Billy Bob
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Everything posted by Billy Bob
When they make new units that make the fish bite, especially on those very difficult days....then I will buy a new one...
Now I just have to get those fish to swim over to the better side of the lake so I can catch and eat them.....
Ya, very old....was posted in yesterday's paper...and you WILL be getting him back....
For those interested....... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/police-courts/police-blotter/article660652.ece
For those interested......... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/fishing-line/article662856.ece Bob
NICE GOING......GOOD LUCK and I hope you prosper for your courage to go forward in this economy....we need more like you to bring our two countries back to where we were. Now what about a discount....LOL Bob
I'm guessing over 5 lbs...and that's a lot of smoked muskie fish sandwiches for ice fishing. NICE GOING....you couldn't have ended the season on a better note.... Bob
Were you GOOD....
Oh, don't worry...we made the RR pay and pay dearly.... Short true story.... We had this guy "Ray" that to this day I believe he wasn't all there...he talked real slow and thought real slow...but anyways.....CSX took ConRail over in a hostile take over with Norfolk and Southern....where we worked it was split to CSX...well CSX finally had a meeting with our department a few months after the the take over was final....they sent down their personal managers from Jacksonville, Florida....the top guy from CSX got up and addressed the gang and said "I know you guys get snow down here" that's when good old Ray got up and said nice and slow.... "We don't call it snow down here, we call it "OT Flakes" and then pointed at the top CSX guy and said..."When there falling YOU'RE PAYING"...the guy was stunned to say the least...but Ray was right.... Winter on the railroad was MONEY TIME....plain and simple.
For anyone interested..... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article658870.ece
VERY NICE BOAT.... Now that your a boat owner we have to tell you the secrets of owning your own boat... B reak O ut A nother T housand and the definition of a boat "a hole in the water you keep pouring money into".... Bob
Great advice from aniceguy, but also see if there are any zerk fitting for the motor AND steering....I have several...pumping in new grease will force out any water in those areas. I have NEVER heard of anti-freeze for a outboard motor...they are self draining...just raise and lower the out board a few times and all the water will run out.... Now depending on where the boat will be stored (hopefully indoors) you might want to put some moth balls under the motor cover and in several spots throughout the boat....I just take a small plastic bag and place 6 moth balls in it...then cut several small holes in the bag with scissors or a poke them with a knife...this has kept mice out of my boat for the last 26 years....hopefully again this year. Bob
Shane, Your doing quite well from what I can see..... Me....just OK so far... Friday I got out which will be the last time for a while as our season closes on Monday until the day after Chrismas thru Jan 9th....we hunted the Niagara River but soon after we set the decoys it started to snow hard and the birds just weren't flying....we did get on Bufflehead though. So how long and when does your season open and close....ALSO how many canvassbacks are you allowed....here's only 1 bird...we have a 6 bird limit but only 4 mallards with only 2 being hens, 1 Black Duck, 2 Redheads, 3 Woodies, 2 Pintails and 3 geese except 8 in the early Sept season. Bob
Welcome to big business.......did 30 years on the Railroad....never seen a bonus...worked MANY holidays, worked a lot YEARS of afternoons (3pm-11pm) with Tues/Wed off...but made some nice money along the way that provided for my family. No one forces us to work anywhere. We do it by choice. But the last 7-8 years the General Foreman did provide cold cuts for lunch at Christmas time...
OMG.....PLEASE get the Volunteer Fire Fighters involved ASAP....NOW...I am a Volunteer Fire Police Officer and would have been the first there.....ACT NOW...PLEASE.
Damn frogs....ketchup here there and everywhere.... This is real meat not something that "hops"....
Very Good......
Time for a current update....
You know what they say about Christmas lights.... They are like ____________________________ Half of them don't work and the other half aren't too bright....LOL...
Coors will KILL YOU.....
Here's my Lowrance IWay 500C......it also is a MP3 player and stores 5000 songs which play directly through the truck's speakers...when a directional command comes up the song is paused and "Jackie" tells us where to go....then after hundreds of miles of getting close to our destination my wife decides to take over and say no turn here and for some stupid reason I do and then I have to turn around or re-route....then we argue...
I have two LMS 520C units on my boat that are networked and etherneted together......they can be controlled from one unit and both can share either the transom transducer or the bow mounted transducer. When I mark a hot spot for a GPS waypoint on one unit it is automatically entered on the other unit...NICE... For a bow mounted transducer all I did was bend the transom bracket a little and then used the transom transducer mounted on my TM....like this.. Here is a GREAT site with all the tech answers you are seeking.. http://www.bbcboards.net/zerothread?id=282434 http://www.bbcboards.net/zeroforum?id=13 Good Luck and you will LOVE the two units networked and ethernetted together. Bob
Fisherman, there is nothing wrong with me.... Well, almost nothing...