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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. Someone suggested Crotch Lake last week on thread similar to this. I'm thinking of checking it out myself and heard there is some good fishing. Just not sure exactly where it is, but supposedly has plenty of camping spots.
  2. Left my central air run all night last night, woke up to a cozy 74. Unfortunately I had to go to work, and its unbelievably hot and humid even in the shade. Feel sorry for those people like GCD that gotta work outside in this crap, especially with work gear on, uhhh.
  3. I believe PigeonFisher has one, and his previous was one as well. My recollection, he clocked aton of mileage on his too. I was interested in one before, just didn't fit my budget at the time, but heard alot of good things about them.
  4. Wow guys! Even in the tough conditions you's did awesome. And the heads on some of those pike were something fierce. Gread read too! Nice going.
  5. Man alive, thats is one huge bbq. My buddy actually has one very similar, just not quite as long, but big enough where it took 3 guys to lift it to his deck. Needless to say, he chains his down. I believe they are called 'Silver Bullet' bbq's.
  6. Not thats a haul and a half! That one perch in there looks huge. Nice going.
  7. Judging by some of the other Kawartha reports, the Hoff is right!
  8. Great report. Glad to see ya's get into some eyes at Rice. I haven't seen a walleye report from Rice in awhile. You catch all your fish on slip bobbers?
  9. Nice haul xrap.
  10. You and bly kill me. You guys just catch fish, plain and simple! Nice going Cliff. And it was nippy out today, no doubt much colder on the lake tonight.
  11. I have to say I enjoy Cliff and blys reports. I like there enthusiam for the sport. Plus they seem like really nice people. Keep up the good work!
  12. Awesome story. One for the ages thats for sure! Haha, I needed a good laugh too!
  13. I by no means am good on working on cars. But I bought the pickup coil, but wouldn't ya know it, I took out the distributor, made all the marking necessary, and I couldn't get that dang pin out to pull out the distributor shaft! Good thing is when I put everything back together, the car started. Though still having my rpm's wavering. Guess I gotta take a torch to the pin to get it out?
  14. I love my car when it runs fine, perhaps I take it for granted sometimes, maybe thats why it decided to put alittle bit of stress in my life now. First, I got my oil changed, tires rotated, and brakes inspected. I pickup my car and the engine lights comes on, but this time, stays on! I get home and checked the code on it, turns out to be an issue with my Throttle Position Sensor. I swing by Parts Source and replace it in the parking lot there. First it appeared nothing changed, engine light stayed on and my rpm gauge was still erratic and low. After some choice words about cars in general, I try to take it back to get another, no dice, so I put it back in, and voila, everything started working normal again. Finally, something goes right, but not so quick. The car worked fine that evening, however, when I went to start my car this morning, darn thing wouldn't start! Had a friend come down and give me a jump, still wouldn't start. I checked to make sure all the plugs were in, go to start it again, this time it fired up. Once again, the engine light came on and stayed on. I check the code(s), this time I got a 2 for 1 special, TPS again, and code 42 -- Electronic Spark Timing Circuit. What ever that is. I get to work only 2.5 hours late. But I also noticed now that there is a bit of a spudder when I accelerate from a stopped position, but if I push softly, no spudder, and works fine at normal speeds. I'm on a car forum and someone mentioned he had pretty much the same issue, he replaced his magnetic pickup coil, and it fixed the issue. So I'm gonna go and pickup the part after work. I just don't understand how these things come in waves, it drives me nuts!! Why can't they invent cars that fix themselves? Anyways, just needed to rant abit.
  15. Well I am married, have a son, and another on the way. I have cancelled 2 trips to Quinte already, pretty much outta luck for going to my buddies cottage in Haliburton this summer. I guess that says it all. Actually, its not the fishing part she has a problem with, its the being away from home she don't like, my son too. So I fish much less than I use to. Only little trips for an hour or 2 locally.
  16. I too have to say that I really enjoyed reading this thread. Looked like aton of fun. And that scenery looks simply awesome. When I go fishing, a big part of my enjoyment is the scenery, when you put both together, you get what you had. Nice going.
  17. If I'm not mistaken Photoz, I believe Bob Izumi filmed a carp show there a few years ago. Theres lots of parking available there, and you definately want to bring some sort cart with you, because there is some walking involved, alot depending where you want to go. Give er a go. Almost forgot to mention, nice report Jen.
  18. Thats no problem for me, I never get my gas at Petro.
  19. Congrats! Talk about a plan coming together. Thats awesome, yer new place looks amazing. You lucky dog.
  20. That was awesome! If those buffalo always had that mentality, they would be unstoppable!
  21. Me too! And I got $5 out of it. I would have to say that was one of the best UFC's I've seen in awhile. From the first fight on to the last, excellent stuff. And Jardine had that coming, he took that guy lightly and said some things prior to the fight where I was glad to see him knocked out cold! I had to stay off this forum cuz I had not seen the fight until Sunday night, and I knew someone would post a title of the outcome, that kinda drives me nuts.
  22. I am very sorry to here that Lew. You've had a rough go of losing people that are close to you. Not much can be said for matters like this.
  23. Sounds like you guys had a good time. Good stuff Jeff. Unfortunately, I don't see any pics of guys passed out or heaving over a deck.
  24. Man alive, nice report Mike! You guys definately had food of champions, wow. And I don't recall ever hearing of a Silver Bass being caught in there, impressive. Nice going. And just think I coulda been up there for a few days, unfortunately, I was up there for the opener and the family wasn't letting me go anywhere.
  25. I tried Vanish when it first came out, seems like it hasn't changed according to your results Cliff. I really don't see the use of spooling up with the flouro they have to offer. The way I see it, its meant for leader material.
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