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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. WOW....I guess you got that son of a gun anchored pretty good....but you're almost half way to building a shelter.
  2. Each department will have it's own qualifications depending on many circumstances....when you have a lot of man power to choose from you can operate different then from a small community.
  3. No we didn't....the friggin Indians did...
  4. I only wish.
  5. Are you a professional Fire Fighter ? ? ? ...if so then that explains why your post is so different then mine. I am a volunteer fire fighter and our rules differ from pro's not because we are less qualified but maybe because we have a LOT more man power to select from. Our trucks per department rule doe NOT roll unless there are three green tags (interior fire fighters) on board....and we have 6 trucks plus a heavy rescue truck in our department alone....if it's a working house fire we immediately request mutual aid from neighbouring fire departments. Some are asked to respond to the fire scene while others are asked to man our vacant fire halls just in case another call comes from our territory. So with a minimum of 3 green tags times 6 trucks we have 18 qualified and highly trained interior fire fighters at the scene and if it's a working house fire more help is on the way. Exterior fire fighters are used to help man outside hose...drag hose, connect hose, etc....this frees up our green tags and keeps them fresh for a inside attack if need be. So what do you think....do we have our bases covered.....our company has been doing this for over 100 years and never lost a fire fighter, Thank God... Keep Safe, Bob
  6. Exterior Fire Fighters are not required to wear SCBA's and they are needed for interior fire fighters...you have to remember there are only so many SCBA's to go around at a fire scene. Also exterior fire fighters are just important even though they are not qualified to wear SCBA's and fight from the inside of the fire.
  7. We learned the hard way (once) that during a suspicious fire we now leave a hose in the house and wrapped it around the fire hydrant to secure the fire scene to the FIRE DEPARTMENT in case we need to go back in there for investigation. This is enough to legally say we are not turning the property over to the owner.
  8. I don't know Dana....that sounds like a crappy idea....
  9. The whole thread is outside the forum norms....
  10. Hey, where did Sinclair go asks GBW.... .... "It's in the hole".... :rofl2: This is too easy....LOL.....
  11. You got a good point there partner.....chewy beer....you might have something there...."no honey, I am NOT drinking beer"....LOL
  12. OK Ron, you got me....what the hell is that ???
  13. Errrr....wouldn't a Hefty Garbage bag throw outside the HEAVY hut act as a cooler in the winter..... ...or is this to "conceal" illegal items, like _________
  14. If no one was injured, then that's all that counts....insurance will replace "things" but no one can replace a life. As most but not all fires....STUPID acts are usually involved.... ESPECIALLY during the Christmas Season....THINK and don't take chances with wiring, candles (the #1 fire cause) and fires in the fireplace or wood burning stove...over the 30 years as a volunteer fire fighter I have seen so MANY fires that should of been prevented. PLACE IT SAFE and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bob
  15. I agree that 2X4's for floor joist are too light...would get the job done but again too light to hold up for the long run....however, 2X10 with 2X6 floor joists don't make much sense to me either...can you explain why you didn't just use 2X6's for complete floor... And the first one to use "that's what we had" has to bring the beer...
  16. Well at "no expense" the only thing I can think of is a old pair of wool socks that you might have laying around...
  17. I'm just busting your balls and having a LOT of fun with this but Sinker is giving you LOTS of good advice.....listen and learn. I have NEVER built a ice hut and would probably have the same tendencies you guys are having...build it big and STRONG as that is how I am....but you really need to think LIGHT LIGHT and LIGHTER on the ice... But I can help you move it with my RR experience as that was my job for 30 years....putting VERY heavy RR cars back on track.... here's just one of the cranes (similar) I operated. The one we had lifted 250 ton and was manned by a 8 man crew, which included a diner car, sleeping quarters and a tool car...sometimes we would work around the clock for DAYS...if we couldn't lift it, it couldn't be lifted.....so PLEASE keep it under 250 tons as my experience doesn't help after that weight....LOL
  18. Now that's.... :rofl2:
  19. Might as do it right and get a nice window and what's better then a Bay Window on the lake....LOL Wouldn't this make more sense.... Cut out the floor and put in doors on the floor....this way you can drive it to the next hot spot... Now we're talking mobile ice fishing hut..... and it will probably be lighter.....
  20. WHY 2X10 for something that will be sitting on the ice....one word.... HEAVY
  21. Elmer's Wood glue is the proper glue for this small job. http://www.discountschoolsupply.com/Product/ProductDetail.aspx?product=12847&es=237530000ESC&utm_source=CSE&utm_medium=weblink&utm_campaign=froogle&cvsfa=408&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=3132383437&gclid=CJC9pv-f-qwCFcbd4AodYyp-Tg
  22. Buy new waders.
  23. A simple leakage test of the cooling system can tell you if you have a leak...take it to a mechanic that can pressurize the system....that will tell you right away if the cooling system has a leak...finding it is another matter...might even have to have a cylinder leakage test done...but that's a rare thing for a coolant leak but can sometimes find it. To get the air out of the system drive around with the radiator cap loose to vent the system once it becomes hot...take some extra coolant with you just in case. BTW I believe this truck has "deathcool" (Dexcool) for a anti-freeze....bad stuff as it shortens the life of head gaskets and intake manifold gaskets. Bob
  24. You will hear both are good units and both are bad units... My advise it to get one for each boat and maybe spend a little less on the boat you use least. Swapping them back and forth is a pain in the and can be hard on the unit's plugs, etc.... I have seen Lowrance just came out with their 2nd Generation HDS units so their 1st Generation HDS units are on sale at most store that carry them...or check online, even check Ebay. Bob
  25. Looks like PURE Quackery to me.....
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