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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Skipper, you did good....you must have some Redneck in you, the way you improvised for some of the ingredients you mentioned....but you were suppose to let that hooch ferment in the fridge for 3 days or MORE....but what the hell, as long as you enjoyed it, that is all that matters....but Christmas is still 5 days away, so you better make up another batch....but this time think BIGGER (Redneck style) and mix it in the bathtub...this way every time you have to use the loo you can help yourself to a snort. Bottoms UP,(or down in the loo) Bob
  2. Toss up between National Lampoon Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story.... Favorite Christmas time saying "Good Girls Get Presents, NAUGHTY Girls Get Diamonds"....
  3. Kyle, just make sure you invite everyone up for set up and take down day....but don't let it out of the bag....just say you're having a meet and greet day...
  4. By who's mark.... Ford, GM and Dodge trucks need to be "serviced quite often" and that's why I no longer own one. My Tundra other then brakes and tires hasn't need any service in almost 5 years now. Merry Christmas, Bob
  5. Skipper, you could be right.....rock candy is basically all sugar, I think....or you could even make your own... http://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/candy/recipe-rockcandy.html
  6. I don't really want that recipe all over the internet....but I will forward via PM for anyone interested. The Lacaster Ice Tea....LOL.....didn't really know Cliff when we spent a super week at his BEAUTIFUL Lakeside Home this past summer...but it was a hot humid day when we arrived...and nothing goes better on a day like that then ice tea...so I offered Ole Cliff a refreshing beverage and we became friends for life....
  7. You never heard of "String Rock Candy"....have you been hitting the hooch already.....LOL.....you're young so I'll help you out here. Here's what it looks like. http://www.ohnuts.com/buy.cfm/bulk-candy/rock-sugar-swizzle-sticks/white-strings-natural
  8. In your first post you recommended a Tahoe/Suburban with a 350....they're doing good if they get 8 mpg.... Bottom line no truck or large SUV is going to give you great gas mileage.....if someone tells you different...well then, I have a bridge for sale... But if you want a Big Strong RELIABLE truck get the Toyota Tundra and you will never go back to the Ford, Dodge or GM vehicles again...and yes they "may" cost more at the time of purchase but they hold their value much better when it's time to trade it in. I have also owned many vehicles and I have sworn off the Big Three forever....Toyota Tundra for hunting/fishing for me....Honda Civic for running around when I want great gas mileage.
  9. As others here I have some family traditions we do at Christmas time and something everyone asks if I will be making it again this year....especially by visiting out of town family....so I thought I would share it here if anyone is interested...it's super easy to make but should be made at least 3 days or more before consuming it...make it in a carafe if you have one and place it in fridge and shake every so often...and don't forget to eat the fruit as it good for you....LOL...you will find many folks that never would drink whiskey ask for a second one... ...Merry Christmas... CANDY WHISKEY DRINK 1 Pint of WHISKEY ¼ lb of String Rock Candy 6 Maraschino Cherries 6 Chunks of Pineapple in HEAVY Syrup 4 Slices of Oranges 4 Slices of Lemons 2 Teaspoons of Cherry Juice 2 Teaspoons of Pineapple Juice This is only a guide……I have always doubled or tripled the above ingredients because I try to use a liter of Whiskey. The more stuff in it the better. (Disclaimer: the author of this recipe assumes no responsibility for the actions of those individuals who may consume this magic potion as they may turn into complete jackasses in a very short time)
  10. Synthetic oil does has it's advantages but "sometimes" can cause oil leaks. I put in Mobil 1 in my back up generator and it sprung a leak....Sears repaired it under warranty and you guessed it, another leak now that it's not under warranty... ....however my Tundra has been running on Mobil 1 since it's first oil change without problems. BTW Walmart's full synthetic oil is Mobil 1 for a about $7 less per 5 qt jug.
  11. Hey, wait a minute..... shouldn't you be working on the Ice Resort.... ....LOL
  12. Never had or knew anyone that has Breathable Waders.....might be good for warm weather fishing.... Everyone here is using the neoprene waders for duck hunting....but you might be onto something...don't know... Here's the waders that have held up VERY well for me several years now. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Ultimate-Hunting-Chest-Waders-150-Regular/749353.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch%2F%3FN%3D%26No%3D100%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dwaders%26Ntx%3Dmode%252Bmatchallpartial%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts%26WTz_st%3D%26WTz_stype%3DSP%26form_state%3DsearchForm%26search%3Dwaders%26searchTypeByFilter%3DAllProducts%26x%3D0%26y%3D0&Ntt=waders&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products
  13. Not from the pictures I have seen so far.... This is a "ice shack"....your's is a "Ice Resort" in my eyes... BTW have you thought of making the ceiling higher then need be for light storage, e.g. heavy jackets, etc.....maybe light shelves or netting to just throw you heavy out wear up there to free up floor and wall space..
  14. OK, tell her meet us there and we will reimburse her from her net winning suggestions...
  15. fishNwire.....if you haven't purchased any reflector "tape" I have some heavy duty commercial, real sticky stuff if you want....it's BLUE in color and was used on RR engines....don't know how it would stick to wood but on metal it NEVER came off once put in place....and it will never fade out. They are about 6" squares that you can use like that or cut into stripes with scissors. Just PM me if your interested and I'll drop them in the mail. Bob
  16. McBilly Bob....sounds like something you would order from McDonald's dollar menu.... BTW Lew, What's your daughter doing the first week of April....do you think she would like to meet us in Vegas....
  17. OH GOD....I can see it now...."Canadian's Gone Wild on Ice"....hey, why not, they have the stupid "Big Shrimpin" and "Sons of Guns" still on the History Channel.... Every week a different ice hut would be visited to see how men of the Great White North cope when the fish are not biting.... I guarantee you it would be a better show then "Big Shrimpin" where each week the brine machine breaks down and they can't freeze the shrimp...
  18. fishNwire, The more I read about this Ice Resort the more I would like to see you move it and then see it again once it's in full operation and of course removal come March...it's going to be the standard from now on how ice huts should be built....everything else on the ice will only ice shacks in comparison... I just wish you were closer to me... So more pictures...and somehow find a video camera....many digit cameras have this option...
  19. Nice......your gramdmother paid for the Ice Resort....we need many more grandmother's like that in this world.... She was a smart and kind lady...
  20. In NYS we just got our minnow purchasing problems lifted somewhat... For the last 3-4 years we could only purchase "Certified Minnows" (each one had to bear the NYS stamp....LOL).....this so called certified bait came in from Wisconsin and was VERY expensive and were not most times Emerald Shiners but rather "golden shiner" that did not work anywhere as well as the real stuff from Erie while perch fishing... The rules were, you could NOT transport bait over the road unless it was certified and you had a receipt showing it was indeed certified...so that counted out Emerald Shiners from the Niagara River that is a must while perch'n on Lake Erie. However, around June 1st this year the DEC FINALLY lifted the ban on selling Lake Erie Minnow and other minnows as long as you only transport said minnows in the bait corridor....good rule and it makes sense....but after the initial discovery of VHS in Lake Erie it has not been detected since....so that help with a LOT of political pressure from all our hunting/fishing clubs not to mention the Federation that most of them all belong to. Bottom line, I can now "legally" dip my own bait in the Niagara and transport it over land to use in Lake Erie, thus saving hundreds of dollars in bait costs and or fines.... Here's the site that deals with our bait regs....scroll down about half way on the page.... http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/47282.html Also if a bait dealer sells uncertified bait he CANNOT have certified bait for sale and visa versa. Bob
  21. I think we need a contest to name this Ice Resort.......maybe the person who's name you pick could cut the ceremony ribbon once it's in place on solid ice...
  22. WOW....a regular nice guy here asks for advice and instead some beat up on him.... I didn't read where he said he wanted to cash in on this misfortune... These are difficult things as most have never experience something like this before....especially a young man like Dana. Hopefully he'll take it in stride and come back to this great forum... BTW he (his picture) reminds me of "Hector" from the show Becker...
  23. Maybe you should just post here asking for some free water to be delivered to your back yard....
  24. Oh my....I don't know how I ever coped ice fishing for perch without a fly reel... Does anyone here but me think these outdoor writers do a article on some product ONLY because it was sent to them FREE....One of my hunting/fishing partners is a "outdoor writer" and his garage is full of crap that he hasn't even had the chance to take out of the boxes yet (years)....
  25. Oh johnnyb, you had to mention "Lake-Effect" didn't you....we have been skating on thin ice here without any snow and now you, yes you ruined it....if we get a storm this weekend I will hunt you down like a woodchuck....
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