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Everything posted by Chris
There are far more recreational fishermen than tournament fishermen. Maybe the focus should be on recreational anglers first.
zebco zebco Wow....and people think I'm a pot stirrer Rob, just remember the old saying....."revenge is a dish that is best served cold".
I received this in an email and thought it was kinda cool. The contest was Titled "u @ 50", by the AARP This video won second place. When they showed it , everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause. So simple and yet so brilliant. Take a minute and watch it.
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Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
Yes it is. But who would have bought the cd if they had not already become famous selling earlier cd's. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
Haha, you must not be a very good guitarist. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
Wrong!!!! Artists do make more money touring, but they can also make a pile selling cd's (the key word being "selling") My nephew Dane Mills was one of the original members of The Arcade Fire (over 1,000,000 records sold) and he made 60K just on their 7-song EP that they recorded themselves in a barn. Once people bought their full cd they went on their website and bought up all their EP's. I think they made at least two extra runs of 15,000 and 10,000 copies. Raf they did this without a major behind them. They went indie with Merge Records out of North Carolina. Two weeks before they recorded their debut album, Funeral, they drove from Montreal to Brockville to play a show for $50 in front of 100 people. Also what about Radiohead. They recorded their last cd themselves and put it on the internet and said you pay what you want. In the first month they sold a million copies for an average price of $8 per cd. That would take a headliner like Avril Levigne (who is at the top of the payscale) about 4 concerts to make a million. But how many shows would Avril be playing and how many free downloads would there be if people had not bought her cd first? It's all inter-related. If you think stealing is OK just because YOU feel it is part of some brave new world, go ahead and teach your kids just that. Don't complain if someone steals your fishing tackle tho'. -
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Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
Dan Bouck But you do get paid for writing that computer program, right? -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
You are 100% correct and you also make my point very well. You can't make money selling something that people steal. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
I am well versed in Canadian copyright laws. What have I said that makes you think I need to read the book. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
You should read up on copyright laws. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
Thank you Danubian, you offer a good comparison. What if everyone had disregarded Bill Gate's copyright on MS Windows. You wouldn't be making wiseass cracks on this message board right now. Are we related (I hope not) that's what my relatives call me. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
Yes I'm a wannabe boo hoo. But you are a THIEF. So go and show you kids how to become a Thief just like Dad. I really couldn't care less. Ill be thinking about you guys this year when I troll for muskies with two rods out. Maybe keep a couple dozen bass for the freezer and throw some garbage around just for good measure. Haha, Chuckles, that comment speaks volumes about your musical tastes, besides I think only two of America's Idols have gone on to bigger better things. That also speaks volumes about your musical tatses. It's common knowledge that there are only 3 major labels left, I guess you're the one who's misinformed. -
Downloading from bit torrent sites legal in Canada ??
Chris replied to darsky's topic in General Discussion
As the owner of copyrighted material that is for sale I have one comment for those who steal copyrighted material. You are thieves plain and simple. No better than someone who breaks into your home and steals your stuff. Chances are you won't get charged, but your only hurting yourselves. I see people on this message board complainging about the bailouts and white collar crimes that go unpunished. I see people on here just about jump out of their pants if someone trolls two lines or even keeps a legal fish. Yet when it comes to stealing something it's OK with you. Picture it from this perspective. You pay hard earned cash to buy a guitar and then spend money to take lessons and then hone your craft for years and years until you can play. Then you join a band and you work your ass off to rehearse enough songs to play live. Then you play live for several years to get good at it (that is if some DJ playing someone else's music hasn't eliminated the live venue). Then you spend all the money you made gigging for the last 5 years to record your own original music. Then you pay to have it mastered, then your pay again to have it reproduced. Then you pay to advertise, promote and distribute your cd. You sell some (never making your money back) and then all of a sudden it's on the internet and some shmuck is downloading it for free. Let's look at another perspective. After all the Bull in the first part of the last paragraph, you get recognized by a major label (BTW there are only 3 major labels left and they will fold soon as well) and they have you come in to record your songs for a cd. They front you 250K to record and another 250K in tour support. If you have a previous successful cd you would probably get more, including cash to pay for a reknowned producer. The band then sells a million records (not likely with all the thieves out there). But the record company only pays the band about 10% of the earnings (that's how record deals work). But first, out of that 10% the band must pay back the record company all that money that was fronted to them in the first place. In most cases bands do not see a profit until their third or even fourth million selling cd. Most of the rich and famous bands you see are not rich at all (unless you're a mega-star). It's all image and not like was in the sixties or seventies. Less than 10% of bands recorded by a major label will sell more than 10,000 copies of their cd. Meaning they will fold. A famous musician wasv recently quoted saying "There used to be a hundred bands out there each selling a million cds. Now there are a million bands out there selling a hundred cds." Knock yourselves out guys and keep stealing. Eventually all the good musicians will give it up. Many have already. Joni Mitchell, one of North America's greatest songwriters can't get a record deal because there's no room for her beside Brittany, Christina and Avril, who all sell regurgitated crap. -
I can say the same Lew.
There used to be a law in Ontario which automatically gives a 30 day warranty on pre-owned automobiles purchased from a licensed dealer. Check to see if it still applies.
How quickly we forget. Wasn't it a bonehead move by both Vickers and Johnson that took LEADER Dale Earnhardt Junior out the race at Talledega afew years ago. I believe Vickers went on to win. The classy Earnhardt chose to not to take any potshots at the two, instead saying "it was just hard racing". Typically the swords come out any time someone popular makes a mistake. And yes there were two drivers who made errors on that one. Most drivers who are about to be overtaken by a car going substantially faster clear out of the way. The facts don't matter when it's an Earnhardt. Just like his dad, there are fans and then there are the detractors looking for something to whine about. As if Kyle Busch is a clean driver. What about all the wrecks he's caused. They don't call him wild thing for nothing. And what about Tony Stewart. How many times have we heard him preach about the horrible driving of others and then later that race he takes out several cars because of aggressive moves. There are far more aggressive drivers that Earnhardt out there. Earnhardt Junior has been taken out many, many times in the past several years and never complained and his finger pointing has been kept to a minimum. He's (alledgedly) the cause of one wreck and the Earnhardt detractors are out in full force. Haha, enjoy the season everyone. For the Earnhardt detractors, enjoy your day in the sun. Personally I loved seeing Busch taken out. And if Earnhardt shares in the blame for that.....even better. I wish he did drive more like old man. Go Earnhardt Go!!!
cram The above is a great example of how out of touch with reality most government union workers have become. I have four siblings, all of whom have government jobs. My brother is retiring this March at 53 years old with 75% of the average of his highest paying 5 years pay as his retirement salary. My sister (a teacher) will retire earlier than him, but she refuses to discuss her retirement details, saying she is embarrassed to talk about it. I have another sister who started out in the same line of work as myself, only her career was at National Defense. I have worked hard and started a small business and work twice her hours yet she makes roughly 25K more per year with a full benefits package. Her whole department has Wednesday afternoons off....it's time alotted for exercising in the gym they have at work, yet nobody uses it, they just go home and get paid for sitting on their arses. All four of them think that their retirement packages and pay scales are typical of the private sector wages and benefits. I will be working til the day I day to make ends meet and you know what their response is when this is brought up??? If you don't like the job you're in, get a job in the publis sector. Can you imagine if everyone went to work for the government? Who would generate an economy. As far as teachers paying for supplies out of their own pocket......nonsense. We are given a list of supplies that WE are responsible to send to my child's school at the start of every year. Those supplies are way more than one child will ever use in one year and they go into a general "kitty" and are distributed, supposedly by the teachers. Yeah my parents bought me supplies at the beginning of each year but it was at their discretion. Now they give you a list and tell you it's what you're gonna buy. To the person who compared teachers unions to automotive workers getting a bailout. Are you for real??? Last time I looked teachers were not losing their jobs. In fact, at the same time enrollment is declining and schools are being closed, we are hiring more teachers. But that dosn't surprise me. When I went to school we had over 30 kids in each class. What are they down to now? It's hard to keep track when the class sizes are decresing every year. Yeah it would make sense that the ones supporting striking teachers are teachers themselves (or spouses or relatives of a teacher). But let's look at some of the arguements. There is talk of all the hard work, education and money spent to become a teacher. So what's the point??? Everyone with a decent job had to work, go to school and spend money to get there. I know lots of people who put in extra hours, many times with no compensation. They too have a choice.....stay or find a better job. Every year, actual teaching time is decreasing. Every year my daughter goes on a field trip to Upper Canada Village. She's sick of seeing the same thing there every year. It seems like every week there is a day off for something, teacher prep time, courses, parent/teacher interviews, etc. etc. There was a ski trip last week, we chose to let our daughter stay home and actually learn something. Snow days haha.....when I was a kid there had to be four feet of snow before they would call a snow day. Now it only has to be in the forecast and the kids are home for the day. Have the teacher's unions every considered the hardships that families with two working parents have when they still have to drive thru that snow to get to work, while the schools are "off" and trying to figure out what to do with their children for the day??? Or during a strike??? Just out of curiosity......to the teacher who turned down the two higher paying jobs.....what were those two jobs and how much did they pay??? The propaganda being spread by most government unions these days (has anyone heard "it's not about the money, it's about dignity and respect" lately) may have worked in the dark ages, but people have the internet now and the truth is readily available. Spreading the same old tired propaganda not only makes you look bad, but in this day and age people are onto the games these unions play. You don't demand respect, you earn it. As far as dignity.....I wouldn't have any either if I carried myself the way some teachers do. Enough said!!! Be happy that you have a job in these uncertain times and teach our kids and for god's sake and stop the whining, you have it darn good. No sympathy here for the teachers union.
Great just what we need......agressive tournament kayakers putting added pressure on the fishery and cutting you off on the water. Just joking .....good luck with the tourney!
Gotta admit.....I am shocked and surprised that an employer can actually be sued for telling someone else the truth about a past employee. Political correctness taken to new heights!!! Unbelievable.
Can any Obama supporters name just one policy or one plan that he has. I have yet to hear any. His speeches that I saw were spoken in platitudes. Phrases like "new start", "change", all those other feel-good but very vague sound bites. So anybody that doesn't agree with you just doesn't understand or have any knowledge right???? Hahaha good one!!! Typical left-wing attitude. What is monumental about a new president of the USA? Yes he has inspired many US citizens. While that gives people hope in tough times, that's about all it does. A (liberal) friend of mine has been praising Obama for the last several weeks, caught up in the hype. I asked him if he knew what any of Obama's policies were......nope, nada. Caught up in the hype I'd say. It is monumental that a black person has become the president of the USA.....does that gaurantee that he is qualified for the job??? I tend to want to hear substance rather than the same old touchy-feely rhetoric, but that's just me. Too many presidents and prime ministers voted into power based on their personality rather than their policy. More like a popularity contest. But I guess that's important to many people so what do I know??? Sorry to rain on everyone's parade........ Like I quoted once before......"meet the new boss, same as the old boss" - The Who Time will tell whether or not he's just another politician. I'll do like Lundboy and say it now....."told ya so".
Hey limey, I would tell them to give me back my sled the way it was brouht in or else you will take the matter to court, period......no if's, ands, or buts!!! You will win and they may think twice before spending money on parts and labour trying to rip some-one off in the future. One other thing, I believe there is a law in Canada that prevents any shop from charging more than 10% higher than their estimate (or maybe it's 15% I can't remember). Has anyone else ever heard this???
Happy B-day/New Year there "Sunkist"!!!
Here ya go.....