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Everything posted by Rizzo

  1. Although I will take a quick measurement of a fish's length, I have never measured girth. We got a real good one a few weeks back (sorry for the crappy airbrushing....my first attempt). It was 52 inches long but no clue what the girth is. It was super fat, but of course these things are hard to tell in photos. What would the "normal" girth of a 52 inch musky be? Is it 24 inches? 22 inches? And if that is "normal" what would a thick fish have as a girth at that length...25? 27?. This one was clearly eating some fatty oily fish (ie trout) not surviving on a meal of perch! Reason for asking is a mount is being considered, but don't want to underestimate it or overestimate it. **sorry guys pic now deleted. I wasn't aware someone can "un blurr" the photo to see the background. For the sake of guys that fish that area regularly I did not want to reveal the spot**
  2. ya that looks nice and clear...solid ice. That is not what I was seeing!
  3. Was up in the Hanover area today, decided to check ice thickness (I will admit...I did have fishing gear in the trunk, was hoping to find a safe amount!). Anywho, I went around 20 feet offshore where the water would be only a couple feet deep. Spud bar went through on second hit. Rats. No ice fishing today. With the warm weather coming this week, southern Ontario still at least a couple weeks away from safe ice. There was approx 2.5 to 3 inches but was not particularly solid
  4. would suck if you went that far just to find unsafe ice! glad it worked out
  5. actually I used to fish Niagara about 20 years ago and would do quite well. Then things started to go down hill so I started elsewhere. Maybe go back some day, not sure how that fishery is now
  6. Gross. When I was a teen I would "catch" all kinds of lampreys in the Humber under the old mill bridge. Never thought about eating one...preferred throwing them at my friends instead.
  7. when I lived in Barrie, a skunking wasn't so bad as I was only driving maybe an hour to an hour and a half to get fishing. Now that I am in Guelph...3 hours from St. C and 3 hours from Kawarthas....I really really hate the skunking. The drive seems soooo much longer when you smell as fresh as when you headed to the lake.
  8. hahahaha...ya everything is great up to negative 35
  9. great read...keep at it! We have all had some rough outings, just suck when they come back to back
  10. haha oh ya my wife would have a look alright
  11. As a Dutchmen I do it with braid all the time. Also as a Dutchmen I never use fluoro as a mainline, just mono. But i don't think mono would work. Just try it and see what happens. Test it out the day before you go fishing tho
  12. ...or valentines....DEFINITELY not Valentine's day!
  13. ya I saw the title here and thought "oh man...he is doomed". You can buy fishing stuff for the wife, it just better not be on Christmas, anniversary or birthday.
  14. some amazing fish...and plenty of em! Never seen lower unit oil look like that, wow. I just drained mine yesterday (so sad) and fortunately it looked as good as the day I put it in last year. Its kinda tempting when it looks good flowing out just to put the screw back in! (I didn't)
  15. yipes. That is a shame (so many dead bass I mean)
  16. Rizzo


    wow there are some serious fish there! Very nice
  17. Some awesome pictures there. Just wondering what all those mosquitoes up there eat!
  18. well got out there one more time (this past Tuesday) and we had to work for it. One for one...38.5 inches. Normally I wouldn't measure fish that size but it was the first for a friend of mine so we had to get an accurate measurement. It certainly made his day! Water temps were 42-43 degrees
  19. ya we were hesitant to go there. Our last fall trip to Pigeon we were 0 for 1 in 2.5 days of fishing....then we remembered that can happen anywhere and decided to go for it anyways!
  20. I read your list but the most common regret was not there....did not pack enough beer
  21. nice pike! And no offence to pike...but man am I disappointed when the rod goes off and I bring in a pike. Then again, I have never caught a 42 inch pike...maybe I would be ok with that!
  22. keep at it! Don't get discouraged. As the water gets below 50 (which it is) the bite can be pretty tough. Pigeon is a great lake but when it comes to musky, being skunked is always something that can happen, even on a great lake.
  23. but wait...how was the fishing when you went out there?
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