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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Cool, i couldnt find any pics anyway lol.
  2. Ill see if i can find a pic.
  3. I have a few custom meat paddles made by bob fuller, they are not like any i have seen elsewhere. Could be one of them or another custom job.
  4. Sweet little chinny!
  5. My favourite show by far is archer on fx, ive watched it repeatedly on netflix the funniest show ive ever watched. I also just watched making a murderer on netflix and it was an awesome documentary but hard to watch, pretty upsetting. Ill watch a bit of this and that as well, any fishing with muskie or pike or anything comedy.
  6. Gnote


  7. I bought a gps for my older humminbird for about 80 bucks a few years ago, not sure of the price now or if the same unit is still made, was a little white circle about as wide as a tennis ball. Sure made finding my lady o spots easier lol
  8. Thats tough lew, im sure it feels better knowing its going to a good place. Hopefully it sees a lot more slime yet!
  9. Gettin them consistently in the summer can be tricky but it can be done, during the day the best way to have a shot is trolling deep, ive trolled up to and past 40-50 fow for them. They do roam around so i try identify any cold water area that would hold forage for them, drop offs, islands, humps, shoals etc... Pike will hang out in the cool water but have no issue running into the bath to grab a meal and head back to the shade to digest. If i have a couple guys out ill run my baits at staggered depths in the water column to cover as much as possible. In the morning and the evening they will come back up shallow to prey on easy meals, big topwaters and stop and go jerkbaits or anything that makes a bit of fuss will usually get their attention. About a month ago out of penetang while muskie fishing my partner had a huge pike smash a bulldawg beside the boat as he was just pulling it out if the water, this was right on the shallow side of the drop off as the sun was going down. They will be in the same areas just set up in a different spot. Honestly, it never hurts to set up a big sucker and let it go for a swim, if you are patient you will see a big pike inhale that sooner or later. Good luck!
  10. Damn mike, what a specimen! Beauty fish and a helluva story!
  11. Oh well, after asian carp decimate the great lakes at least we can throw big gar in to fish for. I guess i better re read all of bunks reports ???
  12. Im sitting at 10 straight outings mike if it makes ya feel any better lol.
  13. I had to work today so no salmon fishin for me bud, will report next weekend.
  14. Thanks chris i appreciate the eyes, dont get me started on those marine fellas i live on simcoe after all...
  15. I would consider both of us lucky that they were not caught in the act...
  16. Thanks pete
  17. Thanks man, i appreciate it.
  18. I think some crackhead took it because the hood looked shiny, either way im gonna be watchin real close for a while.
  19. They didnt even take the gas can!!! I mean how stupid do you have to be. There was tonnes of stuff to steal and they just took the motor. I feel it was targeted too but it just doesnt make sense.
  20. This is the only pic i could find, its a very noticeable motor i hope one of you sees it. Thanks again
  21. Some ass stole my friends 1970 johnson 25hp right off the back of the boat sitting in my canal. The cowling was painted all white with no decals or numbers on it, bottom was still original johnson green. If you see this motor or suspect that you see it please contact me it is not worth a whole lot but we have countless hours of labour into the motor and my buddy is heartbroken that it is gone. I will give $100 if your help leads to the return of the motor. Thanks fellas
  22. With an aluminum you just gotta get it near the water and shove it off lol.
  23. An electric trolling motor is only as good as the battery you hook it up too, when i was younger we fished for years out of an inflatable raft and a canoe with an electric motor. I bought a big nautilus marine battery and could troll all day on 3-4 setting with no worries. Plus use max(5) if i wanted to boogie somewhere.
  24. I might have a a 55 lb thrust prowler for sale if you are interested, got a bow mount and its been my security blanket while i learned how to use the motorguide lol.
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