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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. I do alot of shore fishing for salmon and trout. I have a 10' Medium action Shimano Convergence, paired with a Shimano Symettre, 4000 size, with 8lb Fins Evolution line and a flouro leader. Handles salmon like a champ, but is kinda heavy for trout, at least I find. If you get a smaller reel, like the size of a 2500 series, I wouldn't put any backing on, but thats just me. With mono, you'll be able to cast a mile, but if you hook into a salmon, or a nice bow, your line will stretch like crazy after a few fish and then you'll have to replace it. Again, thats what I find. As well, its extremely important to get high quality snap/barrel swivels. If you don't, your line will twist and will affect your casting distance.
  2. Think I should start peddling my services at fishing stores now. Think I'm on to something here.
  3. Just don't call me a NERD.
  4. Had the dayoff today and decided to run some errands with my son. Decided to stop by a sports store, think it was Athletes World? As we were walking around, heard the girls in a panic while they spoke with what appeared their head office. Appears their server was down and head office was trying to walk them through trouble-shooting it. They were not too pleased since they knew nothing about computers and customers getting denied on their purchases, returns.... Well, I stepped in and informed them that I know about computers, after all, that is what I do for a living. After they heard that, they pretty much hung up the phone. After getting their server up and running again and diagnosing that their bar code scanner is doa, they were quite ecstatic. I was about to leave knowing I did a good deed, they stopped me and asked to leave my phone #. Got a call a few hours later that they got a $50 gift certificate for me and an employee discount on any purchase for life, haha. I tell ya, its good to know about computers.
  5. When I clicked to read the rules and enter, I get this: Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.
  6. Yeah, I was reading that braided line thread when T.J. posted that. Grrr, soooo close but yet so far.
  7. I seen a show on the Discovery Channel a month or 2 ago pertaining the same thing as the guy in the article is doing. Except this guys refinery contraption was much larger, and quite a tedious procedure. He would travel around to restaurants and take their old deep fryer oil. Put it in his refinery machine then directly into his pickup. Quite a process and can see how it could work, especially with a smaller refiner. Cool post Gerritt.
  8. That is soooo true. BB's means nothing. I have a funny feeling stating that, likes theres connotation to it or something? I have seen Berkley Lightning Rod Prolites, Buzz Ramsey or Hank Parker series, for $30, add a Pflueger Trion or Shimano Sonara, yer lookin at $80 maybe or less. Thats what I would buy....gee...wait a sec, that is what I did buy and happy with that combo!
  9. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. I only live some 15 minutes away from there and never ice fished. Think I'll bring my son up there sometime then. Are the fish safe to eat outta there?
  11. I have to admit, that would be extremely annoying to go through. But take in the comfort that his time will come, don't worry about that. You know the ol sayin - " Whats goes around comes around ". Good luck in your future endeavours.
  12. I ordered mine a couple weeks back, hoping it arrives this week! Along with my BPS catalogues too hopefully.
  13. I have read a couple articles concerning AV's, and BitDefender was ranked above Norton each time. Just an FYI.
  14. When I kept seeing a message popup when I had v.7.1, I thought they were going to discontinue the free package. But that is not so, it still will be free. Here is a clipping from their site: GRISOFT is announcing a new version of the AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition. This new 7.5 version with improved performance and full compatibility with the latest Windows Vista version is available. Users that are using AVG Free 7.1 will be provided with a specific dialog, within the next few weeks, with the opportunity to choose the right option fulfilling their needs. AVG Free 7.1 version will be discontinued on 18th of Feb 2007.
  15. Well, got to work around 8:30 this morning, and got home at 10:30 in the PM! Had a virus hit my work, infected some 1500 Windows 2k machines! Pc's started shutting down by themselves, doh. Myself being in the I.T. department, well, you know, had to clean up some serious mess. Well, thats my rant, now I'm gonna have a much deserved beer. Anyone else get hit at their work today?
  16. It is pretty funny, but someone posted that today or yesterday here.
  17. That took a few minutes before could I let that picture disappear to the top of my browser window. That place looks amazing. How long you gonna be up there for?
  18. Wow, that part of Superior I would love to visit, no wonder you go there every year, looks amazing. Now, what do you do concerning bears, besides running for your life if you encounter one? Seems like alot of places you go are bear country.
  19. That last pic is a keeper for sure. Did you mount it?
  20. A term popped in my head when I saw your tacklebox....Tackle checkout girl. hahah. Wow, nice collection there. And I thought my 6 3750's were alot. All I can say is you've inspired me to increase my collection. My wife will love that.
  21. The thing is about Bittorrent, you're doing both at the same time.
  22. I was thinking my next purchase to be the Diawa Theory 2500 spinning reel. I am confident that this will be a solid reel, but would like some of your opinions on it, good or bad.
  23. I am glad you gave us a heads up Gerritt. And that torrent Miami Vice[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo looks familiar. I may have even dl'd it and it didn't work? Yikes! I will have to save this thread and keep an eye on things from now on. Think it may be time to join some of those torrent forums.
  24. Can it be any funnier than seeing Barry swimming for his Legend Elite Rod at Rice Lake? I got a good chuckle outta that, but Barry looked pretty worried. And thanks for the heads up Roy.
  25. Wow, that was some trip(s)! Awesome report.
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