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can u fish

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Everything posted by can u fish

  1. Hi Cliff as everyone is saying get a hold of Mike go to his website Canada fishing guide all the contact info is there he has not been on the OFC site for months I have been on many fly ins and Mike has always been a big help. Cheers Mitch
  2. When ever you decide to make another trip back up to Foleyet send me a PM Brian and yes it is beautiful in the fall great walleye fishing and grouse hunting I will be up in that neck of the woods in 4 weeks flying into the Chapleau Game Preserve for 7 days. Cheers Mitch
  3. Thanks for the report Brian the Foleyet area has a lot to offer when it comes to fishing and hunting I have done quite a few Fly ins with Air Ivanhoe great Outfitter and have stayed at Red Pine Lodge when moose hunting there are many lakes to fish off the logging roads that will offer up good fishing for Walleye and Northerns. Cheers Mitch
  4. I am 15 minutes North of Parry sound on Shebeshekong Lake and as everyone has said it has been pretty dry up here not many skeeters but the deer fly's are around. Cheers Mitch
  5. Good luck to you and your family my self and my wife made a big life change 11 years ago and got into the cottage resort business and we do not regret it life is good. Cheers Mitch
  6. Even though you did not get into to many fish it is always nice to get out and enjoy a paddle on a back lake thanks for the report and photos. Cheers Mitch
  7. What a great way to spend the weekend thanks for sharing.
  8. Great report James nice to see your self and Scott got into some great fishing after some nasty weather I have been on several fly in trips and have also been blown off some of the small lakes we have gone to with that being said my best trip was on the Shawmere River system out of Foleyet we had 4 days with high winds out of the 7 days we were there and the fishing was incredible with great numbers of walleye being caught fishing the walleye chop sure paid off but I am sure the conditions you faced were a lot different with it being such a shallow body of water anyway I really enjoyed the write up and photos thanks for sharing just counting down the days for our annual fly in trip into the Chapleau Game Preserve. Cheers Mitch
  9. Got to like it when you can work in a little fishing with your work assignment thanks for the report and photos. Cheers Mitch
  10. Enjoyed reading your report and some awesome photos to go along thanks for sharing. Cheers Mitch
  11. Great report Freshtrax awesome photos looks like you and the wife had a good trip thanks for sharing and good on you Chris for lending out the boat.
  12. Great report Chris a good read and some awesome photos thanks for sharing after a trip like that you are probably hoping Mike will have more assignments for you. Cheers Mitch
  13. That is pretty awesome Simon I guess you do not need a net when shore fishing as long as Roloff is around he seems to be ready as soon as you have a fish on. Cheers Mitch
  14. Great way to spend the day with your daughter and the fish caught are a bonus thanks for sharing.
  15. Nice going Dara thanks for the report and photos.
  16. Nice Laker enjoy the new boat.
  17. Awesome Rick thanks for the report and photos looks like a great time with the kids those sturgeon bring back a lot of memories when my grand father and I would fish for them in the Gatineau River in the Maniwaki Quebec area they were quite plentiful back then. Cheers Mitch
  18. At $13.00 a pound it is a lot cheaper to go out and catch them and having fun while doing it enjoy the fish fry. Cheers
  19. Yup black flies are out north of Parry Sound and they just posted a total fire ban for our area today.
  20. Nice feed you got into some good slabs Mike.
  21. Sad part is he will probably do it again.
  22. That was quite the weekend you had Dara I am sure you could not get that plug in fast enough thanks for the report and photos.
  23. Looks like you had a great outing Thanks for the photos and great report.
  24. Spending quality time with your son is priceless good on ya thanks for sharing.
  25. Congrats Mike
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