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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I would like to respectfully disagree with that statement. Muskies can be one of the wildest and most spectacular fighting fish, but they tire pretty quick and many come in like a wet log. As someone pointed out salmon pull like a freight train and are probably the strongest fish. Never caught a laker but I heard they can pull pretty good too. I also caught a 30lb. carp once that put up more of a fight than any muskie I've ever caught (my biggest muskie being 51.5"). But the question is not which fish is the strongest....it's which fish is the most difficult to land. I think muskies are the most difficult to land as you are dealing with knashing teeth, large lures with many hooks and the muskies explosiveness. But even muskies are getting easier to land with the large nets they have nowadays.
  2. Hi, have to agree with jwl. Most of those replicas look like replicas (ie fake) especially the fins. I have a 22lb. pike that was mounted in 1988 and there has been absolutely no "fading" or "bleeding" as some have suggested. Just this year I gave it to a friend for his cottage where it still hangs to this day, in perfect shape. Too many exagerated fish sizes in this day and age and like it has been pointed out...pretty easy to turn a 48" photo into a 50" or 52" replica. Having said that, I would consider whether or not you really need a fish on your wall at all. I could never hang mine in the house as my wife hated the thing. A cottage or a rec room, maybe there...mine hung on a wall out in the garage beside my boat. To me pictures are all I need, but if I was going to have a fish on the wall, it would be a real fish, not an exagerated chunk of plastic. Don't know about today's prices but as little as 3 years ago, replicas were considerably more expensive than skin mounts.
  3. Who cares who wrote it....it's all true.
  4. Where's crazyhook when you need him haha
  5. Nice Largie....love when the river's calm like that. WTG
  6. Hey Darren, have a good trip man.
  7. Those are some nice smallies
  8. Hi, I wouldn't worry about the Mariner badge. if it's from the late 80's early 90's it's basically identical to a Merc only in grey. I had a 20 hp Mariner for 14yrs. and never had one problem with it. First start of the season never took more than 2 pulls. I always tried to winterize mine, but there were a few years I didn't.
  9. Hahahahahahaha Let me get this straght....so nobody in Canada has ever ripped anybody off. Hahahaha MrMike stop watching the Liberal biased Canadian news....it puts negative thoughts in your head.
  10. I think there should be a ban on knives. I mean heck....knives kill people. I can't wait to register my knives with the gov't when they institute a new multi-billion dollar knife registry. Then at least we'll be safe. I don't think I would intervene in a situation where some nutbar was weilding a Rambo Knife while carving up some other dude. While some may be disgusted with me for not being a "hero" I've got a 9 year old daughter who would rather go thru life with a father.
  11. MoiraRiverMan Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
  12. Do any of you guys ever rat on people you see speeding in their cars??? Far more dangerous to society than someone keeping a limit of fish for his family. I saw a thread about driving on here one time where everyone was bragging about how fast they drive. That unethical too and against the law. But being a lot of people that post here do it, I guess it's ok right....double standard????
  13. Any pics?? Some measurements?? I wonder if it was his pb.
  14. Hi HH that's not the first time I heard that. Goo Goo Dolls or Billy Joel Piano Man are two names that keep popping up for comparisons on the song "Dollar A Day". That's the only Dolls influence tho....you can listen to all 5 songs....just use the music player on the bottom of the main page.
  15. Hi, just wondering if any music fans out there would like to check out our band's website and tunes. The name of our band is LAJ and we have a couple dozen originals. We just released a 5 song EP on our own label. Our first live gig was December 20th 2007, and after spending time in the studio we are now preparing a live show and booking dates in support of the CD. Your feedback (good or bad) is welcomed. Currently the CD is available at CD Warehouse outlets. Here's the link to our site: http://www.lajrocks.com/ My apologies if this is considered spam.
  16. BabyHerc Maybe you should re-read the last line of the article
  17. Nothing shocks me anymore......
  18. Rick That's the problem Rick, different areas DO NOT receive the same funding per capita. Not to be argumentative, but in one of my posts (maybe it was on the other thread) I pointed out that in eastern Ontario we pay on average almost 50% higher property taxes per capita than those in the GTA and our schools for example receive less funding per capita. I am not sure about exact hospital funding but when Dalton announced the new funding for Ontario hospitals, Toronto received far, far more per capita than in eastern Ontario, Ottawa included. If we are "less-populated" as someone mentioned, then maybe we should be paying 50% less taxes than those in the GTA. We'll never see it....as I said it's all about votes. If voters in the GTA are pleased with healthcare funding and lower property taxes then things will never get better elsewhere. Scuro Yep....except that some are more protected than others....right Scuro. I'm 45 mins from the nations capital and have a hospital 10 mins away in Winchester. Unfortunately wait times in eastern Ontario have increased since Dalton McGuilty pried another $600/year from us with his bogus health tax (which was suppoesed to decrease wait times). Only in the GTA have they decreased. Argue all you want....fact is the money goes where the votes are. Geez even when I was in the muskie club the OV chapter always use to complain that MNR dollars always went to GTA and none out here. Ottawa has a history of receiving a disproportionate amount of funding compared to Toronto. Until the people who are fortunate enough to live where the money is spent can see past their cozy lives in the center of the universe (GTA) nothing will change elsewhere. Canadians like to boast about how they are a "just" and equal society. What a crock....when it comes right down to it, people in Canada vote for what's good for themselves, NOT what's good for the country as a whole. And that screws some Canadians out of their fair share. For example see below: Oncogene Yeah that's right....travel to where the money is spent if you're not happy where you are......like I'm gonna drive 4.5 hrs to GTA in an emergency. Geez that's half the wait time right there. Rick Not much votes???? I drove from TO to Niagara once....it was like I never left the city. Google Nagara and then google eastern Ontario to see how ridiculous that statement is. Scuro Golly gee.....I nevr thinked abowt that. Mebbe if sumday r skools in eastern ontario git ekwal funding we could be smart enuf to git r helthkare like u guys from the city.
  19. Rick Eastern Ontario is hardly a remote area. Just no votes here. Johnny Bass I see you are from TO, where it appears the system is working fine. Please reread my message. We don't have enough votes here for our MP's to give a crap.
  20. Oncogene Hey oncogene, tell that to my buddy that died waiting for treatment. According to your statement above, only the rich get treated in a timely fashion. Maybe you should say "in Canada, at least u'r sure everyone will get treated...if they have the money, just like in the US". You hear reports every year about people that died waiting for treatment in Canada. Like I said before.....if you live in a vote rich area of Canada, you will have no problems with your "free" healthcare. For everyone else, it's the luck of the draw. Please consider the situation outside of the GTA. As far as nobody being denied healthcare in Canada, try showing up for medical treatment without a healthcard.
  21. Best thing for tough stains is isopropal alcohol. Get it at your drug store it's pretty cheap.
  22. Chris


    Hi, I have been a mechanical design draftsman for close to 35 years now. In April of 1990 I started my own design drafting company and that company is still going strong today. I also have a hobby that's slowly turning into a business. I play rock music in a band named LAJ. We have a 5 song EP scheduled to be released in early July.
  23. There's an old saying. Finders keepers, losers weepers. No offence but if you leave your stuff out there unattended in this day and age, you should expect it to be gone.
  24. Hey Stoty, hope you get thru it man. Keep positive, we are slowly winning the fight against many forms of cancer. I'm sure your Mom will get the care she needs to pull thru.
  25. I cam remember fishing for pike on the St. Lawrence back several years ago. The tactic used to be tossing red & white or 5 of diamond spoons in the shallows....everyone was doing it, with good success. People were catching numbers of fish. Then as time went on more and more anglers started to complain there were no fish left. Nobody including my friends and I were catching numbers like we used to. Then a buddy and I stumbled on to a tactic where we fished deeper water with bucktail jigs. We were having 20 to 40 pike days with several in the 10lb. range. I remember one day we sat in the boat in the deep channel leading out of Crysler Marina pulling in fish after fish.....in the meantime anglers in just about every boat heading back in to the marina complained to us about the poor fishing. We just kept our mouths shut and kept fishing. But.....over the next few years we started telling our friends about the bucktail jig tactic, next thing you know....everyones doing it. And guess what.....bucktailing jigs in the deep water no longer produces like it did when we first started using it. The above is by no means scientific research, but I think the people that complain that our fisheries are in decline should try changing tactics once in a while.
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