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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. great points! Once i clean out the Fresh water tank, its ok to keep it filled for the season? I dont have a wastewater tank, i assume it just exits out the side of hte trailer onto the ground or into a bucket.
  2. Thanks guys! great points, any idea if the heater can be run without electricity? just off propane and maybe battery power? Do you think its safe to leave UP during the week if I plan to go up multiple weekends in a row?
  3. hi all, me and my wife finnally pulled the trigger and got our first Tent trailer. A 12 foot Jayco Qwest 2002 model. We purchased a property last year in the muskokas and wanted to get a portable trailer to leave on the property so we had somewhere to stay for now until we decide if were gonna build or not. Our property doesnt have power or water hookup, so luckly this trailer has a fridge and a heater that can run off propane and battery power. It also has a little sink and holding tank so we have some water while we are there. Questions: Should i bring it to a dealer to get looked over? I live in keswick and know that Tyson trailers is nearby. Anyone deal with them before? Is it worth to get it looked over / prepped? THe tires look in good shape but i wonder about the bearings, My plan right now is to just leave it on the property and not trailer around. Should i get them repacked anyways, replaced if needed? Any other tips and tricks on things I should add or do to make it more enjoyable since we wont be PLUGGED in like most people are when they use a tent trailer. THanks all
  4. everyone carries them.. go with LED...worth the upgrade
  5. First thing first, get the chip, http://www.superchips.com/Products/tabid/108/ctl/product/mid/687/ProductId/93/product/Ford_Gas_Flashpaq/Default.aspx increased power, HUGE savings on gas and runs much better, my brother just put one on his 2011 f150..awesome... my 2 buddies with F250 Diesal also have it...and they have the straight pipes and the intake...Crazy power on those... The Chips mapping is adjusting depending on the mods you have. And they all have calculated the they are saving 3-5 l/100 since adding the mods and chips... Mods should pay for themselves in under 1 year.
  6. i once watched someone go out in an inflatable on bay of quinte...they didnt come back till the next day when the OPP helicopter found them stranded on some shoreline.... the smaller the water of body the better with an inflatable
  7. bring it to the bank with him, i did on my last car sale and glad i did as they spelt my first name wrong and would not of cashed the cheque.
  8. Nope !! Just called ! looks like we might be out of luck ! !
  9. Hi all, Can anyone recommend a place nearby honey harbour that will be broadcasting the fight? we will be staying at a friends cottage for the weekend and wanted to watch the big UFC fight on SAT. THANKS !
  10. 15$ iphone app.. done !
  11. Toielt bowl cleaner !!
  12. i think your outaa luck.. need an SUV V6 min or truck want my V8 Jeep GC.. Only burns 19l/100 avg lol
  13. tried again... they said no and not sure when they would be coming. Guess it depends on the agent that answers. might be stuck with rogers!
  14. Oooops .. yeah that would be ..fixed Hmmm ill call them back! Unless your my next-door neighbor that might be hard
  15. Hi all, moving up to keswick this week. I want to get internet in ASAP. Cable not needed for another month of so. Is rogers my only option? I called tekkksavy but they are not past newmarket yet. how about for cable? i assume its rogers or even Shaw. Shaws seems a bit cheaper. I called rogers and they offered 3 months free VIP and EXTREME internet if i sign a 12 month contract. Is that my best bet? P.S I can ride my sled or quad from my house to the lake...
  16. Ice fishing is ok, I do it to get by the winter , spring summer is the best
  17. wife has a BB, i got the 3gs, buddies have iphone 4... Id get the Iphone 4 hands down, Camera and screen are mindblowing and the interface is amazing. BB is good if you need BBM... IF NOT then IPHONE !
  18. im in the same boat with my 04 Jeep GC, lost my spare set now im stuck with one set. I wanted to get another made but the dealer wanted 150 for the key alone !! I looked into it online and found i need 2 keys to program a 3rd. If you only have one key your pretty much screwed like me lol
  19. Awesome Emil !!
  20. Costco rocks... member since day one.
  21. made it out for a couple hours between 11-3 on both monday and tuesday.. Rode all over the lake but only managed 1 whitie each day. Id assume we should of atleast done one morning fish but Rama and booze got the best of us The sun was beaming down on us, my face is defiantly feeling it this morning.
  22. Right on Randy. Glad its all over with for you.
  23. That list is all you need, now getting them to bite is the hard part
  24. i would of loved to join... too bad work gets in the way
  25. show sucks....seems so fake... hope they cancel it
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