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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I smell a TREE HUGGER in here.......
  2. Nothing but good things to say about Rockauto.com... :good:
  3. I watched it last night......IMHO you guys didn't miss anything......MAYBE it will get better as the episodes unfold....but I doubt it.
  4. In 2006 the wife and I did a out west camping trip......bought a large pop up camper....some call it a tent trailer....... But anyways......on this trip we camp 4 days in Yellowstone Park.......since we did not have a complete hard shell camper we were restricted on where we were allowed to camp....anywhere where there was bear activity we were not allowed to set up our pop up camper.....AND even in the area we were allowed in, a Park Ranger would constantly walk the campground insuring you did not leave out your cooking stuff, including your coolers and grill.....EVERYTHING had to be put away in your truck when you were finished with your meal. Yes, bears can be serious and the National Park Service realizes this and they take all the precautions they can. So should you.
  5. NICE.......I only had the pun 2X.....but I see can get a triple decker out of it....LOL...
  6. REAL Solution......SPRING BEAR HUNT.
  7. Well, I guess the MNR could of just said "Please Bear With Us"....
  8. Lets just wait for the cold front to blow through and see.......it's that stable weather we have had for the last few weeks that set up a nice thermoclime.....it if blows hard and that breaks up, all bets are off on where to find any salmon.
  9. The worst part of this forecast is it will probably break up that nice thermoclime that is set up in about 100 feet of water and scatter the salmon.....
  10. You know.......sometimes you guys get these series later then we do for some stupid reason....
  11. ENJOY............ http://www.buffalonews.com/entertainment/gusto/television/article954324.ece
  12. Wussy Canucks.......you are either fish or cut bait on shore..... ......... Here's a site I use for Lake Erie and you can drag it over to Lake Ontario...you can get the wave report for that exact area in the lake by just clicking the cursor there....it really works only for USA waters but will direct you to a Canadian site if you click on your side of either lake....but I think it's best to just click on the USA side...try it, you might like it..... http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=42.71170507522794&lon=-79.07272338867188&site=buf&unit=0&lg=en&FcstType=marine Now go catch a nice big salmon...... ....doesn't look too bad for Sat/Sun
  13. I LOVE the heat.......all the girls around here are wearing those light frilly things now....
  14. YES........where are the new updates.......
  15. AGAIN..... :rolleyes:
  16. Could he be Bruce Wayne.....
  17. GUYS......FELLOW FISHERMEN.......lets not paint all fishermen with that BROAD brush that is NOT ALLOWED if we were to single out a class of folks....... Just like when you read that a few crazy people went nuts at the concert last night....are all concert folks nuts or drunks or rowdy ????? of course not.....but here on this site we regularly hang each other then stick up for each other....divide and conquer is the best way to defeat us sportsmen.....
  18. And I forgot to mention CRAPPIE.......they are the VERY BEST eating fish IMHO....
  19. YES.......salmon are fun......perch and walleyes are DINNER....
  20. Have you consider one from Harbor Freight....... http://www.harborfreight.com/air-tools/air-compressors.html
  21. GREAT.......another nice day on Lake Ontario.........
  22. Looks FANTASTIC.......GREAT JOB.... Bob
  23. I stand corrected.........and that's even BETTER.....
  24. I believe Musky Mike orders from Cabela's all the time....I think he knows his way around the UPS shipping expense...but Mike's a veteran angler with these kind of things.....
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