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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. I have always found and believed people with a great attitude, capability, focus, discipline and determination succeed and make their own good luck. I am a 40 yr old college graduate with numerous learnings along the way both from the classroom and on the job. Post secondary education can help provide capability but is also a test/indicator whether someone is able to learn new, complex topics, make good decisions, the all important etc and can provide a glimpse of the possible future. How students applied and projected themselves during the education process and interview/relationship building process determines whether they get employed. As experience grows, we are still students and the same applies. I also don't beileve it's always necessary for everyone to have post secondary training. Everyone is different with their goals and needs. As the saying goes - whatever floats yer boat!
  2. Hopefully this thread can get back on track. Thanks for posting the link Cliff!
  3. Best of luck!
  4. I stand corrected. I applied rough estimates and assumed 40 hrs/week. Regardless, are folks thinking this entry level $36855 position in Peterborough is a bad thing? It's not uncommon to bring a new person in as temporary and flip to full time once you know there is the right fit.
  5. $45K/yr entry level position in Peterborough. That does not actually seem too bad or horrible i suppose. This role could be a great starting point for someone leading to a nice career. Fresh IT college/undergrads in southern and southwestern Ontario (more expensive markets) range from 45-55K with some exceptions.
  6. After your next one is built, let me know if you are looking for a spare "friend". LOL
  7. Agree with this comment. You can remind your mechanic you were hesitant to go ahead with the work knowing it was $400 (presumably taxes included). If he is interested in building a relationship with you where you will tell 10 friends a good story, he will be helpful. If he is not interested in middle ground or helping you out, I say pay the price and tell 10 friends and ask each to tell 10 of their own the bad story. Be sure to let him know your thoughts and that you actually know more than 10 people.
  8. I use small trays with ample amounts of cloves. Works great inside my camper and boat.
  9. Lest we forget. Remembering Uncle Doug and my dear Dad.

  10. I always bring tuna sandwiches so I always have fish in the boat. My father in law always brings egg salad sandwiches (no exceptions - ever).
  11. Great. Now I need to buy a boatload of bananas.
  12. Heh. Need jobs everywhere.
  13. It's because of the likes and actions of people mentioned in this story I keep coming back. Awesome!
  14. Well...the underlying assumption here is fish are present. An angler getting a handle on a pattern can't start or be as effect if not sure there are any fish or doesn't at least test out the assumption. So yes. The first thing to be concerned over is finding the fish!
  15. Great topic and input. I also agree color is a top aspect for zoning in on a pattern. As well as action/presentation. On the really hard days (for me), figuring this out like a science or art can be like picking the lottery numbers. I believe there is more luck then anything in play. If I had more time available to fish, I would focus more on trying different things to determine successful patterns. Instead, I tend to try different things and change up based on what is readily available and my mood (should be the fish's mood). It gets me fishing (and relaxed - the reason I am on the water) and generally into fish.
  16. JoshS and I are in the same boat. I am deeply saddened for the family.
  17. Congrats on the new job.
  18. You guys are demented and some of the reasons I come back everyday. LOL
  19. I have always held the notion that most people act and behave in the way which they are lead. I believe most COs are good people too...sometimes some appear to have a chip on their shoulder but generally they are performing the job as they are instructed. It's easy to be armchair quarterback and describe how we would call the strategy and play but we are not them and working in their shoes or working conditions. When confronted by COs (which is rare), I cut them some slack. I have nothing to be concerned over as I am within regulations. We generally thoroughly enjoy our conversations.
  20. Sarcasm and stooping down 10 levels. :: clap clap ::
  21. ^^ sounds like a trip to remember.
  22. I am happy with a recent Canadian Tire Motormaster purchase. 275/55/20 M+S. lots I sales there lately on other brands as well.
  23. Roy's comments were "slicker than snot on a roosters lip". I am disappointed in some members wonder for 5 mins what this place would be like if they actually put the time in to be a moderator.

    1. Spiel


      Roy is an amazing person, no doubt!

  24. If you have the funds to buy a new or newer vehicle, I agree with everyone else to try for a 4x4. You will be happier. If fuel mileage is a real concern, you could have some trouble (i.e. lugging a 3500 lb weight behind any vehicle costs for towing and then running the vessel!). I am on my 2nd 4x4 now. The first I bought used then I ended up buying new later. I can't ever imagine going back to 2wd - not willingly!
  25. Great report. I hope to make it up to the area someday. Reports like this one really get blood pumping and day dream starting.
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