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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Also congrats on number 1!!
  2. Sure will lol dont worry about it they are quite good at shaking those hooks out.
  3. Wow bunk, hit another one outta the park! Fantastic all around!!!
  4. Well, i for one will be pulling some money out of my house savings to buy a survival suit. Between early spring, late fall, and all of winter ice fishing i spend too much time hovering above ice cold water not to. Before i had my daughter i definitely approached things with a little less caution but i want to be around for her so the ill play by the rules. Spencer was 23, its a terrible tragedy.
  5. A sad story indeed, turns out one of them is a mechanic at my work. Im not sure how knowledgeable they were about what cold water can do to a person. I gotta admit though in the heat of the moment it could be easy just to jump in the canoe to go get the paddleboat 100 feet away without considering the consequences. You will be missed spencer.
  6. Good on him! Always nice to have good feiends.
  7. Nice shark man!
  8. You can only use one rod if you are by yourself.
  9. I have a couple lt perch as well and am pretty disappointed in them, only caught a couple bass on the double jointed pike trolling and thats it. X2 on the wabler and the big o love them both!
  10. Pick a spot and chum it good with some corn or boilies of your own concoction, use the same bait on a hook with a slip sinker and cast into the middle of your chummed area. Proceed to wait! For pro tips look up hair rigs and boilies that might help give you the edge on them. I find when the carp are jumping they dont bite nearly as well as when they are quiet, look for small patches of tiny bubbles to come up to the surface this indicates that they are rooting around the bottom actively feeding. Good luck, post a pic when you get one!
  11. He uses pink teflon tape on his rigger rods, so theres an idea i guess lol. Good luck
  12. A guy on the lou board runs pink rigger rods with his wife on lake o ill see if i can find out what they are, he is in the states though so not sure if available here.
  13. Glad you got out in one piece bud, ive been through when i was younger and its pure adrenaline that gets you out quick. Looks like youre waiting for softwater with me now lol.
  14. Another awesome video bud! Looks like a riot!
  15. Nice gator! And welcome!
  16. Rip mr ford.
  17. I have a hard time watching most of the fishing shows on now, too much mishandling of the fish setting a bad example for everyone else. I have musky hunter set to pvr other than that i might check whats on but i rarely watch wfn anymore.
  18. Some nice football shape brownies!
  19. Sweet report! You guys always make it look like a good time!
  20. Gnote

    Icy Soul

    Nice pics! Did a lot better than me this winter lol.
  21. Try cookstown auto wrecker, its rare they dont have what i need
  22. Awesome dude! Looks like a blast, congrats on the win!
  23. Lol chris i have no idea, unless it came from the guy at kashaga lodge i sure didnt put it there. I dont even have one at my ct but maybe i should bring one in ?
  24. I agree, some people will do what they want regardless. I think anyone who cares already does what they can, those who dont arent likely to change for any number of reasons.
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