a clerk at the store. Walking along the shore of Lake Nipissing, people may wonder whether there will be enough water to take out a pleasure craft, with metres of sand already visible. Lake Nipissing's water level is actually about 30 centimetres above the long-term average based on a 48-year span, said Phil Hall with the Ministry of Natural Resources. "People look out on the lake and see sand and it looks low and it is compared to regular summer navigation levels," he said. Over the course of the winter, Lake Nipissing was drawn down four feet. "Starting Thanksgiving the lake is drawn down at a rate of about one centimetre a day. This creates a four-foot reservoir in the lake designed to catch spring runoff and normal spring rains. So we have room in the lake to accommodate it," Hall said. But because of this year's early spring-like conditions, Lake Nipissing dams owned by Ontario Public Works and Government Services Canada were closed about three weeks earlier than normal because there was little risk of flooding in the watershed. "Normally this time of year we have significant snowpack to melt," Hall said. But Mother Nature went light on the area and warmed up early leaving little runoff for the lake. "Most of the water in the lake will come from spring rains," Hall said. "The objective right now is to catch as much available precipitation to try and raise the lake another 80 centimetres." As of Monday, the water level of Lake Nipissing was at 194.98 metres above sea level. "By the long weekend in May we want to be at 195.75 above sea level," Hall said. Currently Lake Nipissing is rising slowly — about one centimetre a day — but that rate is starting to decline because of the lack of runoff and precipitation, despite the dams being closed. "We have had years like this before but we recovered because we had wet months in May and June," Hall said. "The last really dry year where the lake never recovered was 1999. If you recall that year, many area wells were going dry. Wells went dry that never did in the lifetime of people," Hall recalled. Flooding causes real damage while low water creates inconvenience, Hall said. "In the natural world water goes up and down and we have to learn to live with it best we can, because as I have said many times the biggest factor in the equation is precipitation, which we have no control over," he said. "We could have one good three-inch rainfall and things start rolling again. Gotta take what Mother Nature gives you." Hall's prediction for Lake Nipissing being clear of ice — April 15. For more information on Lake Nipissing or French River water levels call 1-866-763-2300. [email protected]
  19. My wife and I are heading to the Dominica Republic for 7 days sans our 15 month old son. I'll be bringing a pack rod, some tackle and a camera. We'll see what happens. I know I will come back with some nice photos, I just hope there are a few fish in them to. I hope to get out on a boat for at least a day as well. I think I have a handle on what type of lures to use, but I"m always willing to listen to advice, so chime in if you have some tips for this great (pasty) white fisherman.
  20. That son of a gun got real lucky twice!
  21. Ah. Another piece of the bigugli puzzle falls into place.
  22. Sounds very tasty! What is fat free half and half???
  23. I know that could have been serious, but the image of that made me laugh.
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