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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. theses tools on the bottom and side for different forcasts, and for reported winds etc
  2. try this site out, pretty cool https://www.windy.com/?44.726,-80.942,11 and yea, the bay is well protected from most directions. i've spent quite a bit of time fishing up there, lot of good places to check out, you can also venture over to lake huron side. launch the boat in howdenvale, stay inside the islands for some good smallie fishing, pike have also come back into the area as well
  3. not sure, i remember seeing them on sport fishing on the fly, west coast fishing resort had them
  4. only been fly fishing for about 6 years, but have had the benefit of learning from some very experienced fly fishermen, been able to pick their brains so to say. next step for you is fly tying, thats where the real fun and satisfaction begin, to land a fish that took something that you made.
  5. especially when you're new and the wind is blowing towards your casting arm...... learn to cast over both shoulders for that situation, and wear a wide brimmed hat like a tilly hat, and sunglasses are a must, i got a fly stuck in my cheek once, luckily i had noticed the wind had blown my line around me and i was able to kill my cast so it didn't sink in much past the point
  6. kind of like a frog boat http://www.onefrogtwo.com/photo-gallery/
  7. a 12 to a 10 wont make a difference in the size of a fish, i've had those little guys take a #6 fly, and then perfect drift guide is getting 26" fish on a #18 fly, all depends on whats in the pool, and how aggressive it wants to be for little fish like that, should consider getting a little 2 or 3wt rod, they tend to be shorter (7ft range) instead of the 9ft, makes it easier for getting into those little streams
  8. i've had customers say to me straight faced that our frozen products weigh more than our fresh products. im like, well, how is that possible if we don't add anything to vac bag before we freeze it..... also,a 3lb 13oz chicken is small i brought one home from work tonight 7.5lbs, ours average 5.5-6lbs
  9. i will use an indicator in slow water, where the water flow isn't fast enough to move my fly through the pool before it snags on bottom, other wise i just watch the line, if it jumps or moves in an unnatural way, pop the hook. i like to use an integrated steel leader. https://www.rioproducts.com/products/leader/pike-musky-leader also another knot suggestion
  10. ask spiel how he ships his rods
  11. you're talking the jiggler pump https://www.princessauto.com/en/detail/brass-jiggler-siphon/A-p2460065e
  12. we had fibe at our old place, it was great! funny part is, when i called bell and told i was cancelling, i said that they couldn't touch what rogers is bringing, when i told them what that was, the guy just yep, you're right, but Fibe is schedualed to be put in your neighbourhood by the fall.........that was 2 years ago, still no fibe available here not to mention the problems we had with bells billing service, but thats a topic for another thread
  13. people really do underestimate the taste of smallmouth bass from deep, cold water lakes.
  14. fibe is not available in my neighbourhood, its all around me, but not in the little block im in older homes as well, not new builds. the fastest internet speed available to me from bell is 5mb/s......its brutal. with rogers im at 100mb/s and speed tests have me at 70mb/s down,15mb/s up talked to rogers today as well via facebook and got this response Hello, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, WFN is no longer available. Notifications were sent via bills: World Fishing Network (WFN) will no longer be available as a channel option as of June 1, 2017. If you subscribe to WFN as part of a Customer Choice Package with a Pick 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 option or subscribe to the Mix Pack (15, 20, or 30), WFN will be automatically replaced with one of the following channels to maintain your current discount: ESPN Classic Canada, Cottage Life or BBC Canada. Don’t worry if you already have one of these channels or prefer another selection, simply call us at 1-888-ROGERS1 and we’ll help you choose from over 100 channels in our Digital Specialty line-up at no extra charge. If you do not subscribe to WFN through the above options, we will stop charging you the monthly service fee of $2.79/mth plus taxes as of that date. All other aspects of your Rogers service(s) will remain the same. If you wish to respond to this notice or, if you have any questions, concerns or wish to modify, cancel or enhance your Customer Choice Package, please give us a call at 1-888-ROGERS1 or reach out to us via Facebook or Twitter.-
  15. get a vacuum pump gravel cleaner for a fishtank, they have different sized suction heads and use a rubber bulb on the end of a hose to create suction, stick it in the tank on the bottom, start the suction. you can get a small one for $10 i use one in the truck to change out the summer washer fluid for winter stuff before it freezes you can get them with different sized suction tubes as well
  16. good people, i'd help out if i could
  17. hmm, must just be you. go to your rogers page, you can select individual channels, costs $2.50 per month for WFN only
  18. it might be a case of they know you are more than qualified, and therefore would have to pay you more money based on your experience, where someone with little to no experience, they can pay at the bottom of the pay scale
  19. go to the dollar store, grab a bunch of their canning jars.
  20. a lot of lake o boat launches are closed as well
  21. i've seen advertising for an 80year shingle........ done right, a metal roof will last a very long time
  22. fly line to leader, loop to loop connection is best. nail knot if you want to waste time lol lead to tippet, surgeons knot, blood knotor an albright knot are all good tippet to fly, for most applications i use the improved clinch. loop knots can be good for streamer fishing in lakes to add a little extra action your 5wt is fine for resident trout, for steel and salmon i'd go with minimum 7wt, but prefer a nice 8wt your knot setup is fine for anything really, long as you tie it properly. i love fly fishing fresh run chinooks in the fall with a streamer, never an issue with surgeons knots or improved clinch knots
  23. Took a drive down to the Whitby shoreline today, man was I surprised at how high the lake is...... almost needed a boat to get there, Lynde Creek is over the road you used to need a 6ft+ handle on the net to land fish on pier.....
  24. i use the bradley smoker pucks in my smoker, they work amazingly well. i've got the little chief smoker. i'll putone or two pucks in at a time
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