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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. NICE...........never caught a shark......but it's been on the list....just don't seem to get too many in Lake Erie......
  2. Grim.....that's EXACTLY what we are looking for......it will be just a one day get together near the end of April with a park of some kind to gather and cook up our catch of the day.....late April is a great time for Lake Erie Perch......we probably could all launch out of Crystal Beach....fish until noon or 1pm and then meet somewhere close for a HUGE Perch Fish Fry.....nothing fancy......but a great way to meet, greet and EAT..... Bob
  3. Let me guess Paul........was he a "Hells Angel" on social security....that's what I call them down here.......
  4. Those years Ford trucks had a lot of trouble with spark plugs popping like pop corn so it just wasn't your truck....still not good news for someone that just purchased a vehicle....
  5. Nice report.......
  6. That's about half what my brother in-law paid.......good deal.
  7. I have recently had some more interest in setting up "THE BAY OF PIGS" for April of 2013....but still looking for one or two local guys in the Crystal Beach, Fort Erie area to find a spot to set up a get together site after we fish just one day and have a huge perch fry........anyone....anyone....anyone....anyone.....LOL How about you grimsbylander...your not too far if I'm correct....and maybe would get fish together or at least follow each other out.......or any other volunteers ? ? ? Bob
  8. You just can't hold back the TRUTH....LOL........ ...
  9. When your ready head down the West Herr Toyota and get yourself a nice TUNDRA......this is 100% the truth.....mine is now 5 years and 1 month old....never had to go back to the dealer except for a tire sensor calibration after FIRESTONE broke it while putting on new tires......I have had Fords, Chevy's and GMC trucks.......NOTHING comes close to the quality of this Toyota Tundra....
  10. At least he didn't volunteer to be put on the "LIST"....
  11. LOL.........I did a spell check and really didn't read it well enough...did I.....Dumb ...
  12. And I'll bet they are only female fish that have those teeth..... .....could be evaluation from a sucker....
  13. I'm not much of a hockey fan......but didn't they already do that years ago in Toronto......
  15. Then DON't READ IT.....
  16. As said by SlowPoke........and then just connect a 2 bank on board battery charger......all will be good.......mine has been running like this for 27 years now.......on board charger for over 10 years now...makes life real easy......get boat home or at the dock....plug her in and forget it until you go fishing again...
  17. Not a Neon.......but it does look like a new Intrepid......this doesn't do it for me......but I did see a nice Red Dodge Charger today on the way to the dentist.......now that's a nice looking car that is very close to the real thing.
  18. Sounds like a FISH STORY...... ....but this one could be a real one....
  19. Well, I don't know about you guys........but I'm ready to go with the Skipper on a THREE HOUR TOUR......
  20. NO.......I agree 100% with Art......this is a MEMORIAL for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.....let's PLEASE honor at that. The part with over 800 motorcycles sounds very impressive to me....we are thinking about going to this parade.
  21. Did you have a net to handle that hog....... Let me guess.....you deep fried it whole and put it on a hot dog roll (you know us American's with hot dogs).... Rumour has it I might someday fish with Pauly.....
  22. That's what we call a B...B BEAUTIFUL BASS............
  23. For those who enjoy fishing walleye on Lake Erie here some info....enjoy... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article939102.ece
  24. I take that personally......I guess you never served in the military or don't come from a military family.
  25. I guess you never heard of WWII
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