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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. You let them GO...... ...now what are your cats going to eat...
  2. For those interested in Lake Erie/Lake Ontario and other lakes in WNY..... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/fishing-line/article990939.ece
  3. And that's twice as much as you would ever get for the Leafs.....
  4. We like to treat our Canadian friends right.....
  5. United States is one nation under Canada, above Mexico.....
  6. I want nothing to do with this idea.......period... I guess you never heard of the middle east......they are always trying to kill each other.....someday IRAN might make a strike and you and I will be glad the USA is so strong military wise....and that's not even mentioning North Korea... BTW terrorist are mostly about religion NOT country vs country.
  7. And you then might be speaking Japanese or German...or WORSE....
  8. Regional means from only 1 area.......they were called "Blue Pike" here in the Buffalo area.....so that name stretched from the east to all the way to west end of Lake Erie....that's over 200 miles I believe and covers 4 states....that would be much more then regional. Bob
  9. But it's NOT a regional name..... http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/species_a_to_z/SpeciesGuideIndex/bluepike/tabid/21832/Default.aspx
  10. Blue Pike (see Lake Erie) are all extinct......have been since the 50's I believe...
  11. Orange means the system is going to fail very soon.......just send it to me and I'll send you some nice $.25 off coupons on some nice split shots....
  12. Great pics except for Fishermen's Wharf.......I didn't see any fishermen... The Bride and I will be heading out west (Vegas) in a couple of weeks....but our best out west trip was in '06 when we camped across America for 30 days.....6,500 miles through 17 states and Ontario...dreaming about doing it again. LOVE the Golden Gate Bridge pic... Bob
  13. Good Luck on the new house and have fun cutting the lawn.......for info on how it should be done (right) watch this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GmG2hP-GTw
  14. But there's always more then one way at looking at it.......we were the only country to set foot on the moon....and after all these years, all we got were some ROCKS....... During the space race the U.S.A. spent over 1 million dollars developing a pen that could right upside down and in space..................the Russians used a pencil......
  15. Two week ago while walleye fishing I was chartering large schools out of Buffalo in 52-58 feet of water.......then last week out of the Catt we were chartering them in 80-82 feet of water.......the big problem right now is there are no Lake Erie Emerald Shiners to be had.
  16. Not sure how you come up with this but Sept and Oct are great months for Lake Erie perch fishing..... BTW Merc.......I have close to 200 fillets in my freezer..... Another month and I'll be stocking up with some more....
  17. Not a waste of money if they find a real health population of walleyes up there......now that would be one hell of a fly in trip, wouldn't it...
  18. Are you sure you're not a transplant from Alabama... Funny how those people from the deep south don't believe we ever landed on the moon....but VERY MUCH believe in Big Foot....
  19. Not good for us boaters.......... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article986199.ece
  20. Happy Birthday to the DOG WHISPERER.........
  21. When you're retired there is no need to put on a pair of work pants...
  22. SO who's more a threat to the Nip.....the gill netters or cormorants....the bigger threat should be address first.. BTW according to the mayors report, I guess there are NO PICKEREL only a "few" walleyes in Lake Nipissing...
  23. Huh, no Cormorant, Big Bird or Doe Doe Bird Lake......
  24. THANKS.......would LOVE to hear more about this....do you have any websites you could PM me. Bob
  25. Man missing on air mattress on Lake Erie.... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/southern-ontario/article983152.ece
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