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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Sounds like a good plan....best time to fish is when you have time...
  2. Haven't been out myself in TOO LONG...was hoping for Saturday but that doesn't look too good.......but here's some info that might help.... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120911/SPORTS/120919727
  3. You're right Paul.....they don't mess around any more when a boat approaches them at a high rate of speed. Those 50 caliber guns can make a quick exit for those doing what you just did.....
  4. No fault insurance is for BODILY INJURY not property damage.....at least that is the way it works down here in the USA
  5. For those interested in touring these military ships they are now docked in Buffalo....... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120912/CITYANDREGION/120919758/1010
  6. Skipper "D" on this board does all kinds of that work and has all the heavy equipment to do it, not to mention the experience.... It's nice to get offers from folks here to help out but most times when push comes to shove, their busy for one reason or another when you need them the most... Give Skipper a PM.....he's in your area also, I believe. Bob
  7. Stocking a lake doesn't mean all's well afterward....Oneida Lake in NYS gets a annual stocking of 150 MILLION fry each and every year....and it's still struggling and no commercial fishing is allowed on the lake.....but let's say a massive stocking for the next 5 years does do well, and hopefully it will....but then letting KILLER GILL NETS once again on the lake will result in the same conditions you are experiencing now....and that makes no sense whatsoever....
  8. I'm SURE cormorants are having a negative effect on the walleye population....as you can check here (a summarized report), Oneida Lake, once a walleye factory for NYS also had problems with cormorants....but first and foremost, KILLING GILL NETS should be outlawed on the Big Nip.... http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/72333.html
  9. Eat, DRINK and Beat Leslie.........
  10. World record musky or not...........either way it still taste like .....LOL...I would rather eat perch... But a VERY Nice fish...
  11. If the sport angler's limits or reduce and the KILLING GILL NETS still allowed, you will NOT see much improvement if any at all.
  12. But what you're not taking into consideration is since the mid 1980's all the GILL NETTERS on the USA side were bought out and eliminated.....NYS, PA, OHIO and MI no longer gill net walleyes or perch.......so yes, it is a good example....
  13. BAN THE GILL NETS and the lake will rebound, just like Lake Erie did....
  14. Go east old man, go east and have some fun........
  15. Nice report old man........
  16. ANOTHER Musky Delight Report from Musky Mike....with pictures of a funny looking dude in the first picture.....LOL.....
  17. I am currently running those pictures through my Photo Shop Checker....LOL Nice catches Roy.....
  18. Nice fishing report Ron, but where did you get the picture of the "Skipper" from Gilligan's Island...
  19. GREAT PICTURES......Looks like everyone had a GREAT time. Bob
  20. PICTURES Roy.....we need to see pics or I could say I just fished the Lake of the Woods this morning but made it back early with my limit....LOL
  21. Cormorants could be a GOOD thing for Lake Nip......especially they way the walleye fishing continues to spiral downward.....and anglers go elsewhere to fish. Just think Sinker, you could be booking a trip in the next few years to go Cormorant hunting on the famous Lake Nip.....limit 15 Cormorants per hunter per day with bonus birds during the week days to promote even more tourist on the off days up north....
  22. Actually "maybe" not....hopefully it's the plug and probably is, but the coil could be failing under load and not at idle.
  23. OK Simon.......after I collect I'll let you know how much is your half...
  24. LOL But I do agree with you Sinker......bunk trailered boats need a push to get them off the trailer....UNLIKE roller trailers...but mine is set up to be pushed off pretty easy, even though is well over 1000 lbs......
  25. Shayne, when and where can I pick up your pay check......as I do this EVERY TIME I launch my boat...remember, my hubs never get wet... ...maybe next month Simon (Pikeslayer) can do one of his videos of me launching my boat....BTW how much do you make and I hope you only get paid once a month....
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