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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. This is the only time I'll be up at Lew O clock, since I haven't slept yet! So.... good morning! Gotta love newborns, have to admit, she is a cutie, wish I had a digital camera to show y'all. Oh well, sick day tomorrow, whoops, I mean today, and if I'm lucky, some fishing this afternoon! Have a great day. Man, am I tired.
  2. Sometimes its the size of the minnow you are using and depth your float is set at, not that you didn't know that already. Just the other day, I threw on a minnow, little bit over 2", and no takers. Put another minnow on, little smaller, put in same spot, bam, fish on within seconds. I also put a heavy bell sinker on hook, temporarily, and cast in spot I'll be fishing, that tells me how much deeper or not, to set my float. Or they could just be full? Frustrating no doubt though. All that you more than likely already know, but throwing some suggestions out there. Good luck.
  3. Good seeing you back Grimace. An excellent report and a very nice tip on reading those baitfish, nice going.
  4. SNAG, you kill me. That was a great POST!
  5. I concur, my brother and sister have that, I may too , but definately sounds like you may have it too. I hear it about it more and more from people nowadays.
  6. I keep shaking my head every-time I see that add, its whacked dawg.
  7. Thanks guys.
  8. Was wondering, if a bait casting reel is rated for a minimum of 12lb line, are there any issues spooling a diameter like a 6lb or 8lb diameter on it? I would spool some kind of braid on it. I've pretty much been a spinning reel kinda guy, just wondering.
  9. I add water too the freezer bag and the fish seems to keep pretty well for a year. Nothing beats fresh fish though, but the fish I've had in the freezer for a year still tastes good. I just cut the edges that got freezer burn on them.
  10. Wow, a carp on shiners, who woulda thunk? Nice going, nothing like a good fight no matter what kinda fish it is.
  11. Nice going David, look like you boys had a great time. Ain't it nice now to be able to wear a t-shirt out there in October! Looking forward for more reports from ya this season. Especially since I won't be able to head up there until the Spring, at least I hope I can. Good luck.
  12. Bought that combo and only have a problem with the reel, the drag will loosen itself, so I gotta check it often and tighten drag.
  13. I was by there last December and the rumour was that it was closed down, and it looked like it too. Thats good to know that its still up and running.
  14. I thought they closed down the Sportsman Motel?
  15. How bout some ideas of where as well. Boilers is a pretty good place as well as Mustangs, on Barton and Fruitland.
  16. WOW Rick! Now that was some story, glad everyone innocent here came out unscaved.
  17. Is there such a thing of a bad time to drink beer?? Actually, places like Slantes really picks up during the cold months.
  18. Have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed readings yer summer threads. Don't they make it look sooo easy on TV with those house reno's? Place looks good, and a fine job on the rocks, musta been some dandy work splittin em eh? Seemed like alot of work, but work worth doing. Nice, that is a summer I would love to have.
  19. Grew up in the East end of Hamilton, now in Stoney Creek.
  20. Nice going Cliff!
  21. I know someone who salts them once he buys them, and does quite well. He uses them on a drop-shot rig. Twitch that line and that dead minnow goes nuts. So yeah, dead minna's work.
  22. Agree! I had it on all my reels for a few years, but stopped using it when they 'improved' it. I found the improved one was pretty unreliable.
  23. Lebarons should at least have the net you're looking for. I picked up a tangle-free net, 48" extendable handle there for only $34. Better yet, you should go to Grimsby Tackle, they typically have a good selection of quality nets and has a decent selection of musky baits too. Give em a call: PHONE: 905-945-0399
  24. I hear ya mikey, was out last Saturday, caught 2 and haven't caught any since.
  25. Ahh, bat porn, awesome!! Now I've seen it all. Nice going Jeff, on the bass that is. And whats with bats and chicks, why do they always freak out??? Good stuff mang.
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