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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. more then likely they are emerald shinners ... they swarm into the creeks and rivers this time of year
  2. one of the cheapest places around is B&D Steel in Burlington (905) 332-4024 1150 Northside Road Burlington, ON L7M1W8 my brother sent me there for some tubing .. they have tons in stock
  3. hockey and fishing have alot in common actually .. your ultimate goal is to get as many in the net as you can
  4. FNC has definitly gone down hill .. they are grasping at straws to try and keep people watching ... they should just have Pete and Viola on there .. have a guest every ounce and a while and they would be doing better then they are now .. as far as Extreme Angler .. I just started tuning into their show and its not bad .. the only thing I would change is their little boat that pops up in the bottom of the screen and the annoying typwritter sound
  5. If the cashier missed the item thats their fault .. I would keep it and stock up on some more lures
  6. I was close ... but they still won
  7. Giants by 6
  8. only need to register the boat if it has 10hp or more .. if you ever do buy a larger boat have the guy write out the reciept individualy for the boat, motor and trailer as you will have to pay taxes on the boat when you register it not the whole package
  9. another ministry joke .. next thing ya know we are gonna have a fishing rod registry .. oops better not give em any ideas
  10. anyones game (Canada better play like they did in the first)
  11. I normaly bring alot out fishing with me ..portable hut .. auger .. spud .. porta potty(nothin worse then getting out there and my son needing to use the washroom)... tv .. fishfinder .. stove, frypan, fishcrisp just incase I get something .. but one of the most important things is my GPS .. been out many times and when its time to go you cant see shore because of a snow storm .. so bring a GPS or a compass to be sure to find your way back home .. I also mainly use wooden jigging sticks .. dont have to worry about the reels freezing up
  12. I pick Tucker .. just cause ..
  13. time to get the hut ready .. shouldnt be long till almost all the lakes will be ready
  14. Headed down to Picton for our annual fall outing .. stayed at the Picton Harbour Inn .. it started off slow and cold but we managed to get 4 later in the afternoon .. we were trolling in the morning at 1.4-1.9 mph without a strike .. anothe boat that was with us called over and got two to hit at 2.4 mph .. we bumped it up and sure enough we got 4 in an hour .. it turned what could have been a cold skunky weekend into a good final weekend on the open water.. makes me wonder how well we would have done if we sped up right from the start The "Furnace" The frozen rods The catch from the day Sunday morning was a little dissapointing .. the bay had started to freeze and with the smow we decided to just pack up the room and head back home Now its just waiting for some safe ice ... should be a nice long season
  15. It looks like it was definetly worth takin the day off .. some nice eyes there .. I will be sure to drop in on Friday for lure colors.. gps locations .. trolling speeds and any other info i can get :-)
  16. If its still there after this weekend get Sam to grab it for ya and I will grab it from Sams store next weekend ... work in Brantford ... so pickup should be no prob
  17. goin to be a while yet for ice .. got a trip to Quinte in a few weeks so lets wait till the new year before we start talkin ice checks
  18. If you realized alot of people were peeved and it was gonna cost you money you would come here and say anything you could to change their minds .. as far as the free room friends of mine wanted me to go back and I said no way .. they offered to pay for the weekend and I still refused .. a free weekend away when you aint havin a good time just aint worth it
  19. Yup .. by the time you drive there pay the entrance fee .. buy some lunch you can get what you want alot cheeper from the local guys .. unless of course you are looking for a big ticket item which they prob wont have there anyways
  20. which is why I have been there once and NEVER again
  21. next time head to a industrial suply store and get them there ..cost ya 50 cents max and they have just about every size .. count it as lesson learned .. or you could really tick em off and return them .. would save ya a bit of dough .. tell them they are the wrong size or that you were looking for the "left hand seals not the right hand seals"
  22. a few questions .. do you have to be staying at Merlands??? what time is measure in??? is it honor system (pic good enough) or do we have to attempt to keep the fish alive in the livewell???
  23. Ends up i will be in the area on that weekend .. visiting some friends in Belleville area .. gonna bring the boat for some fishing if the weather isnt too bad (14 ft tinner + 3-8 year olds+waves+cold water = iffy fishing) .. I will be fishing Myers pier on Sat night for sure.. might see a few of ya out there
  24. Just found out my son has a football party this afternoon ... hope ya have a good turnout
  25. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11339
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