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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. if you're using the imgur app, don't, its stupid, open your web browser on the phone and go to the imgur site
  2. tell that to a friend of mine, hes got the 4.6L v6 eco boost f-150, his first trip, 1300km hunting trip to quebec, towing a fully loaded trailer, with 4 guys worth of hunting, and a couple hundred decoys. he tows dump trailers loaded with stump grinders and skid steers and whatever else he needs for his job as an arborist on a daily basis and has zero complaints
  3. so when you click the image you want to post, it will pop up in a new window, on the top right will be the social media sharing options, below that is various codes for different formats, there will be image link, direct link, markdown link, HTML, BBCode(this is the one to use) and then linked BBCode, copy the text in the BBCode line and paste into the message board
  4. Point out exactly where any sort of race was singled out......that's right, there wasn't. like I said earlier, mountains out of mole hills
  5. look at all them split bellies, a very common sight
  6. heres a picture of a typical weekend in the town of port hope https://www.northumberlandnews.com/news-story/6866239-port-hope-police-lay-55-charges-as-september-salmon-run-begins/ the above artical is 3 weeks into the run, averaging 1 charge laid for every 2 hours on patrol
  7. Would you prefer the term non English/French speaking folks, or foreign immigrants there's a reason the signs are posted in 3 or 4 different languages if you want to make mountains out of mole hills, do it somewhere else
  8. its the quality of materials used, and the quality of the build thats the difference. i do have one rod that i completely blew the budget on, i love it, its a fantastic rod, the feel of it, the balance, the quality of the cork and the fit and finish are top notch, i know that, properly taken care of, this rod will last a lifetime. on the flip side, my dad still has the rod he bought when he was 15, mind you, its no longer blue, the cork has been replaced a few times, and the tip is far from the original, but its still ticking 47 years later. he has the abu garcia cardinal 4 reels, still has the box his first one came in, with the price tag of $15 on it. those reels are bomb proof. brass gearing, metal body. again, hes had that one over 45 years, has replaced the bail spring a few times, and the gone through a few spools, but the main body of the reel is awesome. he only uses cardinal reels, even now, cardinal size 2 through to size 7, the only new reels he has are on his trolling rods
  9. I do fish that river in the spring, but never will I fish it in the fall for those reason above. It's a great river, the bad 'anglers' are ruining it
  10. if you've never been there for the salmon run, go, go and see the sh!t show, go see all the garbage, go and see the thousands of fish on the shore that are split and emptied of eggs, males too, cause people can't tell the difference. go and see the palm sized treble hooks, the trolling rods, musky rods, 100lb braid, 50lb mono. go see the hundreds of people that fish a very small stretch of river. people literally take 20-30 fish a day there, they snag them, they net them, the gaff hook them. there was a family of foreigners there one day, they had a length of rope with 5 gaff hooks tied to it, they would toss it across the river and drag it through a stack pool of salmon. yes, the fish die after they spawn, but they don't spawn in the first 1000 yards of the river by eliminating the night fishing, they not only make enforcing safer, but easier. they no longer have to sit in the dark and try to figure out if that one person is fishing legally, or if they are snagging. now, anyone fishing at night, is fishing illegally. and really, its only for the salmon run, from mid august to end of september, not a big deal you don't want this rule to fail, the next step is to close the river to fishing, by posting no trespassing signs
  11. he doesn't know who the guy is, that information is private. the guys buddy apparently sent him a message though from Mikes facebook page "I strongly suspect that the person who filed the FOI claim is reading this. To you I have this to say. A friend of yours has suggested publicly that "Going to the press with this is only going to give others this idea to request under FOI. Should have left it alone and it would be a one off. Not everyone is as smart as my buddy." If you truly believe that what you did was fair and within your rights then don't hide, identify yourself. Some may vilify you, but others will likely praise you. What you did was certainly legal, there's no arguing that. So reveal yourself. I don't like what you did, but I'll certainly respect you a lot more if you man up and come forward."
  12. imgur, its simple and easy to use
  13. put a worm on a hook under a bobber and have at it, they'll be happy with whatever bites. took my daughter out when she was 2, went for 2 minutes, caught a handful of panfish, and went back in. shes 4 now, 3-4 hours is no problem for her, she'll play with the worms in between fish
  14. but.....we already know where.......in the water!!!!
  15. big thread about it here http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=84907&page=5
  16. well, its his job for the most part, and im glad he shares and promotes businesses that way he does. i don't think he does it for glory. like he said, it was a private family vacation, he put together a little video to share some of his experiences, and what can happen when you put forth a little effort. also i think it sets a big example for other parents, disconnect your kids and get them outside, take them camping, canoeing , fishing, hiunting, hiking.
  17. can't because they are protected under the privacy act
  18. im surprised its still in one piece........or does he have bear alarms around it lol
  19. the head waters are somewhere around chatsworth, never really followed it that far inland, but lots of river to fish if you're willing to drive the bridges and intersecting roads
  20. there are some roads that come near it, still have to bush whack to get to it
  21. the top end comes close to the saugeen as well
  22. my grandparents live in mar year round, in red bay, my uncle has his cottage and my other aunt and uncle are in wiarton, needless to say, i've spent a fair amount of time there. if you go up river, you'll find some native trout, but down near the falls, not really, watch out for bears, they are common there, and like to sit in the falls and catch the salmon
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