This was a terrible tragedy and it's hard to even comprehend how anyone could do it, but I also think it's good to hear everyones different thoughts on it.
I'm like Kemper though, as I'm sure most Canadians are too, and the thought of everyone walking around with loaded handguns is just something that's so foreign to us in this country.
I read alot of the different American boards, as I'm sure many here do too, and I just can't get over their love affair with handguns. These guys are carrying them on their belt's, in the truck and some guys even carry them in the boat when they go fishing.
Personally, I just don't get it.
Some of the responses on the other boards are pretty scary too.
Guys are suggesting shotguns be kept in every classroom, all teachers should be armed with handguns and one guy even said it should be mandatory for EVERY sane person in the US over 21 to carry a loaded handgun at all times.
Can you just imagine a gunfight between teachers and whaco's in a school hallway full of children ??
Toronto is the biggest city in Canada with a population of 2.5 million people, yet only 50-60 murders are committed every year and their mostly gang bangers killing each other with illegal guns smuggled in from the States.
I don't mean this as a slam against Americans, it's just that our 2 countries are similar in many ways, but VERY different in others.
I MUCH prefer our system, but that's just me.