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Everything posted by Chris

  1. GCD.......PM sent
  2. GCD Yes and sometimes the reason is because there was a lot of pressure from special interest groups....NOT because of scientific reasons. Not all regs are written by marine biologists.
  3. It all started with this guy.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evJoUA0tSHE
  4. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
  5. Haha Spiel made you look
  6. Just wondering how many of the "bailout" supporters feel that other businesses outside of the auto industry should get a government bailout as well. Please let me hear your response to this question sirfish, outlaw, hammercarp and others. Out here in eastern Ontario there have been over 4,000 jobs lost in the past 5 years with several major factories closing their doors. I know for a fact what Nestle's employees here in my home town were making before the place closed and it was approx. half what an auto assembly line worker makes (with nowhere near the benefits). Not one of these factories received "bailout" or should I say "taxpayer" money. Why should the auto industry get it when nobody else does. I know it's only 4,000 jobs (ya ONLY 4,000 jobs) but when you compare it to the population in eastern Ontario it's probably just as devastating as things are in southern Ontario. From Sirfish Oh for cryin out loud boo hoo. You think nobody else else works those hours. How would you like to be a construction worker putting in 14 hour shifts in 30 degree C+ weather shovelling dirt or a pipe-fitter crawling under a rusted out 110 degree C+ piece of equipment to weld pipe for 10hrs. I could go on and on and name thousands of jobs that pay less but work you harder than pushing buttons on a robot that does all the lifting. I truly feel bad for anyone losing their job, but anyone who believes their high paying job in the auto sector is more important than anybody elses job really needs to bring themselves back to reality. It just seems that anytime the taxpayers money is involved there is a proprtionate lack of reality that goes with it.
  7. So let me get this straight...... I own my own business (in operation for almost 20 years now) and make less than an assembly line autoworker. I have no pension or benefits. I went to post secondary school to get into my trade and have had to continually upgrade my skills (at my own expense) to keep up with the times and to stay in business. I won't even qualify for pogey if work dries up. Several of the factories here in Eastern Ontario that I used to get work from have closed....none of them received any kind of bailout. I'm talking Nestle's, Domtar etc, etc all big companies......not a dime from the feds or McGuilty. After saving up for what seemed like an eternity we finally had enough money and went out and bought a brand new Buick. The thing turned out to be a piece of crap from day one and neither the dealership nor GM could care less abut the problems I had with the car.....their warranty ain't worth the paper it's wriiten on. And now as a taxpayer I'm expected to keep these guys employed. Sorry but all the crying in the world ain't gonna influence me. Let the big three fall. That's what happens when you charge to much for crappy products made by overpaid union workers.
  8. Chicken....not a good idea to laugh at someone who is making derogatory comments about women on primetime tv. Avery should be booted from the league for this latest dumbdumb move. The on ice stuff is a joke but this is totally unacceptable for the league and over the top even for Avery. He doesn't deserve a second chance this time in my opinion. Byebye Avery and good riddance
  9. Thank you Rob. Too bad things have come to this in our country. They talk about Harper dividing the country.....but I think this is a very obvious example that shows who is really dividing this country (ie the three stooges). Unbelievable that there are still some diehard left-wing Canadians who actually feel it's a good idea to support this undemocratic mockery of Canadian governance (latest polls show 18% of Canadians support the coalition/82% do not). Legal or not, constitution or not....this is immoral, unecessary and an obvious power grab designed only for the benefit of the Liberals, NDP and Traitors. It's also an embarrassment on the world stage. Imagine a politician who had the lowest voter support for his party EVER and currently only 18% support is now going to run this country. Only in Canada you say.....pity. ps anyone out there still think their vote means anything??? I'd love to hear your answer now.
  10. Congratulations to the angler on a very impressive catch.....and thanks for releasing that girl
  11. "Meet the new boss....same as the old boss" The Who
  12. I won't be one of the 85% that complies.....and before anyone gets outraged about it let me ask you......how many of you drive over the speed limit???? I'm on the road just about every day and I think it's safe to say that way way way more that 15% of drivers exceed the speed limit.
  13. Ban, ban, ban, ban ,ban.......... Let's ban passengers in your car (just in case they may strike up a conversation with the driver....very dangerous indeed ). I see a lot of bad driving by people who are NOT talking on a cell phones. Let's make even more laws and ban more things. You can't legislate people into being smart. Leftwingers want society to remove all individual responsibility and put the onus on the gov't. The gov't loves that idea because then they can pilfer more money from us. Ban everything all you leftwingers...to the rest....enjoy what few freedoms you have left while you still can.
  14. holdfast Yeah and you're an intellect...right
  15. This is the first time since I've been eligible that I will not be voting. In the past I've put my support behind all 3 major parties and have been screwed by them all. Your vote makes no difference at all. Harper, Dion, Layton.....it don't matter. They're all just puppets and despite what you are lead to believe, I can guarantee that things will not change no matter who gets in. We are made to feel like we make a difference and we are made to feel guilty if we don't. Western democracy ain't all it's cracked up to be and every year we slip further and further into a full blown dictatorship. They make the rules to suit themselves, they determine their own pay, etc., etc. the list could go on forever. If you feel that things will change with someone new at the helm then hey, knock yourself out at the polls and vote. After watching these a$$holes break promise after promise year after year for my entire life I actually feel we are doing our children a gross disservice by making them believe that they are making a difference. "The biggest crooks around are the ones that are making all the rules for the rest of us". Rebel With A Cause - LAJ
  16. Rizzo That's typical of suspended fish. Note that he caught it over 45' of water. Nice muskie and a nice action shot!
  17. Great report and pics....thanks guys. I'm just glad to see Thorpe is still able to walk.
  18. So let me get this straight.....I buy some trout fillets at the grocery store two days after the season closes and if I want to take them home I'm breaking the law?!?!. CLofchik you better re-check the regs. It is NOT illegal to transport fish fillets when the season for that particular fish is OOS....period.
  19. That is very sad. Condolences to Gary's family.
  20. Hi Nancy, I noticed you're from Russell. There's a good tire shop just south of you in Morewood. Not sure of the name of the shop, but it's right at the main intersection on the south/west corner. They have reasonable prices and they will set you up with the right tire.
  21. yyyyyyaaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnn
  22. Wow...that's a ton of bass....nice going
  23. Got to love them smallies....nice fish
  24. I read this report on Fishhawk yesterday. Have you ever thought about compiling all of your fishing reports in a book and making it available to the public? You really should.
  25. Very nice smallies dude
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