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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. run two off the back and two off the side, my dad had a similar setup with his boat. he had a 2x6 drilled holes at either end, and used a couple of eye bolts that he had bent the eye open to hook under the cleats on his boat, and then mounted his downriggers on that
  2. thats sad. a ton of people use that waterfront trail there, i'll post it on my FB for my family in Sarnia to share and spread
  3. elite welding, they do aluminum i also have a customer at work who does aluminum welding, i can get his info next time hes in
  4. rest it, and as much as it hurts, massage it, will keep it loose and prevent it from crapping and knotting up. go for the surgery, recovery time is so much faster. I torn my rotator cuff apart when I was 18, good ole baseball injury, I didn't do surgery, hell,was too stubborn to see a doc. took 7 years for it to heal up properly and be able to use my arm in certain ways without pain, and another 2 years to be completely pain free when throwing a baseball. i've also lost some flexability in that arm
  5. the problem is, some fisherman feel that they are entitled to water access, no matter who it disturbs. they don't think about the surrounding residents, and the noise and litter, not to mention the ones that gut and chuck. rules are made because the minority made them neccessary, plain and simple. don't take the complaints to town office, take them to your fellow anglers.
  6. use auto trader imo. i sold my old 98 accord on there privately, you get a ton of tire kickers and scam emails from kijiji.
  7. man,that like 70 cents per litre! would love those prices
  8. its to pay for Trudeaus travel expenses.......oops
  9. it means that no one is allowed to use the park until 7am, by law will not give a rats @ss what the deputy mayor has 'said' they will go by what is written in the book. port hope has the same by laws, and pretty sure all city parks everywhere are the same. its a general noise by law. the major complaint will be doors slamming shut, horns going off when locking vehicals at 5am or earlier, and then the few groups of excited anglers having loud conversations. they are posting signs as a warning. if you are accessing/using the park before 7am, you could be charged. even passing through,is considered using the park.
  10. from http://steelbent.com/knivespage.html
  11. tbh theres really nothing cheeper unless you happen to go into childrens place on their super clearance event. only place we;ve found cheaper is a place called once upon a child, a used clothing store.
  12. the release of upton came down to him or goins, they chose goins because he can cover the entire infield, and with health issues an uncertainty around travis, and goins elite defense, and average bat, it was a tough choice
  13. i have a couple of my grandpas old fenwick algonquin fly rods hanging on the wall. used one as my first fly rod a few years ago.
  14. to be quite honest, if the item rang through at 3.99, and you paid cash, you paid $4 for the item no matter what, since pennies are gone. paying by debit or credit, and you pay the pennies without the price being rounded
  15. fibreglass boats, absolutely, get them inspected, transom rot is most common. aluminum boats, flip em over and look for daylight.and always get the motors looked at, same as buying a car
  16. going the same route as the ganny
  17. one person interested so far
  18. with 2 weeks left before opening day, who would interested in a fantasy baseball pool hosted on Yahoo! need to have an even number of teams to make it fly
  19. speaking of how smart border collies are, just came across this on my FB feed https://www.facebook.com/iloveallmydogs/videos/1769287643287253/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
  20. the border collie mixes really are fantastic dogs, great for people who are outdoors a lot as they have energy to burn. not to mention very smart, loyal and can be stubborn
  21. they are not purebreds, not by any stretch. its a designer dog breed. yes, they can breed 2 crossbreeds together, otherwise known as an F2 hybrid. breeding a lab to poodle is what most breeders do which is known as an F1 hybrid, while still unpredictable, can be more reliable. the pups are completely unpredictable characteristics. when you breed two purebreds together, you pretty accurately predict what the pair will produce for pups. bad health characteristics, looks, all can be bred out when using a purebred to purebred breeding
  22. this is my guy now, weighs right around 50lbs. loves the snow, loves to retrieve, if you throw a snowball, and it stays intact, he will bring it back to you in one piece
  23. they also tend to have separation anxiety which leads to destructiveness. my boss has one. beautiful dog, well trained, but left alone for more than an hour, and he starts barking and clawing at the door, chewing. its bad.
  24. when shopping for a purebred, do your research on your breeders,pretty well all reputable,registered breeders will do health checks, on their males and females and have the hips and eyes certified and clear. there are tests that can be run to determine if either are carriers of certain breed health risks
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