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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. i thought provincial parks were going to free as well? are they not?
  2. http://www.drakemag.com/featured-content/daily-drake/1705-national-park-service-winning-war-against-nonnative-lake-trout-in-yellowstone.html National Park Service (NPS) killed a record 366,000 cutthroat-gobbling, nonnative lake trout in Yellowstone Lake this year. Part of the park’s desperate effort to restore tanking native cutthroat populations, the program has dispatched about 1.5 million lakers in the last five years. Now they’ve found a new way to kill off the next generation of lakers: drop their parents’ carcasses on top of them. NPS has identified about a dozen lake trout spawning sites and testing has shown that smothering the redds with the dead kills off all the eggs in about two weeks. After little payoff from methods like suction dredging and rotenone NPS says it’s thrilled about the possibilities. “We have that material [fish carcasses] out there already. It’s not introducing anything foreign. So it has all kinds of attractive attributes,” says Yellowstone fisheries supervisor Todd Koel. Adding, “The mechanism we don’t know exactly, but all of that stuff that causes decay—bacteria and fungus along with no oxygen.” With the laker population declining, native Yellowstone cutthroat are gaining ground in this war of attrition. Important tributaries like Clear and Little Thumb creeks are seeing an uptick in spawners and the remote Thorofare region is hosting more and bigger cutties than seen in recent years.
  3. Now this, this is something i could get into, Hennessey 6x6 Velociraptor
  4. so are these 7 people midgets? I would love to see 7 guys my size (6'4) try to fit into that thing comfortably,
  5. Edwin wants to stay in Toronto, badly. he'll take less money to stay there. Morales will be DH, they sign edwin as an everyday 1st baseman, smoak is there for relief to get someone off their feet for a game or 2 at a time, reliable backup, great defense, very good late inning replacement. I hope they can sign Cecil, he had an off year, and his injuries most likely played a major role in that. (Torn calf muscle, and an arm problem early on this season) Can't go wrong with Uptons deal, San Diego is picking up 3/4 of the bill, strong arm, good speed, but does strike out a lot. Lot of signings still to go. Jays have 11 free agents. Darwin Barney is in that group as well.
  6. Size 8 black, white or olive wooly bugger
  7. on my truck, once the caliper and mounting bracket are off, its 5 bolts to get the bearing hub off, and they are common sizes, 13mm and 18mm
  8. no, it was totally worn out, was thumping as i was driving. when it was up on the lift, you could move the wheel back and forth pretty easily. was $150 for front end inspection, $399 for the part, and 1 hour of labour. i opted for the better one with a 3 year warranty. I dropped my truck off at 4 and had it back by 5. and yes, i know they aren't serviceable.
  9. You can also argue that todays cars and trucks are mostly unsevicable by todays backyard mechanics. Have a customer bought a bmw, the thing doesn't have a dipstick for the oil level cause they don't want you check the levels to do your changes. my bosses truck, they have to remove the front quarter panels to access the spark plugs. is crazy!
  10. i've got a 2005 f-150 with 105,000 km on it, front passenger bearing went on me a couple weeks ago, the wheel was moving when i drove to the mechanic, cost $661 to get the one replaced. front drivers side has started squaking, so time to start thinking about replacing it. I was looking at just replacing the hub, since its 5 bolts to remove it, once you get the brakes off.
  11. i did my own pads and rotors, very easy to do, glad i did them. next step is to do the wheel bearing, looks pretty simple to do as well
  12. that was a $700 repair on my 05 f150, i could hear the vac hub knocking against the wheel hub
  13. hiding gps locations in your phone is easy, turn off your location settings, or use a digital camera. second, don't take a picture of the background! and most importantly, do not name the river or creek.
  14. gotta love fishing mondays! no one is around snaggers were all up in the north part of the creek gettin their fix in before it shut down lol
  15. i was finally able to squeek an outting out about a month ago, fall salmon! I l know, I know, dirty old boots. After trying some usual locations, I decided to venture to a pool that I have known about, but rarely got to fish because of the number of people that do fish it. Got there, and there wasn't a single person within 500 yards of me. I went to the lower end of the system looking a fresh run of fish after the rain. using my trusty fly setup, time to get to work, 8wt G Loomis NRX rod, with an Echo Ion reel, can't say enough about the drag, it got a work out this day. So I figured spawning time, big fish, egg fly, and 10lb leader, well, they were having nothing of that, was watching them swim around my line as it passed through the pool. Back to the drawing board, went down to a 7lb leader and started stripping spey flies through the pool. BINGO! 2nd cast, watched a fish try to kill the fly. set the hook, fish on! after a wild 5 minutes, started getting to my landing zone, and snap! line breaks. #$^%$##! time to retie, wait for the pool to settle, 15minutes later, another deadly strike and fish on! this one covered 60 ft of water, and 7 ft of air, in under 15 seconds before breaking loose. i have never seen a fish move so damn fast before, what a rush! Time to retie again.and then finally after 30 minutes of working the pool, i see the fish swim up, grab my fly, and start the death shakes, set the hook, fish on! loosen the drag off a tad, not going to lose this fish. as the battle goes on, the fish is moving like crazy through the pool, i can feel my line bump into other fish, and then my worst fear, the fish dives, swims under several others, and jumps back towards me. looping my line around 3 or 4 other fish. let my line go slack, then pick it back up again, fish is still on. took 3 attempts to land it on my own, but in the end I had succeeded. a beauty around 10lbs, not my biggest by far, but well worth the wait. quick pic, then back in to join its friends on their final journey. its many, many friends I ended up breaking off on 2 more that day, but it didn't matter, was a great 3 hours!
  16. Im with you Rick, I really enjoyed reading all the musky reports, main reason is that I know I won't ever get to go out to even try anytime in the near future (lack of boat and musky gear) so all i can do is dream and read the stories. personally, my summer was so damn busy, I got out for the first 3 weekends after bass opener, and that was it til the end of september, went out for salmon in the creeks, managed to land 1 out of 5 hook ups. then went out the next weekend with my buddy that hadn't sen in a year and half. that been it for my fishing this summer and fall, planning on heading out this weekend though, long as the rain stays away lol but guys have moved on, mike borger, who used to post epic reports, since he got his mag off the ground, hasn't posted much of anything here. i know lew has all but hung his rod up. and others, well if they are scared of their spots being burned by a picture, well i have this to say if you can post a picture without a location, and someone recognizes the spot, guess what, they've been there, and know about it, those that have never been there, won't know where it is.
  17. east coast does not. i know quite a few people that make the trip out there for atlantics in the gaspe bay area. also have friends that live in gaspe bay, and have asked them about licensing on more than one occasion in case i happen to find myself in the area one can dream. but its defined landmark similar to our regs here where its 407, highway 2, cnr right of way.
  18. lets hope the birds are in cleveland acclimating themselves, gonna be a cold night
  19. yep, not sure why. but if they go normal rotation, will mean stroman won't have pitched for 14 days.....
  20. They will take care of business, stroman for game 1, estrada, happ then sanchez. bull pen will be fine. they've been pitching must win games for a month. thats the downfall of a big lead for the division, you get a little too relaxed
  21. you are correct, just check where the provincial boundary is. long as you are fishing the ocean, no license needed
  22. freaking poetic justice there. Flashback to last October: Andrus 2 errors in the 7th cost them the game Fast forward to May: Bush drills Bautista, then Odor punches Bautista. Fast forward to last night, Bush on the mound, ground ball to Andrus, low throw to Odor, horrible throw to first base. Error charged to Odor, loss goes to Bush. only thing that would have been sweeter is if it had been Bautista to get the hit.
  23. in all due fairness, players get their contracts for the regular season with hopes of going to the playoffs, there is no guarantee.
  24. 108pm tomorrow afternoon, then 738 saturday night in TO.
  25. wasn't him, was a lady beside him. look at the guy behind him, why is looking down to his left smiling? staring at the person who threw the can and is hiding? and kenny pagan, hes drinking from a plastic cup
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