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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. You speak the truth!
  2. Hey Gerritt, I appreciated the heads up. Thanks.
  3. I quit 16 yrs ago this time of year when in college. I made rules to always smoke outside, when in college don't go get my jacket for a quick smoke outside which turned to always, and buy the poverty packs (15 smokes) after I worked my way down to 1/2 pack a day. Then made a rule to only smoke 1/2 a poverty pack a day. Then one day while outside freezing my bic I realized how much of a fool I thought I was. Paying more money for less smokes, freezing my bic, these silly rules, yellow fingers and teeth and threw the pack in the garbage and the extra 2 packs at home and swore to not waste anymore money or time or restart. It was tough and not my first time quiting. If you really want to quit, you'll figure it out for yourself and do it. Best of luck. You'll be happier because of it.
  4. Enjoy. I can't make it due to last minute business travel. Edit: raising my double rye to you all while on my train ride back to home. I hope everyone has a great time and safe travels.
  5. That is wild. Wow.
  6. Great. I can't go tomorrow either but please rub it in with a trip report.
  7. I still day dreamed around 3 PM this afternoon thinking I would have had more fun then my afternoon of meetings. LOL.
  8. Hey Indy. I see you upgraded since we have been out sledding many many moons ago. I still have my old 1990 beater Yammy Phazer and still in the Thamesford area. Almost time for a sled upgrade.
  9. Damn work. I'd love to but can't.
  10. If I promise to comb my back hair, does the offer apply to me as well?
  11. Wowzers. Very nice.
  12. Beauty. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Correct. You have stated your point. Bring on the hard water.
  14. Shucks. I was actually hoping to witness the bond of two new fishing buddies. If it were to occur, I am just not sure it's creationism or evolution - the budding friendship.
  15. I have seen "I Dream of Jeannie" and am confused. I thought everyone knew the creation of the universe stemmed from magic and witchcraft. That sounds ludicrous. I will self impose punishment for adding to the ridiculousness of winternet. Off the the garage!
  16. Scary toes on big foot!
  17. Regardless of the motivation for starting the thread.... Thanks!
  18. I literally laughed out loud. Great idea.
  19. Ain't that the truth! I hear ya.
  20. Thanks for all the replies! Bring on the hard water!!!
  21. Yeah. The water level was crazy low this year. Wildwood closed up in August this year. Start the snow dance now.
  22. I fish Wildwood frequently in the summer. I used to dock my boat there. I agree with Woodsman about the ice conditions there. I have heard a few stories about cold, wet fisherman.
  23. I sometimes listen to NASCAR races over my satellite radio while puttering out in the garage. I used to listen to hockey..... Sometimes it's just as entertaining over the radio.
  24. Nice ride you have there.
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