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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. New ones run into the mid 'teens. They are pretty cool. We have a 30' travel trailer that stays in place and we absolutely love it. We looked at the tent trailers and decided to go big. You'll need at least a 12' with a family of 4 to be comfy. The newer models have a heck of a lot of amentities and are worth the extra investment as long as they are in good shape. Payments on a new one are cheaper than you might think. Look around and do your homework. Good luck!
  2. Thankfully I was never a professional smoker, I would have the odd smoke here and there socially but I never had a craving for a cigarette. Cigars are another matter, those I buy and enjoy occasionally. Like Lew, nobody smokes in my house and I mean nobody. As for the boat, I haven't had any smokers aboard yet but if something gets burned, it gets bought.
  3. Keep your van for towing. Get yourself a used Impala or Grand Prix with a 3.8 and you'll have a good reliable car capable of decent gas mileage but is also fairly heavy and safe. I'm a road warrior and do over 40k/year and Iwould not even think of getting a small car. With all the crazy tractor trailer drivers out there........I need a heavier car to feel comfy, besides, they ride nice.
  4. How heavy is the boat/trailer?? Make sure you leave 1000lbs of towing capacity extra. When towing capacity is measured, it usually means a 150lb driver and a full tank of gas and absolutely nothing else in the tow vehicle. So with passengers and gear you don't exceed it. Don't overload because if you need to stop in a hurry, it won't happen. I've seen too many yahoos on the road towing more than they should going wayyy too fast. I pull my 19ft Larson with my Olds Silhouette extended (3500lb towing cap) and it is too close to the limit. I'll be buying an SUV next year with a V8.
  5. AC/DC, Steve Miller's Greatest hits, April Wine's Greatest hits, RADAR LOVE (gotta have that), tons of classic rock.
  6. LOTW is positively gorgeous but it's closer to 20-22 hours driving time. But I'm not sure as to the availability of sled rentals.
  7. Just make sure that for your cars you are using the correct oil!!! All synthetic 5w30's, 5w20's etc... are not created equally!! Make sure you check your owner's manual for the correct type of oil. There are quite a few engine failures happening these days because people aren't going to the dealer for oil changes and are going to the corner lube shop for the cheapest oil change. The wrong oil goes in and they have catastrophic engine failure. Since most engines now are interference engines, anything goes wrong usually ends up in a grenaded engine. For the boat, I use the correct VOLVO PENTA oils and lubricants in the engine and out drive.
  8. Beautiful truck Lew!! Drive it in good health and may it give you hundreds of thousands of trouble free klicks!!!
  9. Scary isn't it to see how east it is to blow a few hundred bucks a month just on coffees. I have a timmies home brewer that really is the best coffee maker. Paired with the PC coffee in the gold can it takes 2 minutes to make a pot of great coffee even when I'm in a rush. You'd be amazed to know how many people look me in the eye and tell me they can't afford to put away 500 bucks a month to save for their own future not to mention their kids. So we do some simple math and calculate how much is spent on coffee and bagels and the like along with eating out at restaurants. When they actually see that over 1k a month is being blown it is a rude awakening. That's how the wife and I were able to buy the trailer and boat this year. We don't eat out often, besides I'm sick of paying a lot of money for food that I know I can make much better for less than a third of the price at home. But for God's sake everyone, save for your retirement, I have a few clients who did not and they barely have enough money to eat and put a roof over their heads.
  10. Make sure he does not roll over on this one!! He had already taken the truck in because it was making noise. That will be on the warranty record of the truck. If they continue to give static, have him contact a lawyer, a nasty letter goes a long way. On another note, geez Lew, you're moving out to the stix and now you're getting a pickup, you are turning into a hick (and I'm jealous)!!! Congrats on the new ride!
  11. I'm turning 39 this Christmas and for me, it's a time to get together with family and friends, the magic for myself is long gone. However, for my two little girls, it is magical and the smiles and excitement on their part is the most wonderful feeling. After doing some renovations and painting at home, we just finished decorating the house and tree and the kids are bouncing around just loving it. I look at Christmas being for the kids. For us adults, it's different but still a great time of year, you see friends and relatives that you don't see that often because life has become too busy. It has become too commercialized and far too Politically Correct. My family traditionally celebrated Christmas on January 7h but when they came to Canada, they assimilated and we have always celebrated on the 25th. I always wish people a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays. My friends and clients of the Jewish faith are always wished a Happy Hannukah (and they have no problem wishing me a Merry Christmas). So on that note, Merry Christmas to All and To All A Good Night!!
  12. Christmas Vacation!!!! Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Kiss my A.....s, Kiss her A....s, Kiss his A....s.............. A great movie full of laughs, classic Chevy Chase. We saw Christmas Carol (the new animated version) and it was great but a bit much for my little ones (almost 5 and 3). Stuck to Dickens' original story line quite well. And A Christmas Story, great movie. I never did get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.
  13. Happy belated B-day big guy!!!!
  14. I have both, they are both great reels. The Quantum is smoother and I think it casts a bit farther but that's not really fair, different rods/lures. Put both in your hands see which you like better and if that does not work, flip a coin, you can't go wrong with either.
  15. 35 years at the same place, WOW!! I'm hoping for 10 where we are in HH, somebody will end up forking out a whole whack of dough for the property (5 acres a stone's throw from the centre of the town) and developing it. Good luck and good hunting on your 'Man Toys' aka the snow blower and tractor. Take care my friend. Have a very Merry Christmas!!!
  16. This guy and his friends are a bunch of complete morons!!! He deserves the maximum penalty for what he did. We live in Canada, supposedly we pride ourselves on our racial tolerance. This is not the Deep South in the 1800's. This type of crap should never be tolerated anywhere!!! Canada was not always so tolerant, but we changed our ways to become better people. You see someone overfishing, call the police or the MNR, it is not up to you to be a vigilante and to dispense your particular brand of 'Justice'. Shayne Berwick's life effectively ended that fateful day. He will never ever be able to live his life to it's full potential. He will need constant care for the rest of his life, maybe part of the punishment meted out should be having to take care of Shayne for a week, only a week, just to see what was the result of that act of stupidity. My heart goes out to the victims of this.
  17. Get yourself a big one. Don't mess around with a small snowblower that you'll have to go up and down the driveway a dozen times. As for a lawn tractor, get a good one, don't cheap out because you'll end up regretting it. Another idea, have you thought about getting an ATV with a plow attachment?? I miss the country (I spent my summers as a kid on our family farm/getaway in Newtonville). I'm green with envy!! In another 20 years I'll be able to think about a move.
  18. Lew, congratulations are definitely in order!! You have a nice property, close to the water and a big garage with a real nice 'doghouse'. The best of luck to you and your wife in your new home. You'll get many years of enjoyment there and you'll definitely have the peace and quiet you have been wanting. I definitely have to make it up that way to hit the water with ya!!!
  19. Nice RIDES! I'm a big fan of the Pro-Vs and also the C6. Enjoy them.
  20. He's the best golfer in the world who has had a pretty clean reputation until now. So in the golfing world, it's big news. As for being headline material........... He has to come clean with his wife and family and I hope Elin takes him to the cleaners, he has steak at home and he went out for tripe.
  21. Start by running some Seafoam through it. Have you changed the plugs recently?? Also, how old was the gas?? More than 3 months, it needs Stabil in it.
  22. Hanging drywall, framing, tearing down, basic plumbing and electrical repairs, painting I can all handle. Taping drywall, NO THANKS!!!
  23. In floor radiant heating is a great idea. I've got a gas fireplace in my basement and when I fire that baby up, it turns my basement into a sauna.
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