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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Not to be argumentative, but in time you will find out the hard way. Tailing can work at times, but other times it will be a disaster, believe me. This is another myth that I do not reccommend trying....it may work some of the time.....it's NEVER worked for me and I've tried it several times trying to subdue fish. Get yourselves a large coated net, it is by far the best way to land large muskies. I handbombed muskies into the boat for 20 years using the Leech Lake Liplock and had only a few mishaps. Once I started to try these ideas about "tailing" and turning them upside down it caused nothing but grief for both the angler and the fish. Land 'em how you see fit, but any experienced muskie hunter will tell you to get a net.
  2. That works with smaller fish but not with larger ones.
  3. I hate the blocking in racing and KB got what he deserved. They should change Smoke's name to Fire as he is on fire lately.
  4. Maybe they are rare in the more populated places, but out here in rural Ontario the MNR have actually put bounties on wolves for that exact reason. I can remember one year some local hunters took 10 wolves out of the bush near my parents farm and were paid for doing it.
  5. Billy Bob Yeah right....try telling that to Bernie Madoff!! http://www.newspostonline.com/world-news/b...n-2009063061747
  6. Wow!!! The media sure does have a hold on a lot of people.
  7. Hahahahaha I always start up and idle and then proceed slowly out from the dock to let the engine warm up. Once out from the dock I ease the throttle up to cruising speed. Climbs out of the water quickly enough for me.
  8. I was born with the right and freedom to speak my mind and to be free. Just because some politician (or the so-called society they have created) wants to take that right away from me, means nothing to me. Just because I happened to be born inside borders that were created by some slimeball politician means nothing to me. Just because some idiot politician has decided to go to war means nothing to me. All of the world's problems are created by politicians, and supported by those who believe in their pathetic systems. Canada's soldiers are not defending our freedom in this day and age, they are supposedly defending someone elses.....if you believe that's why they are over there! Do you actually believe that politicians who screw their own people over every day really care about individual freedoms half way across the world? Dream on, there's another agenda. Yes, I am unpatriotic, so what, who says I have to be. Who's gonna make me? Couldn't care less about your imaginary borders or where you're from. I look after myself and my family and couldn't give a crap about anybody else as nobody else gives a crap about me and my family. Sorry Holdfast....go ahead and tear me a new one.
  9. Who's being naive??? The oil company execs announced last year that oil prices would rise dramatically because of a shortage. This year they are claiming that they need to hike prices because demand is down. If you think this is not one huge gigantic scam you are the one being naive.
  10. Unbelievable. Gas price is one of the things that helped get us in the economic situation we're in now. How is it not important when some families have to choose between gas to get to work or food for the table. There are people living on less than you in this world ya know. It's just pushing more people under the poverty line.
  11. Thanks HF, I forgot about that one! Well said JPJ
  12. I believe Ford has 0% financing for 60mos. on all the Rangers right now. A few months ago it $3500 cash back. They got some good deals going on. Always heard good things about the Rangers. The Mazda's are the exact same truck but are approx. $3000 more.
  13. Anyone notice that every year there is new crisis that the gov't. of the day lays on us. A few years ago the crisis was our health care system. Dalton taxed us to the tune of $600/year and wait times didn't get any shorter, in fact they increased. You don't hear much about health care anymore. Then it was west nile virus. Studies, task forces, etc. the bills added up. What happened to that? No word about west nile deaths anywhere anymore. Then it was the millions and millions for the SARS outbreak. Has SARS been eliminated? You never hear about it anymore. Then it was the immenent threat of a pandemic, that never happened. A lot of taxpayer money went into so-called preventative measures. The yearly flu shots allow doctors to charge a flat fee to taxpayers for each shot given, yet the shot are only good for flus that already happened, not any new pandemic. You don't hear much about that anymore, except that they still want you to get flu shots every year. Now it's the global economy. My guess is after they bilk us for billions more things will carry on as normal, as they usually do. Except that over 10 billion dollars has been removed from the taxpayer wealth base. All of these crisis' cost taxpayers dearly. I read once that were a few ways that gov't. control the masses. One is to preoccupy our minds through the age old "divide and conquer" routine which is played out at each election. Actually the three major parties policies differ very little in the grand sceme of things, but there we are at election time, fighting for "our" party and calling the other side names like children in a sand box (actually children are better behaved....). The other is through fear. They know people will cough up money when threatened with a crisis. I predict it will take a while for the masses to come around, it always does. But eventually, living in the age of technical communications, people will wise up to gov't and start to react. All these crisis' are govt made. Yeah there's always some basis of truth to them, but you know how the media (the govt's lap dog) blows everything out of proportion. My rant for Monday morning.
  14. Congrats to Tony Stewart on his first Nascar points win!!! New team, new everything and as owner/driver. I'm a Junior fan (yeah I know....) but everyone better watch out for the "smoke". Points leader too.
  15. Hey ya never know. I haven't had much to cheer about for quite a while but my favorites, the big bad Bruins turned things around in the last couple of years and at least made it out of the first round against those pesky habs. That's like winning the cup right there. Anything else is just a bonus after that. Crosby deserves a lot of credit. He performs well even with three wings all over him. Whiner or not who cares, they all whine when it's them....he's a superstar. The wings sure can turn it on when they want, but they are fighting hard for it too. The pens can play up there with them but got caught up in stupid penalties last night. I would hope to see a more disciplined pens next game.
  16. Detroit still dominated them and were the better team, Pitts just scored more goals....right Stoty???
  17. Not if it helps bankrupt the company they work for. You surely must understand supply and demand.....that consumers are not a bottomless pit. If a good chunk of the price of their new car goes to paying for higher than average wages, over-the-top benefits, pensions and legacy costs for the employees, something else has to suffer....quality of the auto maybe. Mine surely is a piece of crap. GM had rear brake problems on mid-sized sedans for most of the late 80's and 90's. Why was this engineering problem never fixed in almost 15 years? Guess it's easier to screw the customer....let him put new rear brakes on every year. Or what about the paint problem GM still has with their vehicles. How many GM's have you seen with paint peeling off? They have had this problem for years yet....not only do they turn their back on their customers who have this problem, they have made no attempt to fix the problem on cars still coming off the assembly line. I don't think GM gets it even now. I keep seeing their ceo's and reps on tv saying that the "new" GM has to start looking at new features and styles that customers want. How about forget the blinking lights, on-star, self-locking doors, keyless entry and other gizmo crap and start manufacturing quality products that stay on the road? Besides, if their employees are still trying to justify their compensation package, I guess that GM is still in big trouble.
  18. Do the members not vote in their executive? Doesn't each member have a vote at strike time? I don't think anybody disagrees that auto workers have one helluva nice compensation package compared to other manufacturing jobs. Maybe they wouldn't be asked to give up so much if they hadn't been so greedy in the first place. They are assembly line workers, not lawyers. If it's one of the world's biggest and most profitable corporations then why are we even having this conversation? Please don't put words in other people's mouths.
  19. I'll answer your question Rob. No Harper has no say....he has no say in anything. It's only made to appear like he has a say. He is merely a puppet just like all the other puppets. He'll be gone when we vote him out and then we'll vote in a new puppet to lay all the blame on, all the while feeling proud that we made a difference.....meanwhile big business will still be here dictating what goes on. IMHO Canadians should give the middle finger to GM and drive the final nail in the coffin. They just ripped us off for a million dollars 10,500 times. Please don't ask me to feel sorry for auto workers. Their union leaders pushed for wages that were substantially higher than the status quo for assembly line workers and the workers bought into it thinking that GM's coffers were a bottomless pit of cash. They backed their union and made their own bed for themselves. When will people understand that the pot isn't endless just because you have a strong union? Why not let them fold and let the viable auto makers enjoy picking up the slack. What's wrong with that? Isn't that how the capitalism that these big businesses subscribe to works?? I guess they only want to play that game when it works in their favour. This whole thing is just another govt. backed smokescreen with plenty of mirrors to scam the taxpayer out of more of their money. Things like this have been going on for years......ever notice how every 7 to 10 years or so the gov't and big business "creates" a recession to beat us back down. They let us get ahead, get ahead, get ahead, and then bam....recession....let's peel back some of the equity that taxpayers have been creating for themselves. I've been watching it go on for the past 35 years. Anybody that thinks this is wise use of our taxpayer's dollars is part of the problem. These big businesses know that some Canadians will be gullible enough to believe this is all in their best interests and throw their support behind this Bull. End of Rant
  20. Some good advice above. Since 2001 we have owned two rental properties but currently own only one. We have had four different tenants. Knock on wood...so far we have had very minimal problems with our renters. Our investment in the first property paid off very well, better than anything we've witnessed in the money markets, way better. We seem to be on course to repeat that with our second property. Screening potential tenants is a must and going to collect the rent rather than have it mailed or delivered gives you a chance to inspect your property each month. We've been lucky, living in a small town, but I have also heard some very real local horror stories as well. Done right I believe there is more money to be made with this kind of investment than playing the money market game. If you just want to sit back and not do any work money market is probably better for you.
  21. Very nice Justin, congrats on the mag covers too! Hey Thorpe, nice hair man!!!
  22. Up until now I thought we really had something good going in Canada. Too bad Harper's Conservatives turned out to be just another bunch of bottom feeding puppets. Disgusting on two counts. Throwing away our tax dollars to a bankrupt company and supoporting the provincial idiots with their harmonized tax grab. Too bad voting won't change a thing. They may be able to force us to give money to GM but they can't make us buy their junk....at least not yet.....nothing is beyond these scumbags.
  23. Wow, Pittsburg dominated the Wings!!!
  24. When I bought my Honda the day I went to pick it up they told me that the mechanic had a small accident with the cover and had scratched it. They told me it would buff right out etc. etc. I told them to get me a new cover or to keep their boat and motor. They replaced the cover but weren't too happy about me standing up for myself. My full top and cover also looked used and I brought them back and had them replaced too. It seemed to me like the dealer had some substandard stuff and were trying to pawn it off on their customers. I often wonder if the next guy got all that crap stuff on his new boat. The dealers would eventually find some sucker to take the crap off their hands. I remember retuning a battery tester to Walmart once after I found out it had a pinhole leak in the rubber ball. I went to Walmart for something else the following day and that defective battery tester was right back on the shelf with the blister packaging all taped up. Unbelievable..........
  25. My wife has got us all using those sanitizer soaps all the time for the last few years. She keeps a dispenser in the car and when we come out of a store we all get a dab to wash our hands. Cheap insurance, however we all ended up with a mild cold a few weeks ago. Cliff the cold started with a scratchy throat, but it only lasts a few days. The cough lasts about a week tho'. Other than that we haven't been sick in over three years. Washing your hands is your biggest defense....
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