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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. unfortunatly kitco has a $2500 purchase min.
  2. Hi all, Can anyone recommend the best way to buy and sell gold and silver bars/coins? I was given a bunch to me by my grandfather when i was a kid and was thinking of adding to the investment or possibly selling if a time comes when i need the cash. Any recommendations? I noticed there is a one place in Richmond hill that sells Metals but there premiums seems to be a bit high. Thoughts....?
  3. i went from iphone to S2 and wouldnt go back..... My wife thinks my S2 screen is too big .. she wants the 4S... mostly because it comes in Pretty White ..lol
  4. Hardcore! Let us know how it goes, i will wait a couple weeks before heading up
  5. I was in the area over the weekend....going to be a while... Id assume mid-late january
  6. +1 If you have a sled/quad and a ice fish often... get the flipover...everyting stored in one place.. setup in mins
  7. I have an 06 popo x2 for the past 3 years.. awesome machine!! I do alot of hunting and ice fhsing with it so it works out well with the dumpbox/2nd seat. My Friend also has an EFI ranger and its a BEAST, but my x2 can get Farther into the bush if needed. All depends the areas you frequent and what you need it for....
  8. very cool, great skills
  9. +1 Lots of boat dealers are complete scammers, delt with 1-2 in the past
  10. sounds like another loser with no life
  11. the other dogs owner is paying for the damages Right??? had an instance last week where this crazy black dog ran up to me and my buddy walking his english setter... I was about to Boot the other dog before things got out of control... Funny thing was there were 2-3 signs in this park saying KEEP DOG ON LEASH... i told the owner... Can you read you idiot???
  12. hard to fake that one... That's one Big cat sitting in a dogs pen.
  13. Hi all, I recently purchased a couple plots of land and found out today about Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP). Anyone part of this program? Pros/Cons?
  14. hondas are great.. BUT i have a POPO sportsman X2 that has taken me everywhere over the past 3 years without any complaints! Im sure a small honda wouldnt come close..
  15. right on !! the eye has one huge EYE!
  16. 133 lb puppy!! Congrats!
  17. did you get it at lebaron?
  18. GOing to be hard to beat that... First fish = biggest lol
  19. WoW Huge! too bad the season about done!
  20. Hey guys, I haven't posted a report in a LONG time but today i thought to end off the season with a little one. With the Bass season about to close, me and my bro headed to simcoe one last time to attempt to catch some fat bass. First drift was a success and we managed about 6 total for 4 hours.. Not bad... Lucky to enjoy simcoe on a relatively calm day. WATER TEMPS were 41 !!
  21. Awesome guys!! Im off to Lebaron to drop some cash!
  22. my buddy just came back from negril.. went with a charter out of negril, 38 mahi mahi !! in 4 hours! ( 3 peeps on the boat)
  23. Hi all, Cousin bought a cottage on Rice lake! Hes not a fisherman but wants to start at his cottage and really has no clue what to use or where. I want to buy him some lures specially useful on rice for xmas, can anyone recommend some lures that are popular on the lake? I know there are muskie on rice but he will most likely being trying for bass and walleye. Thanks All
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