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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Neoprene, at least quality neoprene waders that I use for duck hunting have proven over time to be very durable....want to test waders...the swamp I hunt is like a proving ground for waders....logs, sticks you name it....it's under there and you can't see it, unlike a clear trout stream. Haven't had a leak yet....
  2. LOL.......I haven't been in a house yet a ice hut that I would consider sleeping on the floor....too old for that... ...as a matter of fact my favorite camp ground these day is Camp MGM Grand....or Camp Sheraton, or Camp Ramada...this year's best camp ground was none other then Camp Cliff.... ....see where I'm going with this... And I'm just pulling your chain....I REALLY think this is going to be the #1 Ice Hut (Resort) for the 2011-2012 season....but we have to wait for the finished product before any OFC awards can be presented..... Bob
  3. Oh NO....they stole precious water right next to the largest fresh water supply in the world.... ....what will we do. Other then what Lew pointed out.....SO WHAT....they wanted to play some hockey....I have seen inner city kids do this EVERY summer in Buffalo and elsewhere and NO one was ever arrested or held accountable to pay for the water.... ...for God's sake, this is not the desert where water is at a premium.... If I was the judge, the punishment would be to let handicap children use the ice once a week for the rest of the season....I would much rather have these young adults doing this then hanging on the street corner dealing/looking for drugs. I have always said....find things for the kids to do or they will find things to do that you will NOT like...that has worked for my boys quite well. Bob
  4. I have never been in a ice hut that had the floor insulated...as a matter of fact...all the ice huts that I have been in were't much more then 1/4 plywood sided shacks with 1/2" or so insulation board glued to the inside of the walls and ceiling with a small propane heater....and they were very warm to fish in...they didn't have satellite TV, a Lazy Boy recliner or a wet bar with a full kitchen but we did catch some fish in them....
  5. THANKS....but not on here in the USA...that STUPID "Sons of Guns" is on again....
  6. Yep, '81 was the cut off date....that's when I spent $500 and got her a 5K diamond....at least that's what I told her it was.... Edited for accuracy...it was 1980 when I asked her....married in '81
  7. "Tomorrow, it's all about a massive erection"...... (sorry there was no way in hell I could let that one go)
  8. Sounds good...just hope the weather now cooperates for you guys ASAP.... As a old saying goes "it's tough sledding without snow"....and this time it hits the ice hut nail almost on the head....LOL
  9. Have you ever called a credit card company to stop payment....if so then you know it's not that easy to do.....there are forms to fill out...then they must contact the merchant for their side of the story....that is why I said to get the ball rolling with the credit card company and then in person pay the dealer a visit and go from there.
  10. Met the bride over 32 years ago in a camp ground on the shores of Chautauqua Lake while I was building my summer home/cottage. Celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary back in October....she's the BEST... And your right.....too many are spending their fortune....errr future on weddings and shiny things. We went to Toronto for our honeymoon. then the rest to the week at our cottage....
  11. OK....when you say you have contacted the dealer daily since Friday, you mean almost a week now...right...and when you make contact who is it that you are talking to that they need to get back to you.... My BEST advice and hopefully you did this (paid by credit card) is now contact your credit card company to stop payment...as this takes time...then get back to the dealers place of business in person and see who's in charge there....tell them you are asking your credit card company to stop payment because of your concerns....the credit card company will actually reverse the charges once the dust settles....but the place of business WILL NOW pay attention to your concerns....and don't back off if you believe you are right in your demands. But you must be reasonable with the cover because it's not a new one....but they should pay to have it repaired. Let us know how this works out for you. Bob
  12. BTW I sold my only firearm at the time to get the bride her engagement ring....and gave it to her 2 days before Christmas at a little restaurant called Piccolo's that is no longer there...now it's a pizza shop...every time I drive by I think back to that day....
  13. As long as it's fixed now...that's all that matters....
  14. Maybe you didn't see my suggestion in Sinclair's Ice Resort thread....I was half serious with this...
  15. Errrrrr....no that's cheap...or very clever...you make the call....
  16. "SAVES" like in "she saves me".....get that ring and that's the last time you will use those three words in a sentence....LOL Good Luck, Bob
  17. If you have that much ice already, I could see building a Ice Resort as you will get several months of use out of it....down here, I am thinking ice fishing has been cancelled and the government forgot to tell us...
  18. LOL....you will soon find out who's backwards....LOL
  19. If it's money your truly concerned with.....it's much cheaper to get a hooker, maid and cook when needed....
  20. When you look out your window this time of the day you should be seeing empty driveways because those folks are working and the kids are in school....you might want to think about that....expensive rent/mortgages most times dictate the neighbours you have....just like a cheap hotel vs a more expensive hotel when travelling in unknown areas...always spend the little more to insure safety and piece of mind for you and your family. Now go out there and kick the drug dealers and throw a RR fuse through the window before you head out for lunch.... Bob
  21. Mikey, You probably don't need me to say this....BUT....you need to live in a better neighbourhood....don't you think.... I'm twice your age.... and the only thing I EVER had stolen from me was my HUGE rotary antenna off the roof of my cottage back in 1982 and I pretty sure I know who done it. I have NEVER even locked the door on my garage in the 30+ years I have lived here....and wouldn't lock the house doors if my wife would let me. Bob
  22. HEY, I resemble that remark.....
  23. Don't know your laws up there but here a cop needs just cause to pull someone over.
  24. Every GPS has setting that you can dialed in or out before it says "YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR DESTINATION".....I have mine dialed in the most it can go and rather not have it at all....
  25. I love being married................it's my wife that I don't like.. And you really want to get into trouble, just introduce her at this years Christmas Parties as "This is my first wife, Cindy"...
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