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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. it says (hoax) in the title of the video in the OFC window, white lettering top left
  2. my guess would be trepassing or fishing in a no fishing zone. it was being patrolled by MNR as well as Port Hope Police last year basically 24 hours a day
  3. i don't know, im guessing it wouldn't affect sylvan glenn, as town council is worried about the illegal fishing in town only, basically, if they can't see it, they don't care. but yes, no fishing after 8pm from the sanctuary down to the mouth
  4. just passed town council last night, no more night fishing! NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF PORT HOPE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Section 2 entitled “Hours” be deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Section 2 as follows: “2. HOURS: a) All parks, shall close at eleven o’clock (p.m.) local time and shall remain closed until seven o’clock (a.m.) local time the following morning unless otherwise posted. Set up of events may convene at 7:00 a.m. but no organized sport or organized activity shall commence before 8:00 a.m. local time on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays. c) No person shall be or remain in a park after the closing hour or before the opening hour unless authorized by the Department. d) No person shall remain in any Park or Recreation Area after having been asked to leave by a Police Officer, Supervisor, By-law Enforcement Officer, or any other person appointed by the Corporation for the care and control of the Park or Recreation Area. e) Fishing is prohibited on the Ganaraska River between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. from August 15 to September 30 from the Robertson Street Bridge to the Molson Street Bridge.” 2. This By-law shall come into force and effect on the date it is enacted by Council which shall come into force and effect upon final passing thereof. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and finally passed in Open Council this 21st day of February, 2017.
  5. the half-assed winter isn't making people do stupid things
  6. i will agree there, rogers cell phone service sucks.im with telus, they use bell networks,where i have a 4g signal, rogers customers have no service
  7. i had a similar issue with bell, i had payments set up to come out automatically, then one day my services are cut off, and i have a $900 bill.I kept asking why my automatic payments were stopped,kept getting the answer, don't worry about that. im like so someone is making changes to my account that affect my payments without my authorization, and you're telling me not to worry about that.goodbye bell.
  8. stick with rogers. i have had both,rogers customer service is way above bells. the selection is no different, TV is TV with rogers,every single one of their call centers are located in Canada,where with bell,you're talking to India in the 2 years i've been with rogers,i have never had to call in for a service issue,with bell, I was calling in frequently because of their modem not working, or they had to reset the service on their end, it was probably close to every 6 weeks,I had their number memorized. tbh, just call up rogers, and tell them you are considering switching to bell, and they will more than likely offer you something,either a package,or a lower price
  9. he is at every council meeting, or group meeting that has to do with the river. he is actually a member of this site, wondering when/if he'll comment with more
  10. ice flexes a little bit with objects on top, the heavier the object, the more it flexes. motion creates a pressure wave, not so noticeable in deep water, but in shallow water, look out! as the saying goes, you float over tsunami in deep water and barely notice a ripple. the tsunami at shore could be 30ft
  11. Jason Whyte, one of the guys that run the fish ladder is involved every year right from the first meetings to get try and convince them to either cancel the event or push the date back into march like years before. the past several years this event has taken place the week before trout opener. problem being, you can preach to the organizers all you want, but until they are able to relay that messege to the people participating, nothing happens.
  12. makes you shake your head...... video of it here https://www.facebook.com/NBC26GreenBay/videos/10154180946281960/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED http://www.nbc26.com/news/truck-falls-through-ice-in-sturgeon-bay
  13. not the news you'd like to see on here. keep a positive attitude, set goals for yourself, eat cleaner foods, and do a lot of your own research, don't just rely on doctors advice. my bosses wife was diagnosed with bone cancer, her bones are basically swiss cheese now, but she was told she had 2 years to live. that was 30 years ago. she did all of the above and was her own advocate wishing you good luck with your fight, and hopefully you can knock this thing out
  14. its not the canoes and kayaks they are worried about so much, because people actually take care of those and avoid scrapping bottom. its the home made crazy craft held together by whatever that barely float and roll over all the time. those scrape bottom, they damage shorelines when dragging their 'boats'in and out of the river. not to mention they go into the fish sanctuary
  15. why do people risk their safety for a dam fish! temps were warmer than the +10 me think, probably closer to +15, and that sun was pretty strong. ice will be gone this week
  16. they stock atlantics above where the race starts, but they would be moving down through the race area at the time of the race. steelhead will be in there spawning at that time. they start the crazy craft(homemade contraptions) that are held together by any means,at sylvan glen. and canoes and kayaks in Canton, which is on the other side of Sylvan Glen
  17. i actually know the sales rep very well, i fished salmon off the pier with mine, no little bitty bass compares to that
  18. I have only used their casting rod, an 8ft one piece model, i found it to be pretty sensitive, was able to pick up very light bites.
  19. time to boycott this event or shut it down all together. event schedualed for April 8th. The head organizer is apparently quoted as saying 'who cares if we kill some fish and wipe out spawning beds' https://www.facebook.com/ganaraska.fishway
  20. that portion of the lake is known to be really bad for cracks and bad ice
  21. welcome. they are very interesting species and i would love to catch one, one day. my boss has a cottage near one of the lakes......maybe he'll invite me up
  22. zone 10 is this year as well, no live bait, and no motors on these lakes either. http://www.brooktrout.ca/open-lakes-for-aurora-trout.htm and an older thread on the topic of auroras http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25312
  23. theres only 1 species of fish that i know of where you have to stop fishing after catching 1, and thats aurora trout on designated lakes. another is atlantic salmon in gaspe bay,catch 2 per day,keep or release, and you're done
  24. why wouldn't you want to be the guy fishing for musky with a cons. license? the SPORT limit is one. meaning you can legally keep 1 musky with a sport license, doesn't mean you have to stop fishing them once you kept your one fish. or do you stop fishing once you reach your limit? You can fish for them no problems what so ever, you just can't keep any. but really, who keeps a musky anyway?
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