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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. That's just part of the learning process.....I should of said I only use charcoal and real wood logs to smoke......I like either hickory or just some maple......maple is best for my fish and hickory is best for my ribs but they are pretty close to the same...........if you can convert your smoker to use charcoal to start the fire and then wood.....mine is big enough to use logs..........
  2. Even if there was a mud line you should be fishing well past it to find deep cooler water.
  3. Also includes some from NF, Ontario...... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/police-courts/courts/article967948.ece
  4. Your reasoning is flawed simply because bear populations go up and down depending on many things....one (big) being the lack of a spring bear hunt in Ontario....but other things as well....like weather and food availability in the wild....either way you can't use your math for this equation....just doesn't work. Bob
  5. I have smoked a ton of ribs in my day......and I have never put them in a brine....never even heard of putting RIBS in a brine....now fish is a whole different thing.....I always brine for fish...... For ribs I only use a DRY RUB......here's what I use.......it's simple, easy and the best part GOOD... RIB RUB 6 lbs of Ribs 4 Tsp of Kosher Salt 2 Tsp of Sugar 1 Tsp of Tumeric 1 Tsp of Paprika 1 Tsp of Celery Salt 1 Tsp of Pepper And of course the results..........
  6. What HP is this motor ? ? ? Your lower unit is NOT leaking oil......this is too much oil from your VRO unit....could be faulty. And this could be a starting problem.....my guess is when you tilt the motor out of the water the carbs drain off and then the VRO pump made up for the lack of gas by injecting extra oil....this is also what happens when you run out of gas with a VRO engine...I have a 1985 50hp VRO and as soon as I hear it running out of gas I turn off the key and switch tanks. What kind of plugs are you using in this unit.......there should be 2 choices.......high speed (plug only has a center electrode) or low speed plug that looks like a conventional plug...this is the one I would recommend. AGAIN....your lower unit is NOT leaking that oil.....it's coming from the power head. Bob
  7. I also don't believe in giving corporations tax dollars......but think of the money spent on BILLIONAIRES so you can have a sports team locate in your city.......Buffalo is negotiating with the Buffalo Bills as I peck away here......they are asking for $220 MILLION in stadium remodelling AGAIN....and they pay NO RENT whatsoever.....and when the owner dies (93 years old now) the team will be sold and probably moved...maybe to Toronto.
  8. "Take me fishing Grandpa" is the best words a guy could ever hear....
  9. Hope some new jobs come out of this....... http://www.buffalonews.com/business/article964255.ece
  10. http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/promotions.aspx
  11. OK....then you or Misfit Please direct me to the photo section....
  12. We have a PHOTO SECTION.....
  13. But at that size they are barely bigger then fry.......and their survival rate will be VERY low..... Oneida Lake in Central NYS has a hatchery right across the street from the lake.....they have been for years stocking fry in that lake....100 MILLION each and every year with the hopes of a 1% return. However, in recent years they have now been raising some of the walleyes to fingerlings as they have a MUCH better survival rate. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/21666.html More hatchery info...... http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7742.html
  14. You guys are doing it ALL WRONG.... Here is the best way to remove a hook in someone.......you can thank me later... Bob
  15. REAL PICKEREL ...see the 3 fish in the middle.....
  16. This is the EXACT one I have on my '07 Tundra........LOVE IT....I got it here for $279 shipped to the house back in June of 2007.... http://www.autoanything.com/tonneau-covers/60A2044A0A0.aspx
  17. OH.......OK...............................then they are............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ WALLEYES
  18. Not called walleyes in Buffalo, NY, USA but rather YELLOW PIKE....hope that makes you feel a little bit better....
  19. Not sure if it matter or not..........but I have a 2 stroke VRO Johnson 50hp and it's been GREAT since I got her back in 1985......[/b ]but I ALWAYS run the gas out of it[/b] EVERY fall...... but before I do that I use Stabil fuel stabilizer thru the fuel system during the off season....
  20. I have a couple of leaky rivets on my boat that are impossible to get to unless I would completely remove the console floor and rod locker.....instead for years I just clean that area real good and apply silicone caulking to those rivets on the outside of the boat, works great.
  21. Walleyes LOVE Current.......
  22. Every year we hear/see/read about a boat explosion at the dock/gas/dock.....this is the reason I will NEVER jump start a boat from my boat.....over the years I have been asked several times.....I always say "sorry but I can't for safety reasons".....and many times It's not take very well......
  23. In 2006 the wife and I did a out west camping trip......bought a large pop up camper....some call it a tent trailer....... But anyways......on this trip we camp 4 days in Yellowstone Park.......since we did not have a complete hard shell camper we were restricted on where we were allowed to camp....anywhere where there was bear activity we were not allowed to set up our pop up camper.....AND even in the area we were allowed in, a Park Ranger would constantly walk the campground insuring you did not leave out your cooking stuff, including your coolers and grill.....EVERYTHING had to be put away in your truck when you were finished with your meal. Yes, bears can be serious and the National Park Service realizes this and they take all the precautions they can. So should you. Those were grizzlies. We're talking about black bears here. SORRY.........but Yellowstone is noted for BOTH bears INCLUDING BLACK BEARS
  24. The hunters are not saying to KILL ALL THE BEARS...but rather HARVEST the bears in the spring time again......it worked back then, why not now.
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