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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. Will do!! thanks for the tips guys. Any recommendations where the best place to buy a stihl or Husqvarna?
  2. Hi all, I recently purchased some land in the utterson/muskoka area(not water front but nearby), its got an old driveway on it that needs to be leveled,graveled, etc and id like to put in an opening about 60x60 . Short term, somewhere to camp on the weekend, longterm build a small house on it. Im looking to buy my first chainsaw, any recommendations? I want something decent, not going to tackle the huge trees but all the smaller ones. I have a couple local contractors come by to give me estimates on the job as a whole. They have told me that this is the best time to do the clearing, leveling, grading, etc.
  3. My Clam is tough to beat.. id never switch !
  4. Thanks guys ! good info
  5. just noticed that ... o well ill get her ready this coming week then with my luck we wont get decent snow till late January
  6. Hey guys, Looks like its about that time when i should start up the sled for the first time and get her ready for the season ahead. I put in stabilzer and fogged the engine before i put her away. Other than checking the belt and changing the chaincase oil, anything else i should look at ? I have a 2000 Polaris Classic Touring 500. Thanks !
  7. All this talk of solar, any recommendations for a basic setup for - 2000 sqft home ? I saw a 599 setup at crappy tire , is it worth it ?
  8. Hey all, My wife bought us a trip to breezes Bahamas for my Bday. Ill be there thurs to sunday. We plan on hitting up Atlantis one day also. Heard its sweet but super $$ Anyone stay at breezes before? like it ? Is there any chance of DIY fishing in the area ? Can anyone recommend a local guide? Thanks all
  9. Ive found the major sled trail that runs through the lake but couldnt find a source of any ATV trails. Next time im up there ill do a drive around and see if i can find any. Thanks !
  10. as expected the town does not allow trailers outside trailer parks..funny how they are on almost on everyone lawn lol I asked about building a mini place under the 106 sqft min and they said that it is NOT allowed unless you have the an existing building on the property. I asked about a building permit... 500 for the permit and 10 000 for the dev fees .. WoW
  11. Just left a message with them. It may be not enforced very well because everytime i go north i see COUNTLESS properties with Trailers on them !
  12. Congrats ! Mount it , I did my first buck a while back
  13. Hey all, I was thinking about buying a couple acres up north and put a travel trailer on it for the short term until I plan and build a place. Is it legal ? Any recommendations on travel trailers vs park model va tent trailers? I'm looking for something small sleep 4-6 max , comfortable with shower , furnace ... Since i'd like to use it sparingly in the fall / winter thanks all
  14. hmmmm ive seen bears tear up birch tree up at our camp in haliburton but never damage like that before.
  15. Hey all, my buddies leaving the country for the next 6 months and asked me to watch his place on three mile lake in muskoka(west of utterson) How is the icefishing on the area lakes? three mile? skeleton? Are there any ATV trails in the area? How about snowmobile trails for the winter time? Thanks all !
  16. +1 Costco is the best.. I do most if not all my shopping there
  17. i have the same quad.. an 06.... its been awesome over the past couple years... workhorse !
  18. great post as always Aaron !
  19. im also in the same process Ive noticed that its Illegal to have a trailer/rv on your property as a primary residence.. I know that ALOT of people do it and i bet most times the town dont have a clue or dont care. id come with the closer location... 8 hours is way out of my range !
  20. very nice!! Im soooo jealous
  21. fixer up and put a skeg guard.. Worth the Cash !
  22. +1 My jeep is great other than 18.5 l per 100 in the city and 14 on the hwy
  23. I always do it myself.. Easy !! Empty the gas or add stabilizer. Change lower gear oil Tarp it but allow for airflow so you dont have a Mold issue in the spring.
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