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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. Nice video! Maybe a little off with the music but to each their own . Rihanna and walleye are a funny mix
  2. I was out over the weekend and off of point annes , there was 5-6 inches , in the narrows there was much less , couple guys went down over the weekend, be safe and bring a spud and rope !
  3. we downloaded it over the weekend on QUinte... for some reason it only shows Meters for all of quinte eventhough the setting is set to FEET..... It does work well other than that Glitch
  4. i think it was last year a local man went down with his truck on the same ice road and didnt make it. Sled Maybe to cross but a car/truck. Not me thats forsure
  5. im sure there will be very limited tags.... now hunters have to try to find access...which will be hard... the herd is deep private land
  6. the one for the iphone for 14.99 looks good, Any reviews on it guys?
  7. Obviously hes not to smart and lucky to make it back to shore. Anyone who fishs quinte often knows the ice is always inconsistent. Couple years back i took my quad on the ice, First spot 8 inches, 200 yards later at spot 2 we had 3-4 of crap ice... what the hell ... we luckly made it back to shore that evening. The next day my buddy thought he was OK to ride his sled out in differnt area with his portable attached... Well he found open water... Skipped accross but his Hut and gear broke off and went down with the eyes.
  8. No laker? Where did u access from?
  9. Impressive group of guys we have on here! If u wanted to join for a day on simcoe for some lakers / whities , shoot me a pm . Sled is tuned up and clam is waiting to go!
  10. ive heard its iffy in most spots, i defiantly would not be taking my sled out with me ( my buddy went in first week in february last year and saw another guy with his quad go down that same weekend )
  11. I went for a walk on rousea and 45 mins of fishing on sunday afternoon, only 4 inches under me. Needs more time !
  12. impressive ! long wait till next season, atleast you have a ton to choose from next year
  13. I haven't seen a bear track in the deep snow this time of year
  14. No luck with the Power Sharp System for my MS290... Gonna give it a go this weekend. Thank you for your interest in the Power Sharp™ system. Power Sharp is only available at this time in the 3/8 low profile type chain. As the MS290 takes the 3/8 standard or .325 pitch chains, Power Sharp is not yet available for this saw. Best Regards, Alison Heynderickx Technical Customer Service Oregon Cutting Systems, Blount Inc.
  15. +1 ill be in the area over the weekend
  16. little update. I was suprised by the wife with a MS290 with an 18 bar for xmas!! This things huge lol. Maybe overkill for my needs but it was a present so i cant refuse it I need to get a chain for it, should i go with a Stihl chain or can i get one from homedepot? Bar oil/2 stroke oil? stihl or whatever homedepot brand? im looking into a pair of chaps, homedepot only has some ghetoo looking echo chaps..anywhere else that sells them?
  17. Not sure what part i was on but I assume it was a small backbay.... 3 mile looked covered but had open water spots....
  18. good stuff ! the hut looks pimp... my 2 man clam still does that job but is getting old... I also have the same buddy as you... amazing little unit
  19. was there last saturday... covered but Way too much snow on top to tell... Id assume it needs a couple more weeks to Firm up
  20. hardly any snow here.. was up north the last couple weekends.. its like night and day !
  21. Wait a couple weeks , better safe than sorry
  22. I'm Also new to the area and would love to join you guys one day , once the ice is a good 8 inches I'm good with my sled I took a look at 3 mile on sat, skim and some openings , I won't be testing it for a couple weeks at least
  23. borrowing a friends stihl 250 18" blade for the weekend. now i need to watch some basic chainsaws vids on youtube anyone recommend where to buy a pair of chaps in the GTA? I like my legs intact:)
  24. i have one of the older ones .. non thermal. i have seen the thermal ones in action last year.... Very slick... id get one
  25. good advice guys, all this talk about Limbing body parts has got me thinking to let others with experience do all the major tree work.
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