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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. I use improved clinch for mono and flouro mostly, uni for superlines, and I too also burn the end.
  2. You don't wanna use a uni to uni with the lines you mentioned, difference in diameter is too great. I would use a small barrel swivel, Pline makes a strong small barrel swivel. As for length, pretty much what muskieman mentioned.
  3. Another stellar report! Judging by the pics you took, the show should be great to watch.
  4. You could easily get away with 10lb pp on your spincast, 20lb would be fine too. As for your baitcaster, I would probably go for 30lb PP.
  5. Was there for the opener, caught all our fish at night. Good luck.
  6. Nice job! I have to say, Rock Bass maybe my favourite tasting fish.
  7. I personally haven't, but I have seen those Berkley worms, and they should be ideal for that situation. They look exactly like a dew worm so they should work fine.
  8. They seem to have this sale on for the last 3 years. I picked one up last year, decent little combo. My reel unfortunately has some issues though, have to keep checking my drag cuz it losens on its own. Other than that, its a great deal for $30.
  9. Hey Goran, heard some were hitting by the carp trap.
  10. Man alive, that sucks! Sorry to hear about that Easton. I was out there too, I had a walleye in the livewell that probably woulda placed, maybe 7th and up, but my ol man wanted to wait till the end of fishing before weighing it. Well, it died in the livewell.
  11. OUCH! I know how ya feel.
  12. Very impressive Sam. That is a great idea, and I'm sure it'll help out alot fellows out there, especially Friday night\early Saturday morning. Good chance you'll be seeing me there at some point. WTG.
  13. That is really ignorant. I would normally respond by ' I can't believe that ' , but yet, I can believe. Pitiful.
  14. I swung by the pier last Friday I believe. I spoke with a guy there and he stated got about a half bucket full the week before. He was hoping to get more that night, but there were 5' waves coming in. Actually seen a surfer there too, crazy guy.
  15. If your fishing for walleyes, thats probably the best time for em. I'm headin up to BOQ this week for the opener and thats pretty much all we do is night fish, I'm talking till day break. We just troll cranks like HJ's and Rogues..... and if its a nice night and we are on a good spot, casting as well.
  16. Tough break on the prop, that stuff happens, just sucks when it happens to you! And your boat looks nice and very comfortable. Good job!
  17. My dad has this Magellan Sportrak Map GPS unit and he dropped it off for me to figure it out. Anyone here have any experience with this particular unit? I have Mapsend Topo Canada installed on the pc to upload maps to it.
  18. Unfortunately, won't be able to make it. Had some side jobs to do, as well as getting packed for Quinte the next day. Have fun boys.
  19. Impossible Sonny, cuz I"m gonna win the derby. I'll be heading up to Quinte this Thursday and coming back on the following Tuesday. Can't wait!
  20. I have a personal preference for TowerManor Lodge, but you can also check out this site for a complete list of what Rice Lake has to offer: http://www.ricelakeinfo.com/linkrstcot.htm
  21. Very good possibility I'll be there. I'll mention it to the wife, she shouldn't have a problem. She may have an issue picking me up though, since I'll likely drink a few. But I don't live far from there anyways. Its too bad that the pier in Grimsby is so small, or else it woulda been nice to take some casts before the swill.
  22. The only advice I can give you about a stainless steel prop is don't hit a rock, thats very bad.
  23. Nice going David. I'd say that was an outstanding day indeed. I need a day like that asap! Anyways, looking forward to seeing some of your walleye reports soon too.
  24. :worthy: Dave, YOU ARE HARDCORE! I can't believe you are ready to go after all that. Good luck out there if you get out. And watch your step!
  25. Awesome seeing them in the playoffs again. They have a very good chance of making the conference finals too! Who knows, maybe the finals! GO RAPS!!!!
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